Fake threats on Youtube?

19 replies
I have a question regarding copyright infringements on youtube. I published a video to share a song, it's at Youtube over at : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKXAuTRoyY4
Now, I've gotten a message from 3 Minutes Music TV ( https://www.youtube.com/user/ThreeMinutesMusicTV ) on Youtube claiming copyright:
"Copyright Hi there,
You have to remove your load Emancipator - Minor Cause.
You do not have rights to publish it.
If the song is not deleted, 3MM Production will send a copyright infringment.
Thanks for your attention. 3MM Production Team"

Is this legit? Do they have any rights to claim this? I've told them that if they want the video removed, they should flag it through Youtube instead of sending a PM. I kind of sense that this is a fake claim and they do not have the right to do this, since I haven't found anything online regarding their name in relation to the music. Is it malicious for my account if they flag it through Youtube? What is the best way to go about this.
#fake #threats #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author Aouragh
    You're right, they wouldn't send you a PM, they would just flag it.

    Ignore this.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ernest Simon
    It could be your competitors trying to remove you.

    If the video is not copyrighted and they flag it - nothing will happen. Unless it does not abide some other Youtube's policies. That supports my theory that they are simply your competitors. They are trying to find another means to remove you from your position.

    So in conclusion, if your video is completely legit - false claims won't harm it.

    Also, I recommend reporting the very person to youtube.
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    • Profile picture of the author BackLinkiT
      They may just be trying to be nice by giving you the chance to take it down voluntarily before they report you. The approach is only fake if they really don't own the rights to the work.
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  • Profile picture of the author GoodFE
    They have 35 subscribers. I would assume that they are making false claims against you friend.
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    • Profile picture of the author BackLinkiT
      Originally Posted by GoodFE View Post

      They have 35 subscribers. I would assume that they are making false claims against you friend.
      This is bad advice. You shouldn't assume anything in a situation like this.

      Try asking them to demonstrate ownership of the rights perhaps. If they prove they do, then take the video down.
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      • Profile picture of the author GoodFE
        Originally Posted by damienboyd View Post

        This is bad advice. You shouldn't assume anything in a situation like this.

        Try asking them to demonstrate ownership of the rights perhaps. If they prove they do, then take the video down.
        No it's not bad advice at all. Youtube have situations regarding copyright and this person obviously isn't trying to be nice. Their account has TM after it and 35 subs. They are either kids messing around or they are just messing with it.

        If anything I would flag their message as I doubt you are the only person they have done it too and is surely against YouTube T&C to just PM someone about it.
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  • Profile picture of the author ricoramiro
    I wouldn't do anything. If and when they flag the video YouTube staff will determine who has the rights. You certainly don't want to contact YouTube yourself, let them do it if they're serious :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author GoodFE
    Also noticed that their video was uploaded one day after yours. I can't believe for a second that this is serious.
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    • Profile picture of the author Subseven
      Originally Posted by GoodFE View Post

      Also noticed that their video was uploaded one day after yours. I can't believe for a second that this is serious.
      Agreed. Also, they don't show up in Google, have music from other labels uploaded, and the video I mentioned (the one they uploaded) got 12 "dislikes", which I think are from people that he sent a similar message to.

      No marketing, just good free music to stimulate you while working: http://chillhop.com/

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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    If you own the copyright to the content in the video then you have nothing to worry about.

    The fact you started this thread though tells me you probably don't own the copyright to the content in the video in which case you shouldn't have the video on your channel in the first place.
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    • Profile picture of the author GoodFE
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      If you own the copyright to the content in the video then you have nothing to worry about.

      The fact you started this thread though tells me you probably don't own the copyright to the content in the video in which case you shouldn't have the video on your channel in the first place.
      Yeah he doesn't own the copyright but he never really claimed to. The thread was asking if these are false claims (which they are).

      I imagine both of them are breaking copyright, but these threats are certainly false
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      • Profile picture of the author Subseven
        That's not necessarily true, especially not for a lot of music in this genre. I sent an email to the licensing manager for the artist, asking for feedback on the issue and whether I can keep up the video. Thanks for the feedback everyone, should be in the clear for now. :-)

        No marketing, just good free music to stimulate you while working: http://chillhop.com/

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    • Profile picture of the author Kurt
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      If you own the copyright to the content in the video then you have nothing to worry about.

      The fact you started this thread though tells me you probably don't own the copyright to the content in the video in which case you shouldn't have the video on your channel in the first place.
      Hi Will and All,

      Not to knitpick but just want to clear up a point. You don't need to own the copyrights, you just need permission to use the content if someone else owns the copyrights.

      For example, stock video, public domain images, Creative Commons works, etc., are all examples of content that would be OK to use on Youtube where you may not own the copyrights.
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  • Profile picture of the author Subseven
    People upload music to Youtube by the masses without any clear license, and if the video gets flagged I will happily take it down. I have more music that got flagged but is still able to be posted on my channel, paired with a link to the artist.

    No marketing, just good free music to stimulate you while working: http://chillhop.com/

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  • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
    Let's get this straight....

    We've got one guy jacking a copyrighted material and putting it on YouTube...

    Then he gets a 'scary PM' from his 'competitor' who probably also doesn't own any copyrights....

    Next he turns to a public Internet forum for legal advice (highly specialized Internet copyright law at that)....

    Can this end well?
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7593161].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Subseven
      Originally Posted by PerformanceMan View Post

      Let's get this straight....
      Then at least get it straight, before making accusations..
      Nowhere has it been said that the material is copyrighted, and I have contact with the artist itself.
      And yes, this can end well, as it does for about 1230498123094813290489023 other videos on Youtube.

      No marketing, just good free music to stimulate you while working: http://chillhop.com/

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7593173].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
        Originally Posted by Subseven View Post

        Then at least get it straight, before making accusations..
        Nowhere has it been said that the material is copyrighted, and I have contact with the artist itself.
        And yes, this can end well, as it does for about 1230498123094813290489023 other videos on Youtube.
        No need to get your panties in a twist my man
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    I did not watch the video but from your explanation it seems that you have made a video of yourself and have added some sort of music in the background.

    If that music is not allowed to be used and it is a copyright, then no you are not allowed to use it.

    Unless you can get permission for the artist himself.

    I would also contact YouTube and ask them about this but you may not get a reply.
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  • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
    Here's how YouTube policy words it:

    The way to ensure that your video doesn't infringe someone else's copyright is to use your skills and imagination to create something completely original. It could be as simple as taping some of your friends goofing around, and as complicated as filming your own short movie with a script, actors, and the whole works. If it's all yours, you never have to worry about the copyright—you own it! Make sure to follow the other guidelines in the terms of use, too.

    If he has permission from the artist then he's fine. From the OP it wasn't clear he had it. He said he 'published a video' to 'share' it.

    As long as Emancipator (aka Douglas Appling) gave him permission then he can feel free to ignore the threat in PM.
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