If You Had $600 To Spend On Online Biz - How Would You Spend It?

39 replies
Hello everyone,

I would like to know the answer to this question -

If You Had $600 To Spend On Your Online Biz - How Would You Spend It?

I would like to know for my own personal info, and also I may turn this into a blog post and of course credit with a backlink (to your sites) to all responders on my popular Internet marketing blog.

I am especially interested to hear from affiliate marketers.

#$600 #biz #online #spend
  • Profile picture of the author dvduval
    You could get a pretty nice website going for that. I assume maybe you would hire some help and get something nice up that you can use to funnel traffic to something you want to sell. I would be very careful about buying SEO services until you are 100% doing some of it yourself before you hand over the torch. You can waste a lot of money getting your site in trouble with the google unnatural linking penalty.
    It is okay to contact me! I have been developing software since 1999, creating many popular products like phpLD.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve L
    I'd spend it on something nice to wear and the rest I'd set aside for gas. I'd then hit the streets, going from business to business armed with a great offer at a great price.

    Or if sitting in front of the computer is your thing; product creation.
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  • Profile picture of the author Scottcampbell1980
    Personally I would get a squeeze page made, either outsource or do it myself, combine it with a good freebie offer, and start buying Solo Ads to build your list of subs. $ 600 will go a long way towards helping you build a list. Make sure you seek out trusted vendors with responsive subscribers and your list will start to grow. Then, you've got free traffic whenever you need it.

    That's what I would do buddy. ;-)
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  • Profile picture of the author redexclub
    I'll buy a website from flippa or I'll use it for a money making method
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  • Profile picture of the author winagain
    I will make a blog and a facebook page, and get people's email and sign up to my facebook page.
    Then, developing good content in the form of articles, videos and facebook posts. Then every now and then, send emails with offrers related to my niche and facebook posts with the same offer.
    Yes, you can do all that with $600 or under.
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  • Profile picture of the author napoleonfirst
    I would buy a website at Flippa or DP, get more traffic, better monetization and sell it a year from now for top dollar. Of course, you need to know what you are doing as buy a website is not as essy as it might seem.
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  • Profile picture of the author rmolina88
    Traffic or a small part of product creation.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rbtmarshall
    Make it an actual business if it isn't already.

    The filing fees and first flat tax/fee may be around that amount.

    then set up a different bank account for the LLC, and use something like Quickbooks.
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  • Profile picture of the author JensSteyaert
    You could use that as a test investment to improve your traffic generating tactics. ppc, banner advertising, paid links etc...
    If you can get your test money back in a month you're on the right track..
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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    • Profile picture of the author Love2Blog
      Originally Posted by salegurus View Post

      Here's A Thought - Instead Of Starting A Thread That has Been Posted Dozens Of Times Before, USE THE SEARCH BUTTON!
      Not sure how you felt this would be helpful

      But either way the Search Function on Warrior is not the greatest. All you get is a bunch of random threads that mention random words in a phrase that is searched for.

      It's really annoying when people on this forum waste times with useless attacks.
      Highest Quality PLR - Content You Will Be Proud To Share With Your Audience - Sign Up For My Email List And Get A Ton Of FREEBIES - https://internetslayers.com

      Giant Women's Health PLR
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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7622955].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Love2Blog
        Thanks to everyone who offered valuable information, it is very helpful, and there are some great ideas.
        Highest Quality PLR - Content You Will Be Proud To Share With Your Audience - Sign Up For My Email List And Get A Ton Of FREEBIES - https://internetslayers.com

        Giant Women's Health PLR
        Giant Kettlebell PLR Pack
        Yoga PLR eBook/200 + Pcs. Of Meditation/Wellness PLR
        Healthy Cooking 225 Pcs. Of PLR
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7622958].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author salegurus
        Originally Posted by Love2Blog View Post

        It's really annoying when people on this forum waste times with useless attacks.
        Same can be said for people who post questions that have been answered 100 times before...
        Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

        ― George Carlin
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        • Profile picture of the author Dustin Lyle
          Originally Posted by salegurus View Post

          Same can be said for people who post questions that have been answered 100 times before...

          This seems to be an issue in EVERY forum.... But the problem really isn't with the OP asking a question that has been asked "100 times before", Its with statements like these which bring negativity.

          Now, I know I'm new at this forum, BUT, I have personally developed 3 different forums in the past. That said, the solution is for you to understand that the simple function of a forum is regurgitating in nature. People come and people go, information changes, tactics and techniques change, resources as well as technology ALL CHANGE... Ever so quickly I might add.

          If, for instance, each person that visited the forum, only relied on the information that has already been written, never to propose a question because "its already been asked"... When exactly is it ok for them to ask for updated information pertaining to their question? 2 weeks after the most recent? 6 months? 2 years? No one can answer that because its moot.
          This forum, much like every other forum on the web, relies on its people, its participants, to ENGAGE one another... to COMMUNICATE.
          The speed and efficiency of communication is just as important as the content or substance of the communication to keep the person here. To make them feel welcome. To make them feel like the community is receptive.

          At an age where information is a split second away, and where on this forum, a person can ask a question and be answered in seconds, by people willing to help, who have up-to-this-second perspectives... Why would someone with the op's question use the search function, and be inundated with countless threads, NEVER being personally engaged by anyone, and not really knowing if the information was "expired" or "not currently accurate"? If this was their only option, they would leave, never to return again.

          These post's should be used as an OPPORTUNITY by you, as well as everyone else, to establish yourself as a leader... A knowledgeable person willing to help, show some insight, some industry know-how... A chance at building some CREDIBILITY.
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          • Profile picture of the author salegurus
            Originally Posted by Dustin Lyle View Post

            Instead, I've just got the impression you're not going to be someone I would EVER work with. You've just shown me, in 1 sentence, that your not quite intelligent enough for me to ever seek a partnership with you, or accept an offer for one.
            Thank you Dr. Phil, wishing you a happy and prosperous 2013...
            Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

            ― George Carlin
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            • Profile picture of the author Dustin Lyle
              Originally Posted by salegurus View Post

              Thank you Dr. Phil, wishing you a happy and prosperous 2013...
              I'll take that as a compliment.. Sarcasm aside, I wish you the same. Make 2013 your BEST year!
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              • This seems to be an issue in EVERY forum.... But the problem really isn't with the OP asking a question that has been asked "100 times before", Its with statements like these which bring negativity.

                OMG negativity! That's just AWFUL!

                You've just shown me, in 1 sentence, that your not quite intelligent enough for me to ever seek a partnership with you, or accept an offer for one.

                Negativity out but insults are okey-dokey. Check.

                Pro tip: You might want to proofread before declaring "your not quite intelligent enough for me." Oopsie.

                Fiverr is looking for freelance writers for its blog. Details here.
                Love microjobs? Work when you want and get paid in cash the same day!
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                • Profile picture of the author salegurus
                  Originally Posted by fluffythewondercat View Post

                  Negativity out but insults are okey-dokey. Check.
                  Pro tip: You might want to proofread before declaring "your not quite intelligent enough for me." Oopsie.

                  Water off a ducks back.
                  What's the bet they launch a WSO within the next month...
                  Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

                  ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author kmanbloquet
    Great question, I would buy a bunch of links and also buy a bunch of well written articles.
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  • Profile picture of the author TGforever
    Id probably buy a couple Pr2-4 domains and then have the rest go to solo ads.
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  • Easy. take that 600 dollars. Find a profitable niche like health. Buy a domain and hosting. Outsource everything.

    Buy a new house
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  • Profile picture of the author Dustin Lyle
    I would buy...

    awebber account
    hosting account
    domain name

    Then, I would go to work developing a product that solves a problem..
    A short, simple, small, cheap or free product.

    Then, having that mailing list, I would do ad swaps.
    Purchase some solo-ads.


    And thats pretty much the $600.00 .... BUT having dome these few easy steps, you would already be making MORE than your investment back.
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  • Profile picture of the author aceshigh888

    Just create a 1 page video or sales letter and test it out on some traffic to see if you can generate some sales. If so then quickly develop a cheap prototype of the product or service that you whip together in a weekend. So at least you have something to offer while your building a better version. Then get someone off Elance or wherever to help you build a much better version of the product (that's after you're getting steady sales). And then build out the rest of the site and improve upon it. The point is start making money before you spend anything. Learn to shoe string things alone. Like find "free hosting". Find free software, free everything. The only thing you will most likely have to pay for is your domain name. But truth be told you can even just sell something on a free blog if you want. Get it working on there first. Then after it's making money change everything over to a real domain name. And redirect the traffic from the blog to the domain that you want to use. Again make money before you go spending money, especially if you only have 600 dollars.
    EXERCISE: Take a deep breath, hold for 10 seconds, release. ..... There see you feel better now???
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    • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
      Originally Posted by aceshigh888 View Post


      Just create a 1 page video or sales letter and test it out on some traffic to see if you can generate some sales. If so then quickly develop a cheap prototype of the product or service that you whip together in a weekend. So at least you have something to offer while your building a better version. Then get someone off Elance or wherever to help you build a much better version of the product (that's after you're getting steady sales). And then build out the rest of the site and improve upon it. The point is start making money before you spend anything. Learn to shoe string things alone. Like find "free hosting". Find free software, free everything. The only thing you will most likely have to pay for is your domain name. But truth be told you can even just sell something on a free blog if you want. Get it working on there first. Then after it's making money change everything over to a real domain name. And redirect the traffic from the blog to the domain that you want to use. Again make money before you go spending money, especially if you only have 600 dollars.
      So you quick build this 'product' that's a complete piece of crap? The people who buy it are going to wait patiently while you improve on it?
      Free Special Report on Mindset - Level Up with Positive Thinking
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      • Profile picture of the author aceshigh888
        Originally Posted by PerformanceMan View Post

        So you quick build this 'product' that's a complete piece of crap? The people who buy it are going to wait patiently while you improve on it?
        Trust me, Dos is not Windows 7. But if Unix beat it to the market and there was no market anymore for it you wouldn't go out and build windows 7 only to find that out. That's why you have Version 1,2,3 and prototypes etc etc. I'm specifically talking about info products here btw.
        EXERCISE: Take a deep breath, hold for 10 seconds, release. ..... There see you feel better now???
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        • Profile picture of the author Loumonchu
          First off, I would head to my local bookstore and look at all the "Dummies" books (ex. HTML for Dummies)...cost FREE. These books were written for huge markets of people that want a solution to their problem. Find something that excites you.
          Next, become more knowledgeable than 95% of the people looking for the solution by reading 3-4 good books on the subject (used books on Amazon are pretty cheap)...cost under $50 (most likely, depending on niche could be more)
          Now that you have the knowledge to teach...create a squeeze page and free report (outsource squeeze page if not a techie on Fiverr, write the report yourself)...cost Free-$5 Now, locate blogs and forums and use your knowledge to guest post, blog comment, and forum post all with links to your squeeze page (where allowed and applicable)...cost FREE (with the exception of time) Btw, you should be creating your product that you will be selling while doing all the above. You should also be creating your auto-responder sequence at this point.
          Next, have a banner created at Fiverr (or create yourself if techie)...cost Free-$5 Research high traffic blogs and forums to place banner on...cost Free Now, spend what's left on banner placement and solo ads.
          Oh almost forgot about domain, hosting, and auto-responder. Domain...cost $9.99 (GoDaddy) Hosting...cost roughly $48 a year (Hostgator) Auto-responder...cost $1 for one month trial $19 per month thereafter. I may have left a few things out, if so, I apologize in advance...cool?
          Anyways, hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author kayode10
    Originally Posted by Love2Blog View Post

    I would like to know for my own personal info, and also I may turn this into a blog post and of course credit with a backlink (to your sites) to all responders on my popular Internet marketing blog.

    I am especially interested to hear from affiliate marketers.

    As an affiliate, i will just spend all the cash on my website provding highly unique content to my website, because this is really my products not the affiliate product.
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    • Profile picture of the author Plato
      i would invest in a top notch keywordtool like secockpit
      (half year ticket is about 400 $ ) to get
      *low serp comp
      *high value
      *high serch number volume keywords

      and use whats left to outsource building websites & videos targeting these keys
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  • Profile picture of the author J50
    I'd make it a point not to do anything suggested in this thread. I mean what's the point? Following advise from people who you don't know is useless - for all you know everybody in this thread could be on welfare and yet to make a single cent online.

    Follow your own intuition, breaking from the norm is how most really make it in the business world.
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  • Profile picture of the author CsabaSzücs
    I would spend on outsourcing content creation for my EMDs, which are basically Amazon review sites. I do the keyword research myself and after that I outsource the content creation. Depending on the number of the pages (so basically the number of the keywords) content creation cost me $50 - $70 per site.
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  • Profile picture of the author coolidge effect
    I would invest in improving the websites. Providing more features, content, and applications. Invest in the product, and then see the returns.
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  • Profile picture of the author euro2012
    I would ''invest'' in Platinum membership at Worldprofit (4 months x $150)
    Affiliate links are not allowed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    Enough bickering folks, let's keep the thread on track for the OP, huh?

    My best advice is to tell you not to determine what your business direction will be by asking randon strangers on a forum what to spend your money on. Instead, look at the many options and decide what kind of business you want to be in and which niches you want to work with. Only when you've decided that, invest a couple hundred of that money in learning all you can about it -- buy print books, ebooks, and online courses and really bone up on it.

    Next, draft a plan of action and invest the rest of your money in the resources you need to execute your plan - that could be hosting, a website, a mailing list host, whatever your specific needs are.

    Lastly, grind it out. Persistence is required. Make adjustments as needed, but keep pressing toward the mark and you will find your way.

    Good luck.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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