ClickBank Products.....Stink???

17 replies
Let me preface my comments below by disclosing that I just signed up for ClinkBank and have not sold, or even yet attempted to sell, a product. That said:

1) The volume of products available seems to be amazingly low. For example, the "Economics" section under Business/Investing has only 12 available products. Really? Just 12? "Personal Finance" only 66? Note, see question under the * below.

2) So many of the product's landing/squeeze pages have opt-ins plastered all over. From what I've been reading here on the Warrior Forum, that's considered leakage and is big "no no."

3) My goodness, the vast majority of the products look so "scammy." The whole point of building lists is to develop a relationship and build trust with your readers. I don't see how I could ever bring myself to recommend nearly all of the products I've checked out. Just doesn't seem right.

4) Where are all of the quality products???

*So, there are Filters on the left side of page and the "Date added to marketplace" is pre-populated and goes back only 4 months. This appears to mean that only products added within the last 4 months are being displayed. Is that right? If so, maybe that's why I'm finding so few (quality) products available. However, all I'm able to do is narrow this filter to being less than the past 4 months. I'm not able to go back to products added before 2012-09-22. I'm not even able to hard input the dates. What am I doing wrong?
#clickbank #productsstink
  • Profile picture of the author benzwm02
    There are not that many quality products on clickbank, mainly because they were digital products made by people who were experts at digital marketing and not the chosen field.
    However, that doesn't mean some exist. Check by start rating and gravity in each marketplace listing.
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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      There's a fair amount of products that aren't presented in a professional manner.

      I can't actually speak for all those products though since naturally I haven't used them.

      There's always jewels amongst the rough though and I'm sure if you dig a little deeper you'll be able to find them. You might have to take a leap of faith now and again though!

      Admitedly some categories are scarce on products though..

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    • Profile picture of the author Dustin Lyle
      As previously stated... Check the gravity. You might be surprised to find that *some of the scammy products are selling like hot cakes. That said, I personally would recommend NOT SELLING products that you personally haven't tested or really believe in. You can't expect to keep a fruitful following if you send them products that you really don't know about.

      A good way to make affiliate cash outside of blindly scouring Clickbank and the likes? Send some messages to people seeking JV partners or affiliates PRE-LAUNCH. Get involved in the product development community. Communicate upcoming products, webinars etc to your list *without looking for a sale.
      There are plenty of products always coming up for release.
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  • Profile picture of the author franktwin
    Click bank products used to be a well gifted niche, the problem was many people were stealing affiliate and products, copying the landing page and not actually given the product that was originally endorsed... rumors took over and discredited REAL CB products that were worth something... Nowadays people want actual software... not to read a 100 page e-book filled with "generic" wording.... 90% of the e-books INFO on CB can be readily accessible via "google search"...
    So YES... CB.. Has GONE STINKY!!!

    Skin Care Formulation Expert | Vitamin C Serum MyTrendyBlends.Com

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  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    Ever go to a flea market or yard sale? That junk sells, and so does the crap in Clickbank. Clickbank isn't the only place to find products to sell, so if you don't like what is available there, find some other vender or write your own to sell on Clickbank or some other marketplace you like better.

    Tim Pears

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    You could always try other affiliate marketplaces but if your marketing and selling skills are on point... you should have no problem making anything on Clickbank sell.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    There is a lot of JUNK on Clickbank but there are also some really good products.

    The sad part is that most of the products that you will find there to sell are duplicates of other products. That's what I hate.
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    • Profile picture of the author djleon1
      Wow - lot of strange advice here. I pretty much think that high gravity products should be ignored and that most people misunderstand it completely.

      There are a ton of great products on CB that sell well with great vendor support, great sales pages, low refund rates and a lot of other good qualities.

      You need to do your homework on each product and if there is a flag (such as opt-in) then move on but to dismiss a marketplace that has over 12k products on it based on limited research is not the way to go.
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by Wascally Wabbit View Post

        The volume of products available seems to be amazingly low.
        There are about 13,000 at the moment, I think?

        (It was higher - they've chased out/cleaned up some of the non-FTC-compliant nonsense).

        Originally Posted by Wascally Wabbit View Post

        many of the product's landing/squeeze pages have opt-ins plastered all over. From what I've been reading here on the Warrior Forum, that's considered leakage and is big "no no."
        Yes, that's correct.

        Some of them have other sales pages also available without that.

        Originally Posted by Wascally Wabbit View Post

        My goodness, the vast majority of the products look so "scammy."
        Not to me. But you're looking at IM/MMO products and I don't touch those with a ten-foot barge-pole because it's very difficult to be paid on them, even when you do make a sale, for the obvious reason:

        I look at the 297 other niches, myself, because that's a much easier way to make a living.

        For the record, if someone tries to suggest to you that "gravity" is an indication of how well a product is selling, you might be well advised to ignore that completely, because it's pure fiction.

        Gravity High or Lower - Which Sells Best & Why?
        Clickbank gravity - is there a sweet-spot here?
        Understanding Clickbank Gravity
        Clickbank and gravity
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        • Profile picture of the author Wascally Wabbit
          Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

          There are about 13,000 at the moment, I think?

          (It was higher - they've chased out/cleaned up some of the non-FTC-compliant nonsense).

          Yes, that's correct.

          Some of them have other sales pages also available without that.

          Not to me. But you're looking at IM/MMO products and I don't touch those with a ten-foot barge-pole because it's very difficult to be paid on them, even when you do make a sale, for the obvious reason:

          I look at the 297 other niches, myself, because that's a much easier way to make a living.

          For the record, if someone tries to suggest to you that "gravity" is an indication of how well a product is selling, you might be well advised to ignore that completely, because it's pure fiction.

          Gravity High or Lower - Which Sells Best & Why?
          Clickbank gravity - is there a sweet-spot here?
          Understanding Clickbank Gravity
          Clickbank and gravity
          Thanks, Alexa. I'm actually not looking at the IM/MMO products. I have no interest in those whatsoever. I'm hoping to get started using the "article syndication" methodology and am currently trying to research and decide on a market/niche - it most certainly won't be IM. I have been perusing ClickBank trying to find products that would jive with the few niche ideas I have and, well, no such luck thus far (hence my original post). I believe I have a solid understanding of gravity after having already read quite a bit on that topic from your numerous other posts (but, thanks for the links anyway!). I've done a tremendous amount of reading on article marketing and have used your post immediately below as the basis. Of course, clicking on the link to one recommended thread leads to a post where you've linked to 5 more which leads to 7 more and so on! It's kept me very busy, but I think I'm at the point where I need to pick something and get started. First roadblock has been ClickBank for the aforementioned reasons I listed in this thread.

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      • Profile picture of the author Wascally Wabbit
        Originally Posted by djleon1 View Post

        Wow - lot of strange advice here. I pretty much think that high gravity products should be ignored and that most people misunderstand it completely.

        There are a ton of great products on CB that sell well with great vendor support, great sales pages, low refund rates and a lot of other good qualities.

        You need to do your homework on each product and if there is a flag (such as opt-in) then move on but to dismiss a marketplace that has over 12k products on it based on limited research is not the way to go.
        I have not dismissed ClickBank. Rather, I was merely sharing my initial observations of dismay and was hoping to have others respond by pointing out how/why I came to faulty, premature conclusions. For instance, does anyone have any feedback or pointers on why the Filters only allow a 4 month window for "Date added to marketplace"? Wouldn't this exclude a large number products? What about everything added previously? I just can't get that filter to go back any farther than 2012-09-23.
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  • Profile picture of the author oldschoolwarrior
    We have a good membership site script selling in click bank.
    Its Easy Member Pro, and should be well known here on the forum.

    It is hard finding quality products in ClickBank, but they are in there.

    You may want to consider checking out the affiliate marketplace, - Instant Commission Platform for Sellers and Affiliates as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author affmemo
    I've also had a hard time finding quality products on Clickbank to sell. And the ones that I do find that are quality, are promoted to no end, thus making it difficult for an affiliate rookie, as myself to get sales.

    Also, this idea of finding and promoting products outside of the IM|MMO niche is a great one. But, the question is what type of niches are we talking about here?

    And what's this thing about finding Clickbank products by rating?

    But, my most pressing question is if Clickbank the company is really doing anything to improve the overall quality of the "digital products" in their marketplace.

    Any useful feedback will be greatly appreciated.
    eBiz Mastermind Group. Interested? PM me for details.
    === To a successful year and beyond!! ===
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    • Profile picture of the author usmanuk
      For gravity I base 20 as reasonable
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  • Profile picture of the author napoleonfirst
    Ohhan that is opportunity, as you can create a product of the highest quality and get affiliates right away.
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  • Profile picture of the author winagain
    The reality is that most of the products suck, but there are a lot of great products too.
    What I do, is ask the owner for a copy of the product for a review. It helps if you show him/her your website.
    That way you know what you are really promoting.
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  • Profile picture of the author drewfioravanti
    Most of the products on Clickbank are in the big three: make money, weight loss, relationships. Especially the ones with the monster gravity. Why? Because they are the biggest markets.

    There are so many factors that go into whether or not someone buys one of the products. Just because some people can't make money there doesn't mean the product sucks, the page doesn't convert, the product doesn't work, etc.

    At the same time, just because someone does do well with a particular product, does not mean that everyone else will.

    There are so many factors that blanket statements for or against just have no value.

    I've had success sending all sorts of traffic. I have also had a lot of failures doing the same thing.

    If you don't like a particular product...or the sales page...or the fact that there is an optin, don't promote it.

    Find something you can truly believe in...the product itself and the sales page.

    There are tons of other places to find products to sell from Commission Junction to Linkshare to Share A Sale to JVZoo to Amazon to CPA offers to who knows what.

    The only way to know if a product is good or not is to use it. To make blanket statements otherwise is completely inaccurate...good or bad.
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