WARNING: This Statistic May Make You Feel Ill
Yet we have no idea how many successful people there are.
I mean you hear things all the time.
Here is something that I personally thought was very interesting.
I had it emailed to me last night from a list I am on (some of you are probably on it also) in case you are not I thought I would share as I feel this is pretty important at gauging the whole of our industry in terms of 2 very simple statistics.
91.6% of people
earn LESS than $100 per month online.
76% of them actually earn ZERO (even thought they started
at least 6 months ago).
If you dont already know where these stats are from, I wont say as I really don't think it matters and that is not the point of this thread.
Look at it from this point of view, most statistics from surveys will almost always favor what the applying party wants to push however in the end almost all statistics are still roughly in the right ball park when it comes to the right figure if done properly i.e. you wouldnt compare the obesity rate of the U.S. compared with China and sell those results as all encompassing and worldy.
Anyway's, not to be arrogant or anything but I believe this is something I have been banging on about for years now:
There is only like 1-2% that are actually KILLING IT online! These are your Millionaires.
Think about it.
If these stats are telling us that only 9% (technically 8.4%) are making more than $100 per week, then Im going to assume and conclude that around half of them (4% of total) arn't earning much more then that.
Maybe something between a few hundred dollars to a standard low to medium wage 1K - 4K per month???
Then Im going to assume that yet again half of that 4% (2% of total) are earning fairly decent money. Decent to me is between 5k - 10K per month and again I think that very roughly half of that (1% of total figure) is actually making a killing online.
With some rough numbers to start with and a hell of a lot of assuming, I honestly believe that is the right figure... approximately-ish

...or at least not far off, right?
Whats the point of all this? For me, it was great to see these stats, especially seeing as I didnt go looking for it. Because for me it validates something I personally know and have experienced. Working online can be fun, it can give you possibilities and freedoms you have never dreamed of... but you still have to work your ass off.
Money just doesnt fall in your lap no matter what industry or area of work you are in. You have to knuckle down, at least in the beginning.
I think part of that massive failure rate is due of course to the fact that online marketing and online entrepreneurship is so easy to get into. Anyone can get started right now, some even for free!
What happens is a false sense of security.
Its like this analogy; my brother was recently honey mooning in Bora Bora, Moorea and Tahiti. He was telling me the water is like waist deep for kilometers on end from the shore line and then all of a sudden without any warning you get to edge of the sand belt, you step forward and you are no longer standing, but swimming in water that goes 40 something metres below!
Imagine if you cant swim!
It is exactly like that.
This business of ours does by its very nature allure people because of its easy access. Then people naively or some plain ignorantly believe because they can get started on an hour a day and no money, that is how to push forward.
Its like saying your going to start your plumbing business with no money invested in a truck, tools and materials and only working on the weekends! It is ridiculous. Yet online, people somehow believe that all they need is their laptop and the time for working between The Simpsons and The Big Bang Theory to succeed...
The message for me or form me is; it doesnt matter how easy something is to get involved in or how much money you think you can make, everything in life requires an exchange of energy, time put away, and even if you do that you could still screw it up if you dont do it intelligently!
Im telling you from experience. Forget what the hokey and puffed up sales pages are telling you, use common sense, work your ass, ask for advice (here is good), have patience, invest wisely and biggest of all LEARN & GROW.
I hope you found this helpful.
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