I Don't want to loose this sale on Clickbank - pls help

14 replies
I made a sale and I was not able to respond to the tech request immediately as it was in the middle of the night for me. After a hour of not hearing from me the customer changed the tech request to a refund. I emailed the products at 9am this morning so the customer will get them in the US first thing.

I didn't know what to do to the refund notice from Clickbank. I went into it and changed the status back to "tech request" The only other option was to close the refund or reply to it - What Should I have done:confused: If I close it will the refund no longer go ahead??

Please can someone help as I really don't want to loose this sale and I just want to repsond in the proper way - pls help!

#clickbank #loose #pls #sale
  • Profile picture of the author Moneyland
    Update: customer just responded on tech request to say to cancel the refund so I just "closed the ticket" It said refund will be no longer so I hope I presume I have done this correctly.

    In a nutshell when you have a "refund request open" can you simply close it as the vendor? I guess if this is not the wish of the customer they would just reply and open up again? Is there a time where this remains open to resolve?
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  • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
    Yes - this looks about right. If the request was for 'product not delivered' or 'problem with download' etc, I think that, after you have dealt with the matter and informed the customer by updating the support request, it is perfect reasonable to close the ticket with an 'issue resolved' comment.

    If the customer has a problem they can quite easily reopen it but, if they genuinely just had a problem with download/deliverability (as seems to be the case here), they will not object.

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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    I'm surprised they dropped the refund request.

    If someone is willing to request a refund without giving you a fair amount of time to respond to them then it's more than likely someone who was just after a refund right from the beginning.
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    • Profile picture of the author SunilTanna
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      I'm surprised they dropped the refund request.

      If someone is willing to request a refund without giving you a fair amount of time to respond to them then it's more than likely someone who was just after a refund right from the beginning.
      That's not my experience at all.

      Customers get frustrated when they perceive something as not working. When they get frustrated, they look for a quick fix, and sometimes get angry or emotional.

      If you are nice to the customer, apologize for problems, and solve the problem quickly, then 9 times out of 10, they love you MORE than a customer who had a smooth ride from the start.
      ClickBank Vendor?
      - Protect Your Thank You Pages & Downloads
      - Give Your Affiliates Multiple Landing Pages (Video Demo)
      - Killer Graphics for Your Site
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      • Profile picture of the author Harvey Segal
        Originally Posted by Moneyland View Post

        In a nutshell when you have a "refund request open" can you simply close it as the vendor? I guess if this is not the wish of the customer they would just reply and open up again?
        No - you must not close it. Closing or cancelling will mean the refund will not take place and can only be done with the customer's consent.

        In fact his consent is needed just to change it to technical support.

        I would think though that if the problem can be simply solved e.g he has misunderstood a download instruction I would be tempted to change it to technical support stating the reason and begging/craving his indulgence

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        • Profile picture of the author AlphaWarrior
          Originally Posted by Harvey Segal View Post

          No - you must not close it. Closing or cancelling will mean the refund will not take place and can only be done with the customer's consent.

          In fact his consent is needed just to change it to technical support.

          I would think though that if the problem can be simply solved e.g he has misunderstood a download instruction I would be tempted to change it to technical support stating the reason and begging/craving his indulgence

          Harvey, you know much more about ClickBank than I will ever know. However, I have had a vendor change my refund request to technical support without my consent. In fact, in that particular situation, the vendor changed my refund request several times to technical support. I got tired of it and had to tell (and I wasn't kidding) ClickBank that I was going to contact the FTC in order to get the refund which was suppose to be "no questions asked".

          After I got the product, it was not what was promised and that is why I wanted a refund. The vendor's actions made me believe that the vendor is a crook. I am OK with ClickBank since they did get me the refund.

          As to the original post, if customers are not given notice that there may be a lag time in responding to request for help/info, they begin to think that they have been had and will seek a refund. Stating on the thank you page that a response to a request will be made within 24 hours, or a set amount of time, buys the vendor time. When the vendor responds within the stated time, the vendor earns good will from the customer.
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          • Profile picture of the author Harvey Segal
            Originally Posted by AlphaWarrior View Post

            However, I have had a vendor change my refund request to technical support without my consent. In fact, in that particular situation, the vendor changed my refund request several times to technical support.
            Well here was his possible punishment

            "While you have the ability to close a ticket or change a refund or cancelation request to technical support, you may only do so with the customer's permission. Any ticket that has been closed or changed may be escalated to ClickBank for review. If you abuse this policy you will have your refund and cancelation tickets processed immediately and will no longer have the opportunity to try to save sales."

            Source: Customer Support Ticket System

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            • Profile picture of the author Moneyland
              Originally Posted by Harvey Segal View Post

              Well here was his possible punishment

              "While you have the ability to close a ticket or change a refund or cancelation request to technical support, you may only do so with the customer's permission. Any ticket that has been closed or changed may be escalated to ClickBank for review. If you abuse this policy you will have your refund and cancelation tickets processed immediately and will no longer have the opportunity to try to save sales."

              Source: Customer Support Ticket System

              Thanks alot everyone for your help. I did have the permission from the customer to cancel the refund - I just wanted to make sure I actioned it in the right way but simply closing the request on Clickbank.
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    Middle of the night and you were sleeping?
    Come on man, you know customers expect you to be glued to
    your PC 24/7 providing support... What's wrong with you?
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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    • Profile picture of the author JensSteyaert
      Yeah i also think this is a strange situation. If somebody requests a refund that quickly you would expect them to go through with that even if you did send the products. Perhaps you were lucky and the person doesn't know that the seller isn't protected with paypal for digital goods.
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      • Profile picture of the author AnniePot
        In light of this experience, I would advise you to both post on your "Thank you" page, and in your delivery email, a clear indication of your time zone and when you will be available to respond to tech requests.

        This will assist in your perceived customer service AND in any issues you may have with PayPal in the future.

        Make sure you put it on your website so that you can show it to PayPal if necessary. They normally aren't especially interested in email content.

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        • Profile picture of the author curly sue
          @AnniePot well said. inform them in your thank you page that you respond to queries in 24hrs. Also setup your email on your phone to know a sale is coming in.
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          • Profile picture of the author talfighel
            Originally Posted by sexy sue View Post

            @AnniePot well said. inform them in your thank you page that you respond to queries in 24hrs. Also setup your email on your phone to know a sale is coming in.
            Customers will know that if they are having some problems getting your product, that they can expect to have someone give them personal support within 24 hours. You should post this after the sale.

            When a new customer has some issues with getting a hold of the product after the sale is made and no one is there to help them out, they will ask for a refund within 30 minutes.
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            • Profile picture of the author Moneyland
              Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

              When a new customer has some issues with getting a hold of the product after the sale is made and no one is there to help them out, they will ask for a refund within 30 minutes.

              Yes this exactly what happened. Once I emailed the product he emailed on refund request for me to cancel the refund. All I then did was to "close" the refund ticket that was currently open. I presumed simply "closing" it was "cancelling" the request with Clickbank.

              Thanks for all your comments on here.
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