Affiliate scams, misbehavior, "shenanigangs" thread... Post 'em
What's the biggest problems you've had with affiliates, when deciding how to screen for accepting/recruiting affiliates, to promote for you? (to clarify, how to avoid getting taken advantage of by unscrupulous affiliates, in general)
I'm asking because I'm finally going to start doing more with affiliates, beyond general jv partners, this year in 2013. I was going to do that last year, but postponed it. I'm starting w/shareasale to help w/managing it.
My #1 biggest concern:
a) affiliate puts through phony sales (ripped off cc numbers, whatever), you pay out commisshes net 30 or 60, then all orders charged back 90 days later, and you're left being ripped off of hundreds/thousands of dollars.
Secondary concerns:
b) affiliates spam or send out non-FTC compliant emails, despite being told that it's against affiliate TOS, and gets you in trouble w/FTC/AGs etc
c) affiliates post "review" sites and get your products ranked high in google SEO and cross promotes your competitors using your own keywords/titles at their sites
I'm sure there's more "shenanigans", theft, fraud going on out there in affiliate-land. Any top ones you've been burned by, and any countermeasures or protections? I'd really appreciate any thoughts on this, folks - thanks!
p.s. my thinking on first protection is only accept affiliates from countries w/good IP enforcement, like USA, Canada, UK, Australia, and never from affiliates in malaysia, indonesia, china, nigeria etc. I have kept successful in my business by having a keen sense of mistrust and caution about all things.
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