Ideas For Monetizing An Astrology Site

10 replies
Could some of the warriors please check out

My friend has had this site for a while. Even with 3 million hits in the last 6 months, she's not really making any money.

A few ideas are:
- migrate everything from blogspot to her hosted site
- turn some of the free content into paid products or incentive products
- turn it into a membership site and offer premium products or services for paid members

Any ideas would be appreciated!
#astrology #ideas #monetizing #site
  • Profile picture of the author Ty Wagner
    It sounds like you are on the right path...

    I would first use the valuable source of traffic to get people ready for the next project. If you guys are moving to a self hosted domain, make sure you start collecting as many emails as you possibly can before making the switch.

    Most of your traffic is probably coming from the search engines so the day you make the switch to a self hosted server, your traffic will trickle in until Google ranks your new URL's again. More than likely your new URL's WON'T get the same rankings as your old Blog until Google recognizes your new self-hosted website and "re-ranks" your content. This is why a significant amount of time is needed before your traffic will ever get back to normal.

    Keep the content you currently have free and find a way to give something of value to your visitors (Ex: All-In-One Astrology Ebook) in exchange for their email address. Then, which ever direction you decide to take the website you can contact your subscribers and LAUNCH your premium information whenever you're ready.

    I hope that helps a little...


    Who is Ty Wagner? Find out Here.

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    • Profile picture of the author mwright
      Thanks for your input.

      We do have other content we could give away, so we could set up a squeeze page and get those email addresses.

      My first move is importing the blog into Wordpress and changing the layout... content in the middle, ads on the right.

      Then I could put a squeeze box for the free ebook at the top of the ad column.

      That's a start.
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      • Profile picture of the author myob
        Astrology is a huge and quite a lucrative market. According to a poll, roughly a quarter of the population peristently "believes" in astrology; that the position of stars/planets can affect people’s lives:

        They do tend to be loyal customers as well, and there is a large array of thousands of books and related products on Amazon. You could be sitting on a goldmine by collecting the email address of website visitors.
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  • Profile picture of the author MisterMunch
    This guy owns nineplanets. A website that (when the post was writte) have the same traffic as yours and make a good income. You can study his posts and the website to get some input.

    Self Made Minds - Earning by Learning
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  • Profile picture of the author moneymakerway
    That's a site with a lot traffic (3 mill. in 6 months)!
    Yeah, buying a domain name and choosing web hosting
    is absolutely essential!

    My advice is also to focus on building an email list,
    because it is always nice to have a base of people
    interested in what you have to offer and
    which you can contact anytime.
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  • Profile picture of the author benzwm02
    why not advertise astrology reading services?
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    • Profile picture of the author mwright
      Originally Posted by benzwm02 View Post

      why not advertise astrology reading services?
      That's one reason for a redesign. The site owner has services that are hidden in various places, and they need to be placed prominently.
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  • I remember when I use to be in the Keyword Academy, there was a guy who had an astrology site that was monetized via adsense and made 15k a month with it. I'm not sure how many hits he got but I think it was a lot more than that in a 6 month period!
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    • Profile picture of the author mwright
      Originally Posted by Jason Perez O'Connor View Post

      I remember when I use to be in the Keyword Academy, there was a guy who had an astrology site that was monetized via adsense and made 15k a month with it. I'm not sure how many hits he got but I think it was a lot more than that in a 6 month period!
      I think I know who that is. If his is the site I'm thinking about, it's no wonder he's getting that kind of traffic and making that kind of money. It's awesome!
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  • Profile picture of the author manicmethods
    Well I would consider a few things:

    There's a couple of things I would consider, obviously depends on ROI etc.

    Set up an email list service where people can pay $xx per month to receive a weekly 'tailored' horoscope with bonuses (I know nothing about astrology but i'm sure there's something you could come up with).

    Offer a premium phone line service. Put it up in header of your site - "Speak to a professional Astrologist" and charge whatever per minute. You know the sort of thing. No limit on time. Ask any questions. Receive direct answers. Over sell it. Obviously not sure if this is possible, whether she will want to speak on the phone and so on.

    Write reviews for astrology books/tarot cards/other products and use amazon affiliate links.

    Get her to write a detailed book of how she reads the future from stars and planets and sell it on the website.

    I hope these get you thinking and the potential ways you COULD monetize it.
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