Clickbank Order Form Changes - Thoughts?

31 replies
Hey guys,

This is a question for all you Clickbank vendors and affiliates out there.

Was checking one of my products payment links and noticed that Clickbank are split testing a new order form:

Just seeing what your thoughts are on this for conversions etc...

Looks too me that they are trying to make it look more like Googles search engine theme.
#clickbank #form #order #thoughts
  • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
    They did something great in the last day and a half. I'm really happy with my commissions as an affiliate!
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    • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
      Originally Posted by PerformanceMan View Post

      They did something great in the last day and a half. I'm really happy with my commissions as an affiliate!
      You have noticed an increase in conversions then?

      Most of my products it is too soon to tell, some have slumped and others have been converting very well - not sure if it is anything to do with the order form yet though.
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      • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
        I really don't see this as a positive move at all.

        The PayPal option is barely visable!

        It's presenting the process as being more complicated that it actually need be (if the customer uses PayPal).

        What are they thinking!?

        My CB sales have plummeted in past days but I assumed it to be a post Xmas thing. This may well explain it!

        I can only hope they switch back to the original.
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      • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
        Originally Posted by Chri5123 View Post

        You have noticed an increase in conversions then?

        Most of my products it is too soon to tell, some have slumped and others have been converting very well - not sure if it is anything to do with the order form yet though.
        I'm an affiliate and my money went up a lot yesterday and this morning so far. I also appear to have more traffic (It seems Google updated although not too many people are talking about it.)

        Let's face it. Clickbank hasn't brought in $2.2 billion by being stupid. They'll run A/B tests and release something that makes more money!
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        • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
          Originally Posted by PerformanceMan View Post

          I'm an affiliate and my money went up a lot yesterday and this morning so far. I also appear to have more traffic (It seems Google updated although not too many people are talking about it.)

          Let's face it. Clickbank hasn't brought in $2.2 billion by being stupid. They'll run A/B tests and release something that makes more money!
          Yep, I hear you.

          Wasn't knocking it - but whether you have bought in $20 or $20,000,0000 you still need to test.

          More interested in what the testing phase means to me as a vendor as we have no control over it and cannot see the stats/conversion rates.

          Glad to see it is helping you though
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          • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
            Originally Posted by Chri5123 View Post

            Yep, I hear you.

            Wasn't knocking it - but whether you have bought in $20 or $20,000,0000 you still need to test.

            More interested in what the testing phase means to me as a vendor as we have no control over it and cannot see the stats/conversion rates.

            Glad to see it is helping you though
            As a vendor I can definitely see your point. It has to be a bit nerve-wracking any time 'the platform' makes changes. Let's hope it's just more money for everyone So far it seems positive to me.
            Free Special Report on Mindset - Level Up with Positive Thinking
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    • Profile picture of the author jamescanz
      Originally Posted by PerformanceMan View Post

      They did something great in the last day and a half. I'm really happy with my commissions as an affiliate!
      I agree. I don't know what it is ... but my commissions shot up as well

      Can never complain about results
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  • Profile picture of the author zenji
    Looks alright to me. We have to wait and see how it works ou

    Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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  • Profile picture of the author curly sue
    i think paypal choice should be more enhanced, since its the most used merchant online
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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    Well, I never paid much attention to this, so I am unsure what all that changed, but I think they did WELL!

    1. It is fully on the up and up telling you WHAT you ordered, HOW MUCH, TAX, CURRENCY. That is RARE today, but I have been arguing for this SINCE DAY ONE!
    2. It has all the BASIC info needed to charge a card, on one screen. AGAIN, NOT COMMON, but one of my vendors delayed a payment TO THEM over 2 weeks because THEY failed to do it!

    As for PAYPAL? SOME claim put it elsewhere, bigger, etc.... NOPE! There are a LOT of reasons why THAT is a BAD idea. Where they have it is PERFECT! ***I*** can see the logo! It's FINE! And it is an EQUAL SIZE! Did you know, at least at ONE time, amex, VISA, and Mastercard had a rule that was IMPOSSIBLE to follow unless ALL were advertised in the same place and at the same size!?!?!? Clickbank follows THAT rule ALSO!

    And customers would like this, so I am NOT surprised if sales went up. They SHOULD change "Today's payment" to "Total Payment" though!

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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

      As for PAYPAL? SOME claim put it elsewhere, bigger, etc.... NOPE! There are a LOT of reasons why THAT is a BAD idea.
      What reasons do you think there are which makes having a bigger PayPal option a bad idea?

      A lot more people pay via PayPal from my experience than they do credit card.
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      • Profile picture of the author seasoned
        Originally Posted by Daniel Evans View Post

        What reasons do you think there are which makes having a bigger PayPal option a bad idea?

        A lot more people pay via PayPal from my experience than they do credit card.
        It will detract from other methods of payment and may lead people to believe that is all you offer. It may turn some off. It can just cause problems that sometimes may mean the difference between having a sale and NOT.

        As for the credit card question, does clickbank tell you which it was? If not, then you HAVEN'T tested it! You see, ONE reason why people don't use credit cards so much is because the vendor does it WRONG, leaves out information, or they may not trust you. Paypal takes all that stuff out of the picture. Clickbank is likely better trusted than MOST.

        What's the problem ANYWAY? I want to pay by *****PAYPAL******* Payment methods? WOW, THERE IT IS! HAPPY!

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        • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
          Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

          It will detract from other methods of payment and may lead people to believe that is all you offer. It may turn some off. It can just cause problems that sometimes may mean the difference between having a sale and NOT.
          But that's the exact argument I'm putting forth for the use of PayPal.

          Credit card now precedes in priority. It detracts from PayPal and makes the suggestion that credit card is all that's accepted in contrast to how it was previously.

          Every vendor knows that the majority of people prefer to use PayPal for the sheer convenience. It's actually a prime USP of Clickbank and a primary reason why many people favour Clickbank.

          As for the credit card question, does clickbank tell you which it was? If not, then you HAVEN'T tested it! You see, ONE reason why people don't use credit cards so much is because the vendor does it WRONG, leaves out information, or they may not trust you. Paypal takes all that stuff out of the picture. Clickbank is likely better trusted than MOST.
          The reason why people don't use credit cards is because it's a faf and people don't want to be lumbered with purchase interest - assuming they even own one. Granted too that some people don't have PayPal accounts so that demographic may favour cards too.

          I seriously doubt it has anything to do with vendors presentation unless they place complete emphasis upon PayPal (and not credit cards), which given the current state of the order page, will now have to be a mandatory step.
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          • Profile picture of the author Harvey Segal
            Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

            As for the credit card question, does clickbank tell you which it was?
            Yes they do. I've just checked one of my accounts and around 45% of the payments were via Paypal

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            • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
              I've checked mine and 66% of people are PayPal buyers.
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              • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
                That's not untrue Chris and I appreciate that as a point.
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            • Profile picture of the author seasoned
              Originally Posted by Harvey Segal View Post

              Yes they do. I've just checked one of my accounts and around 45% of the payments were via Paypal

              That implies that paypal ISN'T that much favored. And many that chose paypal might have used a credit card if they didn't have the option.

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          • Profile picture of the author seasoned
            Originally Posted by Daniel Evans View Post

            But that's the exact argument I'm putting forth for the use of PayPal.

            Credit card now precedes in priority. It detracts from PayPal and makes the suggestion that credit card is all that's accepted in contrast to how it was previously.

            Every vendor knows that the majority of people prefer to use PayPal for the sheer convenience. It's actually a prime USP of Clickbank and a primary reason why many people favour Clickbank.

            The reason why people don't use credit cards is because it's a faf and people don't want to be lumbered with purchase interest - assuming they even own one. Granted too that some people don't have PayPal accounts so that demographic may favour cards too.

            I seriously doubt it has anything to do with vendors presentation unless they place complete emphasis upon PayPal (and not credit cards), which given the current state of the order page, will now have to be a mandatory step.
            Well, it certainly isn't a Usp, and it was a kind of johnny come lately. As for credit cards, do so many really want that?

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  • Profile picture of the author asepkomara
    I believe this new layout will convert to sales better. Good news for both vendors and affiliates.
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  • Profile picture of the author XanBarksdale
    I have no doubt that the layout will produce better conversions. They've been testing it for a while (I made a thread about it HERE last week).

    The people at ClickBank aren't dummies, they've made this change for a reason and I promise there is a method to their madness!
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  • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
    The PayPal is right there. I don't think anyone is going to miss it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      It's not "right there" by any means.

      It's a tiny 28px blurred logo.

      At a glance some people will miss it I'm sure.

      The previous order form had a whole separate column (from the form) with a single PayPal button in it which was much more effective in drawing attention to the payment method whilst conveying the message that the customer didn't have to complete the form if they used that option.

      There is no reason at all to have a PayPal option embedded into a form (after "country and "zip code" no less) which is used to process credit cards.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7620962].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author seasoned
        Originally Posted by Daniel Evans View Post

        It's not "right there" by any means.

        It's a tiny 28px blurred logo.

        At a glance some people will miss it I'm sure.

        The previous order form had a whole separate column (from the form) with a single PayPal button in it which was much more effective in drawing attention to the payment method whilst conveying the message that the customer didn't have to complete the form if they used that option.

        There is no reason at all to have a PayPal option embedded into a form (after "country and "zip code" no less) which is used to process credit cards.
        They WANT to have ZIP, and in many cases zip is REQUIRED! I KNOW paypal isn't using it externally, but they MAY, etc... As for country? Country is *****REQUIRED BY LAW*****! WHY? Because many countries now demand, and the US is likely to soon demand, a TAX! There is NO other way, outside of angering a LOT of customers and breaking OTHER laws, to comply with that!

        BTW country is often NOT currently needed to process credit cards.

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  • Profile picture of the author Derek S
    I like everything about it!

    Nice use of white space making things look very clean!

    Love the trust elements up top and the attention to the money back guarantee!

    Also really love how they made the grey pay now button yellow and orange!

    Only thing I would love to see added to it is the ability to add my testimonials in a column down the right hand side!

    People who want to use PayPal will still use PayPal, if its a big issue for you just reinstate it in the header image.

    Dont know if many of you noticed but ClickBank was testing about a BBB button on their checkout page about a month ago. It shot up my conversions but the never stuck with it

    --- Work Smart... Not Hard ---

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  • Profile picture of the author GarrieWilson
    Originally Posted by Chris Kent View Post

    Great, gotta change my order page screenshot on my sales page again!
    Not yet. They are testing rights now.

    For all the products I tested, I get the new one in IE and the old one in FF.

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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

      Well, it certainly isn't a Usp, and it was a kind of johnny come lately. As for credit cards, do so many really want that?

      The fact that Clickbank is one of few remaining platforms that accepts PayPal on behalf of the vendor is a huge USP.

      There are people in countries who cannot accept direct PayPal payment and CB bridges that very gap.

      Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

      That implies that paypal ISN'T that much favored. And many that chose paypal might have used a credit card if they didn't have the option.
      See my stats.

      Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

      They WANT to have ZIP, and in many cases zip is REQUIRED! I KNOW paypal isn't using it externally, but they MAY, etc... As for country? Country is *****REQUIRED BY LAW*****! WHY? Because many countries now demand, and the US is likely to soon demand, a TAX! There is NO other way, outside of angering a LOT of customers and breaking OTHER laws, to comply with that!
      No they don't.

      They aren't required fields for the PayPal option. Those credentials are already provided by the PayPal account.

      You can check the PayPal radio button without applying those fields and still be forwarded to PayPal, hence why the PayPal option does not make sense to be embedded amongst the form.
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  • Profile picture of the author manicmethods
    I HATE IT! I think it looks messier and too scattered now.

    Saying that means nothing though, it's all about conversions. If I noticed a drop in sales then of course I'll hate it more and if it is an increase then I will suddenly love it.

    Will need to give it a month MIN before I can notice trends etc though.
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  • Profile picture of the author jdooley13
    Well, as an affiliate with a good bit of money (at least to me) locked in their system until I get the required number of credit card sales, I am all for it. All of my sales, so far have been paypal sales.

    High Quality Solo Ads.

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    • Profile picture of the author Harvey Segal
      Originally Posted by manicmethods View Post

      I think it looks messier and too scattered now.
      I agree

      I would like to see a thin box border around each of the 3 main sections
      - Order Details
      - The trust elements and the ClickBank Guarantee
      - Payment Information

      Originally Posted by manicmethods View Post

      Will need to give it a month MIN before I can notice trends etc though.
      Given that ClickBank makes a sale every 3 seconds I think they will know within hour or two how well it fares

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