2 youtube questions...

2 replies
1) At some point I saw some method where you could enter (on some site?) the YT code for any YT video, then it would give you the video FILE of that vid, instantly!!!

No scraping or downloading of programs needed!!

Anyone know what that method is? I cannot find it anywhere.

2) Is there a way to send someone a link to a video that will START the vid at a certain point (like at 6:03, or whatever). I want to send someone a link to a YT vid, but I want them to watch a specific SPOT in the vid, not the whole thing!


Let me know.


-- TW
#questions #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author XanBarksdale
    Not sure about #1

    #2 Yes, you can do that. Below the video click "Share". Click the box that says "Start at:" and enter the time you want the video to start. Copy and paste the link and send them that. An ad may still play before the video, but when it starts it will start at the desired time.
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    • Profile picture of the author sadneck
      For #1, simply download and install the Firefox Extension called Youtube Downloader. It is great! Then open firefox and below any youtube video is a drop down lsit with choices for the quality and type of video you get.

      Special Launch Price!
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