Aweber - $1 Free Trial Expired.....Please Please Please Help!

52 replies
Hello Warriors,

This is the message I received from a fellow warrior this morning via email: Aweber - $1 Free Trial Expired.....Please Please Please Help!. It certainly made me stop what I was doing and got my attention.

This newcomer is going absolutely Apes as he's now faced with paying for the full price of his Auto responder and Hosting fees, after the initial $1 trial. I'm keen on helping him set up a squeeze page and write up an email series but struck on what exactly to promote. Are they any hot ideas/offers that convert well in 2013?

My aim is to get him earning enough to pay all his essential monthly IM monthly fees and then scale it up to make profits. I think he's realized that IM is not as easy as it seems and he was very confident that he would have made some money in his first month but that's not always the case. Your views would be appreciated. Thanks
#aweber #expired #expiredplease #free #hosting #trial
  • Profile picture of the author LanceThompson
    I know exactly how you feel i've been there. I got over that hump by doing the things that I offer in my free stuff. Stuff like how to set up multiple squeeze pages and building the list via solos and swaps. Just don't give up and keep going, a having the mindset that this is all there is
    ►This system pulled in over 25,000 sales in 2013 right under your nose and you probably laughed at it. But while you were laughing we were laughing all the way to the bank. Some to the tune of 6 and 7 figures. This year 10 times...

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  • Profile picture of the author TheSalesBooster
    If this guy is fretting over a $19 aweber subscription and a 10$ hosting fee, I don't think Internet Marketing is for him.
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    • Profile picture of the author curly sue
      Clickbank recurring products are good for newbies. But the botom line is one's mindset, there is a saying 'where there is a will there is away' your friend needs to achieve his goals on his own, otherwise he won't succeed.
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      • Profile picture of the author Ross Petal
        Great advice Sue. I totally agree but most newcomers have problems focusing on one thing, taking action and having that mindset you talk about.

        Btw, it's amazing that we are both from London, have the same social signals on our profiles, similar post count and yet we haven't met....

        Originally Posted by sexy sue View Post

        Clickbank recurring products are good for newbies. But the botom line is one's mindset, there is a saying 'where there is a will there is away' your friend needs to achieve his goals on his own, otherwise he won't succeed.
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        • Profile picture of the author mikehuff
          Originally Posted by Ross Petal View Post

          Great advice Sue.

          Btw, it's amazing that we are both from London, have the same social signals on our profiles, similar post count and yet we haven't met....
          I like where you're headed with this Ross!! Smart man.

          But yeah, that's why there's such a huge turnaround rate in IM. Nobody's willing to put in the work required to have success.

          For people that have always held jobs, we all know how difficult it can be just starting out. It's super easy to dismiss as being impossible when in reality you need to put the work and effort in UP FRONT. You see (if all works out) the results of all your hard work and foundation down the road if you keep at it.
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          • Profile picture of the author Ross Petal
            Well picked up Mike...Your a smart man too buddy. I was wondering who would have picked that up and the prize goes to you.

            Your right, some newcomers simply don't do the research and put in the hard work that is required. They read that the money is in the list and jump straight into things.

            Originally Posted by mikehuff View Post

            I like where you're headed with this Ross!! Smart man.

            But yeah, that's why there's such a huge turnaround rate in IM. Nobody's willing to put in the work required to have success.

            For people that have always held jobs, we all know how difficult it can be just starting out. It's super easy to dismiss as being impossible when in reality you need to put the work and effort in UP FRONT. You see (if all works out) the results of all your hard work and foundation down the road if you keep at it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ross Petal
      Hey SalsBooster,

      I understand what your saying but unfortunately so many people come into IM expecting immediate results. They take out the free trial offers for the month and to be earning the same month. We all know there are so many variables to making money online. In any business, you have to give it a reasonable time and investment in tools, maybe paid traffic etc for standing any chance of success.

      Originally Posted by TheSalesBooster View Post

      If this guy is fretting over a $19 aweber subscription and a 10$ hosting fee, I don't think Internet Marketing is for him.
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    • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
      Originally Posted by TheSalesBooster View Post

      If this guy is fretting over a $19 aweber subscription and a 10$ hosting fee, I don't think Internet Marketing is for him.
      I would go further and say no business is appropriate. I'm not sure where some get the idea that using the Internet means there are no business expenses. Maybe it is the low barrier to entry.

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      • Profile picture of the author Steve B

        It's admirable that you want to lend a hand, but what good is it going to do if you are basically stepping in to accomplish a few very basic steps for your friend? Once he's set up are you going to write content for him? Are you going to find products for him to sell? Are you going to set up his delivery mechanisms? His autoresponder sequences? Are you going to get traffic and leads for him?

        I guess I'm wondering where the handouts stop? And what evidence there is that your friend can run a profitable Internet business?


        Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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        • Profile picture of the author talfighel
          Originally Posted by Steve B View Post


          It's admirable that you want to lend a hand, but what good is it going to do if you are basically stepping in to accomplish a few very basic steps for your friend? Once he's set up are you going to write content for him? Are you going to find products for him to sell? Are you going to set up his delivery mechanisms? His autoresponder sequences? Are you going to get traffic and leads for him?
          You can tell him what to do and what actions to take but he has to do it himself. Too many people are not willing to do what ever it takes to make in online. They are looking for the short cut, the cheapest way, and they want to get rich quick.

          That ain't going to happen.

          Tell him what he must do but never do it for him.

          As the old saying goes:

          You can drag a horse down to the lake, but you can not make it drink the water.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7621234].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Ross Petal
            Great advice and so true.

            Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

            You can tell him what to do and what actions to take but he has to do it himself. Too many people are not willing to do what ever it takes to make in online. They are looking for the short cut, the cheapest way, and they want to get rich quick.

            That ain't going to happen.

            Tell him what he must do but never do it for him.

            As the old saying goes:

            You can drag a horse down to the lake, but you can not make it drink the water.
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        • Profile picture of the author Ross Petal
          I appreciate your comments Steve and understand what your saying.

          Originally Posted by Steve B View Post


          It's admirable that you want to lend a hand, but what good is it going to do if you are basically stepping in to accomplish a few very basic steps for your friend? Once he's set up are you going to write content for him? Are you going to find products for him to sell? Are you going to set up his delivery mechanisms? His autoresponder sequences? Are you going to get traffic and leads for him?

          I guess I'm wondering where the handouts stop? And what evidence there is that your friend can run a profitable Internet business?

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    • Profile picture of the author talfighel
      Originally Posted by TheSalesBooster View Post

      If this guy is fretting over a $19 aweber subscription and a 10$ hosting fee, I don't think Internet Marketing is for him.
      You are right.

      A lot of people are not willing to spend any money, not even $19 per month for an auto-responder. They have this job mentality and it is best for them to keep at it for their rest of their life.
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  • Profile picture of the author retsced
    You've been around here since 2010 man. What the hell have you been doing since then that such a measly couple of bucks stops you in your tracks? You seriously need to sit down and re-evaluate your marketing strategy.
    Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
    for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7619464].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PaulSch
      Originally Posted by retsced View Post

      You've been around here since 2010 man. What the hell have you been doing since then that such a measly couple of bucks stops you in your tracks? You seriously need to sit down and re-evaluate your marketing strategy.
      I think you missed the point. It's not the OP who is being held up for "a measly couple of bucks".

      The person who asked for help could try adding a few gigs on fiverr to make a quick sale or ten. It's not much of a business plan but it could pay his AWeber bills every month.

      Get FREE Access To Over 180 Webmaster Training Videos here. Did I mention they are totally free?

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      • Profile picture of the author Ross Petal
        Hey Paul,

        That is such a great idea for the newcomer. I will suggest the fiverr gigs idea to him and that way he can pay the monthly fees plus carry on implementing his IM strategies. We all like to help others who are struggling and that's the great thing about this community.

        Originally Posted by PaulSch View Post

        I think you missed the point. It's not the OP who is being held up for "a measly couple of bucks".

        The person who asked for help could try adding a few gigs on fiverr to make a quick sale or ten. It's not much of a business plan but it could pay his AWeber bills every month.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dustin Lyle
    What did I take from this post? Well I got a pretty good E-mail subject line that is bound to get HUGE opening rates amungst my IM list... "Your $1.00 awebber subscription is expiring-ACTION REQUIRED" ... How many people WITH awebber are going to be like... "huh? I pay 30 a month... I better see whats up... And then all the new folks who really are on the first month trial. Then there is the people who use some other solution.. "HUH, I don't have awebber... I better see whats up".
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    • Profile picture of the author Ross Petal
      Hey Dustin,

      That was well spotted. That email title this morning certainly made me open that newcomers email. So he certainly knows how to capture his audience.

      Originally Posted by Dustin Lyle View Post

      What did I take from this post? Well I got a pretty good E-mail subject line that is bound to get HUGE opening rates amungst my IM list... "Your $1.00 awebber subscription is expiring-ACTION REQUIRED" ... How many people WITH awebber are going to be like... "huh? I pay 30 a month... I better see whats up... And then all the new folks who really are on the first month trial. Then there is the people who use some other solution.. "HUH, I don't have awebber... I better see whats up".
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  • Profile picture of the author napoleonfirst
    If they have any issues with Aweber, they can use the services of Getresponse, ContantConstact or iContact to solve them at least for the short term.
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  • Profile picture of the author onegoodman
    First, I am not sure if he is concerned about $19 every month, why would n't he start with the free emailing list just mailchimp and free hosting (not that I recommended).

    I reach to believe that, you need money to make money specially if you considering having your own business. If this is a problem, he shall move on to do some freelancing work rather than wasting his time freaking about aweber fees.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7620524].message }}
    • I've heard investment bankers make a huge amount of money and I need $100,000 in the next 30 days.

      I sent my resume to all the Wall Street banks. What do I do now?

      Fiverr is looking for freelance writers for its blog. Details here.
      Love microjobs? Work when you want and get paid in cash the same day!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7620667].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author salegurus
        Originally Posted by napoleonfirst View Post

        If they have any issues with Aweber, they can use the services of Getresponse, ContantConstact or iContact to solve them at least for the short term.
        Think you misread the OP...

        Originally Posted by kindsvater View Post

        I would go further and say no business is appropriate. I'm not sure where some get the idea that using the Internet means there are no business expenses. Maybe it is the low barrier to entry.
        Hang on, i thought these were all facts:
        "You don't need money to make money"
        "All you need to make a bundle online is a piece of string and a wad of bubble gum"
        "Never give up (Even though you haven't made a dime in 5 years)"
        "Just believe, believe that you can turn lead into gold"
        "Only industry where you can invest $500 with a guaranteed return of $5000 in 30 days" etc.etc.
        Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

        ― George Carlin
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    • Profile picture of the author Ross Petal
      Wise words indeed!

      Originally Posted by onegoodman View Post

      First, I am not sure if he is concerned about $19 every month, why would n't he start with the free emailing list just mailchimp and free hosting (not that I recommended).

      I reach to believe that, you need money to make money specially if you considering having your own business. If this is a problem, he shall move on to do some freelancing work rather than wasting his time freaking about aweber fees.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7623942].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Nicole K
    If he cannot afford a paid auto responder ask him to use a free one like Listwire. You'll find free squeeze page templates and PLR ebooks in the war room. Dot tk domains are available free and so is hosting. Some of the fastest selling products are WSOs selling on Warrior Plus and JVZoo. If you show him all these things he owes it you to at least make a couple of sales through an OTO giving out a free report or a few mails promoting some product.

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    • Profile picture of the author Ross Petal
      Hey Nicole, I've hear of listwire and it's not bad for a free one.

      The problem is most newcomers are psychologically drawn towards companies that offer this $1 trial but they don't realize that you have to do the research, put the time and effort into it.

      Originally Posted by Nicole K View Post

      If he cannot afford a paid auto responder ask him to use a free one like Listwire. You'll find free squeeze page templates and PLR ebooks in the war room. Dot tk domains are available free and so is hosting. Some of the fastest selling products are WSOs selling on Warrior Plus and JVZoo. If you show him all these things he owes it you to at least make a couple of sales through an OTO giving out a free report or a few mails promoting some product.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tmill
    I have been paying for aweber for about 8 months now and haven't even gotten 200 emails collected with it yet. People just don't want to subscribe in the niche I am in.

    If the guy who messaged you can't even pay for aweber, then he is probably better off getting a day job until he has enough money saved to fund these type of things. I have spent hundreds of dollars on different IM products and tools before I started making money. If he is knew, he probably should just start out with a basic website page and promote a product that converts well without buying any seo or marketing tools. Once he starts getting sales, then he should add aweber and SEO
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  • Profile picture of the author Rbtmarshall
    You replied to spam?

    That's what a forum is for. The member should have posted the question for the forum to give suggestions, not PMing an individual.
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  • Profile picture of the author manicmethods
    At the end of the day, it SHOULD work a bit like this:

    1. Build site
    2. Get traffic
    3. THEN BUILD LIST! Using $1 Trial!
    4. Then monetize the List
    5. After a month you SHOULD have made $19 (+$xxx depending on list size) to pay for Aweber.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7621338].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Originally Posted by Ross Petal View Post

      Hello Warriors,

      This newcomer is going absolutely Apes as he's now faced with paying for the full price of his Auto responder and Hosting fees, after the initial $1 trial. I'm keen on helping him set up a squeeze page and write up an email series but struck on what exactly to promote. Are they any hot ideas/offers that convert well in 2013?
      Why would you be choosing what the person needs to promote?
      That is all part of the game.
      So you're basically going to do copy for this person and give them a sales funnel - for nothing?
      You're giving the fish - not teaching to fish.

      You're way too nice.

      I would have told them they need to close the account and move on. Sign up again when they are ready and have some traffic coming in somewhere or go try another service that offers a cheapo trial.

      You don't need an autoresponder to make money. Yes - it's nice to have asap, but not needed.

      My first affiliate sales online made me money and I had no autoresponder in place.

      As for the hosting - they shouldn't have bothered with buying hosting - or even a domain name for that matter - without some kind of business plan in place first.

      I would have told them to go play and experiment on the free resources out there first until they figured out what they wanted to do.
      Originally Posted by Rbtmarshall View Post

      You replied to spam?

      That's what a forum is for. The member should have posted the question for the forum to give suggestions, not PMing an individual.
      I think OP mentioned email - and that they happen to be a member on this forum?

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7621983].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Ross Petal
        Thanks Jill, I appreciate your kind comments. Btw your really nice to people too. I've seen the priceless threads.

        Your other point about making money without an auto responder is also true. I know warriors who are successful without a list. However, when some newcomers come on the scene, they immediately jump in without having a strategy.

        Originally Posted by Jill Carpenter View Post

        Why would you be choosing what the person needs to promote?
        That is all part of the game.
        So you're basically going to do copy for this person and give them a sales funnel - for nothing?
        You're giving the fish - not teaching to fish.

        You're way too nice.

        I would have told them they need to close the account and move on. Sign up again when they are ready and have some traffic coming in somewhere or go try another service that offers a cheapo trial.

        You don't need an autoresponder to make money. Yes - it's nice to have asap, but not needed.

        My first affiliate sales online made me money and I had no autoresponder in place.

        As for the hosting - they shouldn't have bothered with buying hosting - or even a domain name for that matter - without some kind of business plan in place first.

        I would have told them to go play and experiment on the free resources out there first until they figured out what they wanted to do.

        I think OP mentioned email - and that they happen to be a member on this forum?
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    • Profile picture of the author DaZapper12
      Originally Posted by manicmethods View Post

      At the end of the day, it SHOULD work a bit like this:

      1. Build site
      2. Get traffic
      3. THEN BUILD LIST! Using $1 Trial!
      4. Then monetize the List
      5. After a month you SHOULD have made $19 (+ depending on list size) to pay for Aweber.
      Very well put.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7623129].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ross Petal
      That's the blueprint there. It really helps to choose a super niche and then go full scale on the below steps.

      Originally Posted by manicmethods View Post

      At the end of the day, it SHOULD work a bit like this:

      1. Build site
      2. Get traffic
      3. THEN BUILD LIST! Using $1 Trial!
      4. Then monetize the List
      5. After a month you SHOULD have made $19 (+ depending on list size) to pay for Aweber.
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  • Profile picture of the author pathwise
    Why don't you just use Mailchimp for your autoresponder until you are making enough to pay for one on a monthly basis?

    Mailchimp gives you the ability to have up to a 2000 person list with 12000 emails sent every month on their free plan.

    The only downside is they don't have an autoresponder for the free plan, so you would have to manually send your mails every day, but it is an option you can think about.

    It really just depends on how much you value your time - perhaps you can cut back your expenses in another area to afford your Aweber if that is a pivotal part of your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Tell him to get serious about his marketing and business, and stop treating it like a side hobby or experimental project. If he is unwilling to do this... then direct him to Ebay.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      If he is unwilling to do this... then direct him to Ebay.

      Now be nice!

      There is nothing wrong with an ebay based business! :p

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7622719].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        We all like to help others who are struggling and that's the great thing about this community.
        True that - and the way to help is to eliminate the "buts".

        I understand what your saying but unfortunately so many people come into IM expecting immediate results....

        I totally agree but most newcomers have problems focusing on one thing, t
        If you are going to help someone totally new the best thing to do is to burst the dream bubbles right up front. Too often, people want to help but they hate to dim the dream or...whatever.

        Fact is - if you sign up for a free trials without the money to continue a service, there's no point to starting a list.

        Fact is - you are not likely to generate enough money right away to pay your business expenses.

        Fact is - a "plan" is an outline of what to DO to get where you want to be. Hoping for fast sales to cover the bills is not a plan. Signing up for trial versions of products you can't afford is not a plan.

        What you can do is give him a reality check. If you start with little money, it will take more time to see results. His first task should be to find a way to EARN enough money to pay for the tools he needs. That means providing a service online - or finding some kind of work offline.

        He won't like it - no one likes to lose a dream. But if he "gets it" he'll be on his way with the tools needed to build his own dream.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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        • Profile picture of the author DaZapper12
          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          True that - and the way to help is to eliminate the "buts".

          If you are going to help someone totally new the best thing to do is to burst the dream bubbles right up front. Too often, people want to help but they hate to dim the dream or...whatever.

          Fact is - if you sign up for a free trials without the money to continue a service, there's no point to starting a list.

          Fact is - you are not likely to generate enough money right away to pay your business expenses.

          Fact is - a "plan" is an outline of what to DO to get where you want to be. Hoping for fast sales to cover the bills is not a plan. Signing up for trial versions of products you can't afford is not a plan.

          What you can do is give him a reality check. If you start with little money, it will take more time to see results. His first task should be to find a way to EARN enough money to pay for the tools he needs. That means providing a service online - or finding some kind of work offline.

          He won't like it - no one likes to lose a dream. But if he "gets it" he'll be on his way with the tools needed to build his own dream.
          Very true, I remember when i had no money to pay for my Aweber for three months lol. I believe if a newcomer ( i still consider myself new btw) wants immediate results, they have to be willing have and invest a good amount of capital and time, for a few days. Even then, you'd still have to test and see if you make a profit.
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    • Profile picture of the author rmolina88
      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      Tell him to get serious about his marketing and business, and stop treating it like a side hobby or experimental project. If he is unwilling to do this... then direct him to Ebay.
      I definitely agree with Randall.

      IM should be treated like a business where you have to spend money to make money. I remember how extremely hesitant I was to spend any money at first, but now I look back on every dollar I've ever spent and lost as the best investments I've ever made.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7623258].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ross Petal
      Hey Randall,

      So true! Some people treat IM as a hobby.

      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      Tell him to get serious about his marketing and business, and stop treating it like a side hobby or experimental project. If he is unwilling to do this... then direct him to Ebay.
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  • Profile picture of the author Young Financier
    And these are the kinds of people you have trying to teach you how to make money. Smh
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  • Profile picture of the author kevin timothy
    He needs a cash flow system. Anything that will create income to keep that autoresponder. An absolute must.
    Your Funnel is Waiting. Fill It With Unlimited Leads
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  • Profile picture of the author MilkerFocus
    you can open another account by using another email.
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  • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
    Originally Posted by Ross Petal View Post

    Hello Warriors,

    This is the message I received from a fellow warrior this morning via email: Aweber - $1 Free Trial Expired.....Please Please Please Help!. It certainly made me stop what I was doing and got my attention.

    This newcomer is going absolutely Apes as he's now faced with paying for the full price of his Auto responder and Hosting fees, after the initial $1 trial. I'm keen on helping him set up a squeeze page and write up an email series but struck on what exactly to promote. Are they any hot ideas/offers that convert well in 2013?
    Why does he even have an autoresponder and hosting if he doesn't even what he wants to do with them? Have him cancel both of them if he can, and figure those things out first, and then get as much work done as possible BEFORE taking on new trials, which will maximize the trial period. You don't have to have an active autoresponder account to write up all the content you're going to load it up with. The same goes for the website.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ross Petal

    The newcomer emailed me again just an hour ago to say that he cancelled his Aweber subscription and now moving over to working on Affiliate Marketing. I will have to some serious words with this chap. Unfortunately lack of focus, not following through on one project and jumping from one thing to another are the problems here. We can try our best to help, however, certain individual's mindset is very hard thing to change.
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  • Profile picture of the author david haines
    Not sure where to create a new thread. Maybe I don't have access ??? Have a nearly yr old website with 800 visitors per day organic through linking. Not generating any sales / conversions. Could use some help to determine if it is the website, or the traffic. Thanks
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7624043].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ross Petal
      Hey David,

      Welcome to the Warrior Forum and thanks for hijacking my
      It's like me gate crashing the Queen's Christmas Dinner Party at Buckingham

      Try this clicking on WarriorForum - Internet Marketing Forums > The Warrior Forum > then select the category that best describes your question. You might need to have a certain no.of posts to submit your new thread.

      Originally Posted by david haines View Post

      Not sure where to create a new thread. Maybe I don't have access ??? Have a nearly yr old website with 800 visitors per day organic through linking. Not generating any sales / conversions. Could use some help to determine if it is the website, or the traffic. Thanks
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7624060].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author david haines
        Sorry Ross,

        I appologize for the thread interuption. Have been trying to figure out how to start a new thread on here. Thanks for the info.. Will check it out.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7624239].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Ross Petal
          No problem mate. I remember doing something similar when I joined years back. Cheers

          Originally Posted by david haines View Post

          Sorry Ross,

          I appologize for the thread interuption. Have been trying to figure out how to start a new thread on here. Thanks for the info.. Will check it out.
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          • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
            Originally Posted by Ross Petal View Post

            Btw your really nice to people too.
            Yeah, I'm a really nice girl (when I'm sleeping ).

            "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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          • Profile picture of the author gromine
            I agree with TMill, find a way to make money first doing fiverr gigs or similar. Once you are making enough to pay your fixed expenses then go ahead and build a list. Although I agree that the money is in the list, if you spend all of your emotional energy worrying about autoresponder costs, you may not have the energy to focus.
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            • Profile picture of the author Gonzosan
              I skimmed through some of these posts but I'm wondering why you care so much about this guy. It seems like he wants someone to hand hold him through this process. He's freaking out about a subscription and hosting which cost about $30 a month.

              If he can't afford that then look for alternaitves. Mailchimp is the other one I've used and it seems pretty great for what they give you for free. I would say to get a free wordpress page hosted on wordpress but that would look a bit tacky. You can get hosting for like $5-7 a month at most and $10 for a domain name (maybe cheaper).

              It really isn't all that hard to make enough money to pay for those fee through alternatives like using Fiverr. I don't think it's a matter of money but a matter of will. I'm sure lots of people here started off with nothing and slowly grew it out.
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