What methods of monetization are you currently earning income from?

48 replies
Hello All,

Just curious to the various type of monetization methods currently used by Warriors. The type of method and percentage of that method that makes up your overall income change over time. Sometimes Adsense seems to be popular. Or affiliate marketing. Or CPA offers. Etc.

I know that no one likes to share income numbers, and that's fine. But if you have multiple means of generating income, I'd be curious as to what percentage that each one consists of.

Much Success,

#methods #monetization
  • Profile picture of the author 622im
    I have an online/offline combination method that I'm doing quite well with at the moment. It's about 99%online, though.

    If I had to estimate, I'd say 85% of my online income comes from this "other" method. The other 15% is as an affiliate right now, but it goes hand in hand with the online/offline combo, so it's an easy transition. I'm not sure I'd be making anything as an affiliate if it weren't for the "other".
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    • Profile picture of the author djleon1
      Affiliate marketing for me in a few different niches.
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  • Profile picture of the author malcsimm
    My favourite is: "own products". It's good not to put all your eggs in one basket, but if you are then "own products" is the best basket!

    Malc :-)

    You WILL banish # Procrastination, # Email bloat, # Wasting time, # Wasting money
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    • Profile picture of the author JoeMack
      Originally Posted by malcsimm View Post

      My favourite is: "own products". It's good not to put all your eggs in one basket, but if you are then "own products" is the best basket!

      Malc :-)

      I understand that it is your FAVORITE method of monetization (and everyone that I know that has created and sold their own products, myself included, prefer this method).

      But which monetization methods are actually making you money each month?

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      • Profile picture of the author malcsimm
        Originally Posted by JoeMack View Post

        Malcolm... I understand that it is your FAVORITE method of monetization (and everyone that I know that has created and sold their own products, myself included, prefer this method). But which monetization methods are actually making you money each month? JoeMack
        Hi Joe - Currently I earn most income from marketing the herbal health products I make - for digestion, liver, menopause, kidneys, etc. I don't mind saying (as I say it elsewhere) that I turn over $500k a year from this. Mind you, net is about 25%.

        Second is affiliate products.

        I am not happy with that as the law over herbal products in the EU is harsh. So I am in the middle of a 3-month project to change my product mix (more to "keep healthy" products) as well as better squeeze pages plus affiliate products via email.


        You WILL banish # Procrastination, # Email bloat, # Wasting time, # Wasting money
        Getting Things Done PLUS Evernote turned my life around - read here how I do it
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  • Profile picture of the author Niko A Berezkin
    Adsense has been very nice to me lately.... but mostly I sell services
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    • Profile picture of the author robestrong
      > Direct sales
      > Affiliate products
      > Arbitrage
      > JVs
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      • Profile picture of the author JoeMack
        Originally Posted by robestrong View Post

        > Direct sales
        > Affiliate products
        > Arbitrage
        > JVs
        Thanks for the answer. What would you say are the percentages of how much each is against the total amount?

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  • Profile picture of the author Mogly
    Adsense, direct product/service sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kim Phoenix
    I'd say that 70% is my own products, 30% is affiliate products.
    http://www.BuyHealthPLR.com (PLR Written & Edited by a Healthcare Professional)


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  • Profile picture of the author adisini
    I've some: adsense, flippa, freelancer at elance. Now I'm start to create WSO. I hope it will be great.
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  • Profile picture of the author kayode10
    Originally Posted by JoeMack View Post

    I know that no one likes to share income numbers, and that's fine. But if you have multiple means of generating income, I'd be curious as to what percentage that each one consists of.

    Much Success,

    As for me, am currently doing affiliate marketing, product creation and marketing, site flipping and online marketing consulting.
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  • Profile picture of the author perfect
    Adsense 2% and other means like personal services 98 %

    Submit your articles to www.365articledirectory.com FREE, approval within 48 hours

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  • I'd say 50% selling services, 30% affiliate, 20% arbitrage.

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  • Profile picture of the author Des Lau
    Freelance and Own Products over here. I guess they both have independent control and can be predictable to an extent as far as income is concerned

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    • Profile picture of the author JoeMack
      Originally Posted by Des Lau View Post

      Freelance and Own Products over here. I guess they both have independent control and can be predictable to an extent as far as income is concerned
      True. Both provide a little more control over other monetization methods. What would you say are your percentages?

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  • Profile picture of the author JoeMack
    Anyone surprised by the poll numbers?

    Is'ts an anonymous poll so I would hope that the numbers are fairly accurate. I mean, what''s the point in lying when no one knows what you are voting for anyway?

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  • Profile picture of the author Jrivera680
    I'm usually doing Seo for my niche site which has mainly focused on clickbank products. currently my site has some coding errors which are being worked out. So for right now im using video marketing to promote those same clickbank products.
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    • Profile picture of the author JoeMack
      Originally Posted by Jrivera680 View Post

      I'm usually doing Seo for my niche site which has mainly focused on clickbank products. currently my site has some coding errors which are being worked out. So for right now im using video marketing to promote those same clickbank products.
      I hear what you are saying. Although, I am curious about the monetization methods as opposed to the marketing methods.

      Affiliate sales in an monetization method, whether you use PPC advertising, SEO, article marketing, etc to get people to your offer(s).

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  • Profile picture of the author Kezz
    I want to add the Ebay Partner Network to the list.

    A lot of people dropped off when they switched to the quality click mode, but I find it still performs really well if you know how to approach it.
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    • Profile picture of the author JoeMack
      Originally Posted by Kezz View Post

      I want to add the Ebay Partner Network to the list.

      A lot of people dropped off when they switched to the quality click mode, but I find it still performs really well if you know how to approach it.
      Sorry about not including that to the list. It totally slipped my mind. I haven't heard anyone talk about it, or seen a thread about it in quite some time. Just curious, what percentage of your monthly income comes from EPN?

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  • Profile picture of the author mogulmap
    For me it's,

    1. Direct product sales (clickbank)
    2. Affiliate product sales (clickbank)
    3. Adsense

    in that order.
    Rus Sells says...
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    Cat's = PROFIT"S
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  • Profile picture of the author Kezz
    I can't tell you percentage off the top of my head, but it's strong enough that between my partner and I we find its worth our time to try and put out content with Ebay affiliate links pretty much daily.

    For us being in Australia, the fact that they pay straight into your bank account every month like clockwork is great. Other networks cheque payment systems are a bit of a pain from here as it leaves you lagging behind a few months with each month's payments actually clearing.

    But Ebay have never failed even once over the past several years to deposit into our account each and every month, even at times when we haven't been actively promoting with new content.

    The thing is it's somewhat delicate so you really have to be the opposite of spammy. If you push out a heap of generalized links really quickly your EPC will just flatline. So you have to build steadily with really targeted content.

    But the awesome thing is that once you do get those links out there in a quality way they just keep earning basically forever. I've actually still got income from old posts in the archives of sites that I flipped years ago where the new owner never got around to entering their own affiliate details.

    When they say quality click they really mean it. So if you nail the "quality" part you're all set, but if you don't you'll get nada. That means sending people who win auctions, either the ones you've sent them to, or others in the not too distant future.

    I think of Ebay as a "slow burn" network. Some networks are a quick burn - you push out a promo and you get a quick flash of high income but it doesn't last long. Ebay is something you have to nurture, but it will keep on putting out heat for ages.
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  • Profile picture of the author RachelLily
    Through PPC Advertising Networks, CPM ads pay per impression and Banner Advertising. Generally banner advertisers will find you rather than the other way around, so if you focus on building traffic then have faith that they will eventually come. Another way is to join Technorati which once you are approved allows you to add blank 'ad space' to your site which advertisers can select and pay for without you doing any of the work.

    I make $50 every 3 hours. Learn my methods here: eliteincomeprofits.com

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    • Profile picture of the author JoeMack
      Originally Posted by RachelLily View Post

      Through PPC Advertising Networks, CPM ads pay per impression and Banner Advertising. Generally banner advertisers will find you rather than the other way around, so if you focus on building traffic then have faith that they will eventually come. Another way is to join Technorati which once you are approved allows you to add blank 'ad space' to your site which advertisers can select and pay for without you doing any of the work.
      Very unique way to generate income. Did you know about it beforehand, or did you first learn about it when the banner advertising networks found you?

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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Lehiste
    Own products 80% and affiliate marketing 20%
    PLR Products Elite - Instantly own 57,300+ in-demand digital products and revolutionize your content with our AI-powered tools...
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  • Profile picture of the author Nicole K
    I have been earning a bit with affiliate marketing through various methods including blogs - but not much. I recently decided to promote Clickbank offers through YouTube videos.

    In fact I entered a challenge for making and publishing one video a day on YouTube and earning at least $30 per day by the end of one month. It was a dormant challenge which was not taken up by anyone and I decided to jump in - right here on the Forum.

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  • Profile picture of the author MaryPabelate
    80% services
    10% Adsense
    5% affiliate
    5% domain name sales
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  • Profile picture of the author RobusCop
    Facebook + eBay Partner Network

    I make a good living from eBay partner network.
    Inbox me to find out more

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  • Profile picture of the author WriterWahm
    I offer services as a fiction ghostwriter that's 60%. Own products: 30%. Affiliate offers including Amazon - 10%.

    PM me if you want a romantic fiction ghostwriter.

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    • Profile picture of the author Wickaman
      Affiliate marketing. Eventually going for my own product and would love to sell services, but not sure what. Just wish I had more time to do it all.
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  • Profile picture of the author gonzotrucker

    E books


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  • Profile picture of the author wfjason
    I get the bulk of my income from affiliate marketing but I will make sure that I get their contact details first before I direct them to the affiliate offer.
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  • Profile picture of the author evas
    I like Clickbank, high commision and my first source of traffics is linkedin. I like Linkedin because most of my connection are proffessionals.
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Jeez - I do about anything legal and moral for a buck. LOL. Online it's mostly my own products, but I've got a few affiliate programs, too. Offline, rock and gem sale and trade, pretty soon it will be the cabs I make (compliments of the equipment sent to me by my website members. Serious - those people are incredible). Offline it's any contract I can land - even physical labor, which gets me buffed back up if I'm starting to get some flab. Flab scares the crap out of me. It's kinda wild doing cleaning for the working muscle or some such then turning around and doing some copywriting for someone, then hitting the mountains for more agates to sell or have slabbed to cab, then on to my own products. Love all of it. I just like to stay busy, fit, and creative, and have money in my pocket as a bonus.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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  • Profile picture of the author infoway
    Well, I earn from Facebook + Ad sense + Affiliate + Advertisement
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  • Profile picture of the author MMWoodward
    I'm currently only making money mainly through writing articles for clients. Writing Squidoo lenses also provide me with a very small bit of pocket change a month.
    Original content, fast turnaround, and high quality.
    Article writer for hire
    : $0.04/word.
    Here's what Jenn Dize had to say:
    "I can safely count her work among some of the best I've read."

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  • Profile picture of the author pinkgorilla
    Affiliate marketing is my primary source of income at the moment. I've tried different things in the past but they never worked out for me. I've been at affiliate marketing for a short while now and it's only recently I've started seeing good results and making money with it. I make some side money from freelancing as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fazal Mayar
    adsense and affiliate marketing

    Blogger at RicherOrNot.com (Make Money online blog but also promoting ethical internet marketing)

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  • Profile picture of the author Tanya Ortiz
    Main source of income affiliate marketing. My side gig is selling Kefir on Amazon.com (yeah strange I know..) lol

    Please do not use affiliate templates in signatures

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  • Profile picture of the author Allen Payne
    I picked affiliate promotions, CPAs and Amazon. They've been my top sources of income for years.
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  • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
    Well you don't have a Secret Agent option so I'll say, I'm in sales...ahh...yeah, sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    90% - my own website

    10% - affiliate sales

    That's it really. Not a huge list, but the money is good. I'm sticking with it and will continue to stick with it until i have a major virtual real estate empire in my hands.
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  • Profile picture of the author Meir
    Affiliate programs and/or adSense.

    Once I find a good keyword to target I would start looking for an affiliate program that will go with this niche site. As a rule of thumb I prefer to promote digital products (eBooks, software, online services, etc.) over physical products.

    Why? because digital products usually come with higher margins which in most cases translate into higher commissions to the site owner.

    If can't find a suitable affiliate program I would go the AdSense rout. This is not necessarily a bad thing. I had AdSense ads that produced $5, $6 and even $9 per click.
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  • Profile picture of the author jaiganeshv
    Im making 80% of money by selling my own products via different channels. But form poll results affiliate promotions looks like the winner
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