Aweber - $1 Free Trial Expired.....Please Please Please Help!
This is the message I received from a fellow warrior this morning via email: Aweber - $1 Free Trial Expired.....Please Please Please Help!. It certainly made me stop what I was doing and got my attention.
This newcomer is going absolutely Apes as he's now faced with paying for the full price of his Auto responder and Hosting fees, after the initial $1 trial. I'm keen on helping him set up a squeeze page and write up an email series but struck on what exactly to promote. Are they any hot ideas/offers that convert well in 2013?
My aim is to get him earning enough to pay all his essential monthly IM monthly fees and then scale it up to make profits. I think he's realized that IM is not as easy as it seems and he was very confident that he would have made some money in his first month but that's not always the case. Your views would be appreciated. Thanks
Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources
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"May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"
"May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"