Fake threats on Youtube?
Now, I've gotten a message from 3 Minutes Music TV ( https://www.youtube.com/user/ThreeMinutesMusicTV ) on Youtube claiming copyright:
"Copyright Hi there,
You have to remove your load Emancipator - Minor Cause.
You do not have rights to publish it.
If the song is not deleted, 3MM Production will send a copyright infringment.
Thanks for your attention. 3MM Production Team"
Is this legit? Do they have any rights to claim this? I've told them that if they want the video removed, they should flag it through Youtube instead of sending a PM. I kind of sense that this is a fake claim and they do not have the right to do this, since I haven't found anything online regarding their name in relation to the music. Is it malicious for my account if they flag it through Youtube? What is the best way to go about this.
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