How often do you update your blog?

by thedog
49 replies
Couple of questions for those who have successful blogs, with good and growing traffic, how often do you upload new content?

Every day? Couple of times a week?

Do you write your own content, outsource or use guest blogging... or a bit of everything?

Do you use much video content?

#blog #update
  • I try to once a day or every other day..I hope this will be the yr I finally start making money with my site..sad face
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    • Profile picture of the author Subseven
      Originally Posted by LindaDaughterLosAngeles View Post

      I try to once a day or every other day..I hope this will be the yr I finally start making money with my site..sad face
      Took a quick look at your blog, and in my opinion it could use some work on the layout rather than the content, it looks like the most basic wordpress site you could make. Good luck with it, hope this will be a good year for you.

      As to the topic, I try to do it every day now to fill content, but will do it a bit less in the future as soon as I get some contributors. But that's also because 1 article includes a video and more for me, so it's more work than just writing a quick story.
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      • Profile picture of the author koreancowboy
        Originally Posted by Subseven View Post

        Took a quick look at your blog, and in my opinion it could use some work on the layout rather than the content, it looks like the most basic wordpress site you could make. Good luck with it, hope this will be a good year for you.

        As to the topic, I try to do it every day now to fill content, but will do it a bit less in the future as soon as I get some contributors. But that's also because 1 article includes a video and more for me, so it's more work than just writing a quick story.
        Hi Linda,

        Yeah, your site is a mess. Great niche/content though, I'm kinda in the same niche as you.

        Drop me a line via PM, I can help you out.

        I provide consulting for companies that use Adobe can check out what I've done so far.

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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    I will have times where I will add new content 2-4 times per week. I will also have times where I don't add anything for a whole month.

    If you are just starting out, I would suggest that you add new content every single day till you reach a curtain goal of visitors per day.

    I always like to write my own content. Always have and always will.
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  • Profile picture of the author SuperKristen
    Nowadays I update my blogs Couple of times a week but at the starting time of my blog I used to make post frequently.
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  • Profile picture of the author donadams71
    I have been told that in the blogging world, it's all about the content. Look at it this way, you are probably unlikely to buy a newspaper everyday if the articles never changed, right? So, if you keep your blog updated with new posts then people will have a reason to keep visiting. In addition, each new post is a new entry point for people to find your blog through search engines, which helps your blog in terms of SEO. So I would say, the more frequent you post to your blog, then the better off you will be; whether you post your own content or outsource it, or use guest blogging; whatever it takes to keep your blog updated with fresh new content.
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    • I write an article every time I see a "how often do you update your blog" thread.

      Fiverr is looking for freelance writers for its blog. Details here.
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      • To my way of thinking, posting too often can be detrimental. Unless you use some mechanism to pin a post to the front page, it will very soon sink into the archives. Unless someone finds that article via search, it's unlikely to garner much attention.

        I don't know about other peoples' blogs, but nearly all my daily visits are to deep-linked pages, not articles on the front page. But I don't work in a "newsy" niche.

        More than 80% of visits are from search queries.

        Granted, you have to have a lot of content to make this work. Plus, you should have a few "pillar posts" that are not only long but packed full of information.

        Fiverr is looking for freelance writers for its blog. Details here.
        Love microjobs? Work when you want and get paid in cash the same day!
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        • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
          Originally Posted by fluffythewondercat View Post

          To my way of thinking, posting too often can be detrimental. Unless you use some mechanism to pin a post to the front page, it will very soon sink into the archives. Unless someone finds that article via search, it's unlikely to garner much attention.

          I don't know about other peoples' blogs, but nearly all my daily visits are to deep-linked pages, not articles on the front page. But I don't work in a "newsy" niche.

          More than 80% of visits are from search queries.

          Granted, you have to have a lot of content to make this work. Plus, you should have a few "pillar posts" that are not only long but packed full of information.

          You are proving my point...

          "Unless someone finds that article via search..."

          "More than 80% of visits are from search queries."

          I don't work in 'newsy' niches, either. I do get a lot of my visitors from links in syndicated content, and to be completely transparent, the content on my home pages is very carefully hand-picked. I do have links to current posts, but those are not the main focus. The main focus is to continue the experience started with an external article and move them onto my lists for even more.

          Those "pillar posts" you mentioned are the ones that make the home page and stay there for extended times to encourage linking and sharing. These are also the posts (articles) I don't make available for syndication.
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          • Profile picture of the author DeePower
            It depends on the blog. My dogs post to their blog about once a week, although they got kinda lazy in November and December. I had to give them treats in January to get going again. I post to my food blog two or three times a week and to my wedding blog every 10 days. I write my own content for blogs with my name on it. I use photos but not videos.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    When I have something worth saying and not a minute before otherwise I'm just posting for the sake of posting.
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    • Profile picture of the author seohallmark
      If your site is Tech related, you should update many times a day with trending type posts if you've 'more time. Else if your blog is SEO or blogging or any niches, you can update it once in a week so or less according to your time and schedule and you should concentrate market your site to get flow of traffic from Search engines.
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Originally Posted by donadams71 View Post

        I have been told that in the blogging world, it's all about the content. Look at it this way, you are probably unlikely to buy a newspaper everyday if the articles never changed, right? So, if you keep your blog updated with new posts then people will have a reason to keep visiting. In addition, each new post is a new entry point for people to find your blog through search engines, which helps your blog in terms of SEO. So I would say, the more frequent you post to your blog, then the better off you will be; whether you post your own content or outsource it, or use guest blogging; whatever it takes to keep your blog updated with fresh new content.
        If you are blogging about the news, current events, celebrity gossip, etc., then yes, constant updating may be worth it. Judging from the desperate attempts to extract the maximum revenue from every visitor, online newspapers aren't exactly burning the web down with endless fresh content.

        To my way of thinking, posting too often can be detrimental. Unless you use some mechanism to pin a post to the front page, it will very soon sink into the archives. Unless someone finds that article via search, it's unlikely to garner much attention. On the other hand, posting quality, share-worthy content and leaving it visible long enough for people to link to it, share it, tweet it, etc. can accomplish a lot.

        If you post substance once per week, and you keep the default ten posts visible on the front page, that means each post has about two and a half months to make an impact. Post daily, and that shrinks to a week and a half. Post ten times per day, as some blogging manuals recommend, and you shrink your window of real exposure to less than a day. (Note that I, personally, would keep the posts on the front page down to excerpts or teasers, along with links to the actual post.)

        Bottom line, though, is to pick the model that gives you the best mileage.
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        • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
          Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

          If you are blogging about the news, current events, celebrity gossip, etc., then yes, constant updating may be worth it. Judging from the desperate attempts to extract the maximum revenue from every visitor, online newspapers aren't exactly burning the web down with endless fresh content.

          To my way of thinking, posting too often can be detrimental. Unless you use some mechanism to pin a post to the front page, it will very soon sink into the archives. Unless someone finds that article via search, it's unlikely to garner much attention. On the other hand, posting quality, share-worthy content and leaving it visible long enough for people to link to it, share it, tweet it, etc. can accomplish a lot.

          If you post substance once per week, and you keep the default ten posts visible on the front page, that means each post has about two and a half months to make an impact. Post daily, and that shrinks to a week and a half. Post ten times per day, as some blogging manuals recommend, and you shrink your window of real exposure to less than a day. (Note that I, personally, would keep the posts on the front page down to excerpts or teasers, along with links to the actual post.)

          Bottom line, though, is to pick the model that gives you the best mileage.
          Reposted because he is right and everyone should take it seriously.

          The only reason I found this thread today is because I follow certain people on this forum and John is one of them.
          In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by thedog View Post

    Couple of questions for those who have successful blogs, with good and growing traffic, how often do you upload new content?
    Three times per month.

    I write all my own content, and update each of my main niche "money sites" every ten days (give or take a day).

    I don't use guest bloggers, allow comments, or have any video content at all.

    I have reservations about the comment above that "it's all about the content": as a writer, myself, of course I'd love that to be so, but I think in reality it's not quite as simple as this suggests. From my perspective, it's also very much about who reads it. Having published all that content and had it indexed on my own sites first, I then have it syndicated as widely as possible in front of the already-targeted traffic I want to attract to my sites. I don't wait for people to come to my site to read it all (and, as an affiliate marketer, I have relatively little interest in search engine traffic anyway, to be honest, since that represents my worst-converting traffic-source): after securing the initial indexation rights for myself, I then take my content to where my targeted traffic is already looking.
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  • Profile picture of the author MusicMinCoach
    I was told by a successful business coach to post twice a week on Monday and Thursday, so I started that way and have continued to do so. I've heard varying advice from every day to no less than 3 times a week.
    I think just consistently posting new content regularly is the key though. That seems to be the best way to have your organic traffic numbers consistently growing. Google likes sites that are constantly being updated so it seems to crawl those more often because it knows there will be new, fresh content available.
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  • Profile picture of the author luckyshah290
    Well if you have a active blog right now.. that seeks new content every day.. i suggest give it to them...
    But i usually prefer to update my blog twice a week ... Thats keep it good..

    Just my two cents..
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  • Profile picture of the author ratracegrad
    I have a stable of 4-5 writers from elance that write content for me during one week a month. They produce enough content that allow me to post to multiple websites every 3 days during the month or 10 posts per website each month. It takes me about a week to take their articles and post them on website and add eye candy like pictures and videos and my affiliate links. It will take about 6 months before you start to see an increase in traffic by following this strategy. Then it grows tremendously each month thereafter.
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  • Profile picture of the author perfect
    Adding post every day and having unique content is fine!

    Submit your articles to FREE, approval within 48 hours

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  • Profile picture of the author khaled sharif
    Well, it depends on my content structure n feasibility. But 2 or 3 times a week most often. Literally , it's not for attracting traffic nevertheless for adding worthwhile info towards my friends.
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  • Profile picture of the author jpsween88
    I update my blogs daily with either:
    a) a syndicate artilce I found
    b) my own written article (very rarely would I have a video posted in the article)
    I then update my FB letting them know about the new article.
    Next do some backlinking for the article and thats it.

    Quick simple and easy

    Please do not use your signature to promote affiliate/MLM programs

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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Lengley
      Once in a week.

      It's better to build one worthy art-store near art-schools, rather than building 10 art-stores inside a shopping centre.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sue McDonald
    I only post on my blog once a week and I have people thank me for my content. If I have something important to tell my subscribers, I will do a post to let them know what I have found out for them.
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  • Profile picture of the author sdkulkarniB
    If you're just starting a blog then I would suggest daily and when you have enough posts post weekly. Make sure you do off-page seo for the previous posts
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  • Profile picture of the author actnews
    2 to 5 posts a week with articles of 300 to 400 words writing by me, sometimes i use video as slide.
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  • Profile picture of the author Niko A Berezkin
    As soon as something newsworthy happens in my field (SEO & Traffic Generation) I will write a post explaining the development.......... content curation at its finest. Keeps me up to speed on current developments, and a never ending supply of information for my blog and its readers.
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    • Profile picture of the author Joseph Pragasam
      When you are just starting, I recommend writing at least 1 post per day or 4-5 posts per week. Do it until you see the traffic to your site increase to a significant number.

      Once you have enough readers of your blog, you may want to reduce the frequency to 2-3 posts per week.

      The key is not the quanity but the quality of your blog post. Give value to your readers, more readers will come to your blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author mdan287
    Not more than 2 times per week. I prefer writing 2 quality articles rather than 10 poor articles.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fazal Mayar
    i think once a day should be the minimum, posting frequently is a good idea if you dont go spammy

    Blogger at (Make Money online blog but also promoting ethical internet marketing)

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  • Profile picture of the author srodoks
    I always update my blog everyday
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  • Profile picture of the author Silas Hart
    Never, I pretty much had to shut down my blog. I can only make so many updates starting with "Well, I made more money yesterday." - turns out, I'm not very interesting as a person.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheWPHowToBlog
    Depends on your blog and niche. I can’t write everyday that’s for sure! But I update my blog quite often with the help of guest posts. Pros : The blog gets updated often and I don’t have to write much. Cons : The blog will have too many outbound links, looks like an article directory rather than a blog and risk getting articles that are published else where before or spun. Well there seems to be more cons than pros by accepting guest posts. I’ve seen blogs that only updated monthly but have decent traffic and rankings than those updated daily. I can write an article a week no problem, and that’s what I’ve been doing on my blog too. I think I will have to consider reducing guest posts, I don’t like too many of them on my blog to be honest. I want to try to publish only my own articles, be it only once a week. People always say to update daily because search engines preferred these kind of blogs, but I think that’s not 100% true. I think, Posting quality content once per week is better than posting low quality articles 3 times a day. I myself like those blogs which have useful information and I don’t judge it on the basis on number of posts per day but on the basis of quality of content.
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  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    I ONLY ever update my blog when i have some good information to share

    If you force yourself to create say 2 - 3 or 4 posts a week most of the time the quality will slip

    You're better off creating 1 post once a week or every 2 weeks but at least that post will be top quality and you may get some good link bait from it too

    Personally i create new posts around every 2 weeks on average

    Sometimes it may be a month other times 10 days but on average it's a couple of weeks but the important thing is that my readers and subscribers know that when i do create a blog post it's going to be very good information and high quality

    People would rather only get 1 post from you every 2 weeks if it's top quality stuff rather than create 3 average quality posts per week just for the sake of posting

    Of course if you outsource your content then it's different but if you're creating all the content yourself then the above tips are important to consider

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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    I was writing and posting an article per day to my blog for years, but I decided to write longer articles with substantial information, and I’m posting two or three articles per week.

    The blog is attracting more RSS subscribers with the longer articles, and traffic.

    Everything depends on the information you are giving to the public. My articles are basically lessons, they are not daily news.

    You have to follow the rhythm of your topic.

    If your blog is new you have to update it everyday to attract traffic and be noticed, only later you can slow down.

    If you are not a good writer, outsourcing is problematic and it creates dependence.

    Having a blog basically depends on your ability to write interesting posts. If you cannot write good blog posts yourself, perhaps blogging is not a good idea for you.

    If you don’t have enough knowledge about your topic, you’ll have to spend a lot of time with research. If you are not an expert on something I don’t think that you should be a blogger. Adding new interesting content to your blog will be a problem for you.

    I always have new lessons to give to the public, but it’s hard to keep writing new articles after having already written so many articles about the same topic for years.

    Having a blog depends on your capacity to update it, either everyday or a few days per month. It’s a responsibility. If you'll abandon your blog you’ll lose your audience.
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  • Profile picture of the author nitesh
    I update my blog everyday. The URL to my blog is
    Bloggers Joy
    It is a PR4 site with 120K Alexa only and it has reached to good Alexa just because I have updated it everyday. I have not missed a single day.
    I use mix of strategies to update my blog.
    Please ask if you have anymore questions.


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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Greene
    Tried to update regularly. After a few days, I thought it will be better for me if I update once in every week. .
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  • Profile picture of the author mark healy
    i try and update once a week, can be hard due to busy schedule, but you must do this

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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
    This year I am doing everything completely different. Last year, I tested a new method and it pays better than anything I have ever done.

    Last year I trained my visitors to visit my blog on a frequent basis or Get Left Behind. Prior to this my motto used to be "No One Gets Left Behind", but that was almost always at my expense.

    In the past my posts were online 24/7/365. No more. From now on only one post a week, on a specific day of the week, and only for 24 hours. After 24 hours they pay for the information. In this way my visitors can have it free or pay for it. Also, in this way "No One Gets Left Behind" at my expense!

    The List? After they subscribe they only have 24 hours to double-optin. If they fail to confirm after 24 hours I remove them from the list. Also, if they do not open my emails (one per week) they are removed from the list. Why? The email contains a link to the post and a product that I giveaway for free. I explain very nicely, but professionally, that I am not going to waste my time and money on people that waste my time and money. Fair enough?

    Also, my visitors used to frequently ask my 'professional take and opinion' about certain subjects. I took that very seriously and went to great expense with full reports for free. Now they pay a fee to access the information.

    Did I lose any visitors? No. Did I increase visitors. Yes. Do they all pay for private posts? No. Am I making less or more money with this method? More.

    Am I working less? Heck yes.

    Jeffery 100% :-)

    P.S. This next comment does not apply to everyone and certainly not to every blog.. consider that most people want something from your blog be it information or products. Give them what they want and train them to visit on a frequent basis.. not too frequent though.. perceived value!

    I have changed everything.. even my business model.

    The only thing my visitors will ever receive from me are free products that will make them money. I explain, once and only once how to make money and the rest us up to them.
    In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    It depends on the niche. If it is for a keyword sniping blog, I update periodically. However, if it is for a trends-based or news-type blog, I update daily.
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  • Profile picture of the author samjaynz
    Average once every 3 days (try to aim for quality posts, however, so they take a bit of time to write).

    If I had more time I would happily write on my main IM blog every day. I would love to spend at least 2 hours per day putting together fresh content for my readers.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarcusJohnson
    I only update my blogs for once or twice a week. And making it sure that I only post quality contents which will be helpful for my audience.
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  • Profile picture of the author jclindayag
    Hi thedog!

    It is best to write fresh and new content everyday. I do it 5 times a week and rest for the weekends. If you have ample time to create your own blogs and assuming that you have superb writing skills, it is wise to create your own blogs. But if you have some important matters to do with your site optimisation, just outsource to a reputable company.

    Videos are also a hot trend today. Google gives so much value in it knowing that YouTube is now owned by Google. So have a combination of written blogs and video blogs.

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  • Profile picture of the author JerrickYeoh
    Usually everyday uploaded new post and most of my post is written by my own until last year i getting what target i need and i start allow guest post so i do not need spend too much time to generate own content .
    Moderate guest post is save time than generate own post everyday.
    Video content i only taking it once a week and mostly is about info sharing and demo .
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  • Profile picture of the author RachelLily
    At first, I update my blog every other day due to busy working schedule. But I tried updating it frequently and he traffic goes up. It will also help if you post trending topics on your blog to get more traffic.

    I make $50 every 3 hours. Learn my methods here:

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  • Profile picture of the author kdorothea
    I post every time I'm inspired to write about something. Sometimes this means 1-2 articles/day, sometimes it's less than 1 article/week.
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  • Profile picture of the author kayode10
    Originally Posted by thedog View Post

    Couple of questions for those who have successful blogs, with good and growing traffic, how often do you upload new content?

    Every day? Couple of times a week?

    Do you write your own content, outsource or use guest blogging... or a bit of everything?

    Do you use much video content?

    I did mine just three times per week, though i have couple of blogs so its very hard for me to write content to all of them so i engaged in outsourcing the content to the great writer. Also, i did guest blogging some times.
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  • Profile picture of the author tac88
    The main thing that everyone seems to be missing here is whatever amount of time that you choose to update your blog their is no right or wrong amount of time.

    The main thing is to make sure that you stick to a schedule! "Very Important"
    In Googles eye's that is.
    A blog that is not updated is a dead blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author napoleonfirst
    You should update your blog very other day when it Is starting out, and when it has certain authority, let's say 40 pages, you may start writing a post weekly sincce now you have a siolid foundation to generate links without lifting a finger in the long term. You should also remember that link building is very useful.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    I create content every day. Almost always video.

    Posting content once a month is like saying "I want to get in shape, but I only want to go to the gym, once a month"

    There is definitely a direct relation between big, successful websites, and the frequency of content they publish.

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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