Best place to sell IM applications

3 replies
So I'm developing some ideas into actual applications and it is getting closer to completion and the start of the QA stage. It involves graphics and website optimization mostly.

Besides the WSO forum, where can I find other places to sell them?

Where do you guys found success for simple but useful software in the range of $17 to $47?
#applications #place #sell #software
  • Profile picture of the author adsassist
    Find people that are in your niche at these places.

    YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Related Forums, Google if you can rank, Free press releases, Slideshare, Guest Blogging, Stumble Upon, Delicious, Squidoo, LinkedIn, Yahoo Answers, Blog Commenting, Craigslist
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  • Profile picture of the author napoleonfirst
    Well, BHW, BH Team, and Digitalpoint are great places to sell it. You can also set up a site and sell Adwords traffic using an expert in ppc stuff at Elance or Odesk. You need to choose someone with at least 4.8 in feedback.
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  • Profile picture of the author cesarsan
    Thanks for the suggestions, guys.
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