How to Choose the Best Markets to Sell to...
give you my thoughts on what I think are the best markets
to market and sell to.
I remember reading a quote somewhere that said "Problems
are potential markets" and that really stuck out to me.
And it really is true, the best selling markets and niches
are usually those with the largest number of people who are
looking for help to solve a particular problem.
For example, weight loss, health, and fitness is always a huge
selling market.
So is getting rid of certain painful conditions or problems
that can cause someone to feel bad about themselves
(acne, arthritis, etc..)
Also, dating/sex/relationships is another big seller,
since no one wants to be alone. Everyone wants to
find someone to either be with, or fool around with.
Jobs and careers is another one... as well as work
from home/self-employment.
Another is the financial market/make more money.
Bottom line, think of big pools of people that have
problems they want to take care of, asap, and
that's probably a good market to enter.
Then, you just need to be better/faster/cheaper/
more accessible/more unique/different... than those
in the market already.
This is the heart of marketing and selling.
Find out what people want and show them
how to get it.... which is why problems, wants, and
needs are great markets to sell to.
If there's no need or problem to be solved, there's
simply no reason to buy.
The bigger and more painful the problem... the bigger
the opportunity.
So for those who have keep asking which markets
to go after... just try to find the biggest problem
areas in peoples' lives. People don't buy without a
want, desire, or problem.
Now, I know this isn't all-inclusive... there are great
markets that don't fit this criteria... but focusing on
these markets will give you a huge head start.
Always remember, you'll make more money selling
stuff that a lot of people want to buy, versus selling
stuff that YOU want to sell.
Focus on selling to a large base of people
who have urgent problems they want to solve,
and you'll do just fine.
for the freedoms weak people give away for safety