Do Whiteboard Or Slideshow Videos Convert Better?

by seoed
41 replies

there are 2 types of videos which are used for sales letters.

The one is a whiteboard animation, the other is a slideshow (Powerpoint)

What do you think has the better conversions in terms of sales?

Does anyone of you have tested this or know some statistics?
#convert #slideshow #videos #whiteboard
  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    I am kind of split on this issue. For one of my sites, I do well with a whiteboard video. For another project, I haven't gotten a sale after putting up the whiteboard vid.
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  • Profile picture of the author challanger
    video format is not important more than 20%...

    real thing is video content what and how you are communicating with your audience even powerpoint style sales video are very good in generating conversions.. so first concentrate on content/message
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  • Profile picture of the author marketinguk
    Well I have just ordered an explainer video with animations etc. for one of my sites and i'm sure it would improve conversions if the work is good. I will be able to report back to you over the coming days and weeks but have no reason to suspect it wouldn't improve my conversions.
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  • Profile picture of the author leliahawkins31
    Video presentation is a PLUS factor(GOOD).

    but the 2 above video presentation wasn't used. I'm not familiar with the Whiteboard, maybe I saw that online, powerpoint presentation is kinda simple.

    maybe I go for the Whiteboard.

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  • Profile picture of the author marketinguk
    I may be wrong here but I think the whiteboard type explainer videos are said to convert a lot higher then any other type of video presentation especially when it comes to selling your product or service.
    I am also imagining this is the case becuase of the costs involved. To get a really top quality video animation can cost way in excess of $1000 a minute which says to me the demand is definitely there for it. In addition some of the biggest companies like Insurance Companies use them for their sales pitch so again there is likely a reason for that.
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  • Profile picture of the author troy23
    Everything depends on whether your video gives any value to the viewer, is a blatant sales pitch or is just a poor video.
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  • Profile picture of the author seoed
    For one of my sites, I do well with a whiteboard video. For another project, I haven't gotten a sale after putting up the whiteboard vid.
    Can you maybe tell us the broad niches of these two projects? What kind of
    project do you sell on those projects? Is there any kind of content quality difference
    between those two whiteboard videos?
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  • Profile picture of the author WordpressManiac
    I think the best videos are those with a real person speaking about the product. This brings people to a more emotional area where they are more likely to buy.
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  • Profile picture of the author superowid
    Whiteboard does very well. Big companies use it and pay it so crazy expensive... not for no reason!! Even the cheapest software to create it... still is expensive for most of us here! It's that high cost due to the high demand those big guys want to rocket their conversion. What for if not it is???

    But certainly whiteboard is not the thing to increase the conversion. It's rather for engagement purpose. Then the next approach will do the conversion. We know... converting is not an easy task. It's more like a long process with a lot of stuff combine in it. And whiteboard is just an opening of it... where this is a first crucial stage for most of the marketer.

    Just my opinion.

    Hard time to keep promoting business? Don't worry!
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  • Profile picture of the author howtogurus
    Both systems can work. One will probably work better than the other for a specific sales pitch and market. You really need to test both and go with what works. And don't forget, what works this month may not work next month, so keep those tests going at all times.
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    • Profile picture of the author Snow_Predator
      With my testing I have found that Slideshow videos (with a good, professional or otherwise entertaining audio voiceover), convert way better than a normal text salesletter.

      If you take the same script and the same audio voiceover, and make a whiteboard animation video out of it, it converts even better. But the trouble/cost you go through to make a whiteboard animation video may not be worth it, UNLESS you are already making LOTS of sales with a slideshow vid.

      So my advice would be: stick to slideshow vids, and get 'em converting well. Once you have lots of traffic, high conversions, and loadsa cash, only THEN consider upgrading that same video to whiteboard animation.
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  • Profile picture of the author Deepak Media
    Originally Posted by seoed View Post


    there are 2 types of videos which are used for sales letters.

    The one is a whiteboard animation, the other is a slideshow (Powerpoint)

    What do you think has the better conversions in terms of sales?

    Does anyone of you have tested this or know some statistics?
    Whiteboard videos are harder to make and definitely converts better because it captures the attention of the prospect in a better way!
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    @ Bangalore, India.
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  • Profile picture of the author ecoverartist
    As someone who focuses on conversion rates, I'll tell you that the method doesn't matter nearly as much as the offer. I think people are more immediately attracted and give their attention to the whiteboard videos more readily than powerpoint presentation. But the video could be the most stunning, beautiful eye candy there is. If the offer is weak and doesn't convert, it's all for nothing.
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  • Profile picture of the author raydp
    If a video can hold a viewers attention for most, or its entire length, it is thought that Google will "smile on you".

    In other words, if a visitor does not return to the listings in the first 30 seconds Google assumes you must have a great site. This assumes the rest of your content is good.

    Whiteboard videos are very likely to achieve this aim. Not only because of their novelty value, but because of the way the human mind seems to be mesmerised by them.


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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel R
      I think whiteboard videos will help you catch your viewers attention, but still it´s up to you to make an interesting video
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  • Profile picture of the author thedanbrown
    Ya I think the important thing is that you are using a video to sell your product. Also, I think it really depends on the audience like you should test out doodle videos and power point to see what works the best
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  • Profile picture of the author Jennie Heckel
    Hi All,

    With my own copywritiing clients I find the best solution is to do the PowerPoint style videos first, get them converting well and then after the client HAS THE MONEY He/She MADE FROM SALES, THEN TO INVEST THAT MONEY into a fancier whiteboard video.

    The thing is...

    The cost of the whiteboard animation might be cost prohibitive if the product does not convert high enough.

    Plus you might make a pile more money just revising the PowerPoint video and launching it on another domain name and doubling your money rather than investing in a whiteboard video.

    Only my high end clients pay for whiteboard videos, and they get to be extremely expensive if you have to do any edits to the videos...while the PowerPoint ones are much simpler to edit and split test.

    I have found 200 words per minute speed = 1400 word video script makes for a 7 minute video which in my split testing converts the best.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Jennie Heckel
    Sales Letter Copywriter.
    ******* WSO & JV ZOO COPYWRITER -- VLS & SALES LETTERS PROVEN TO CONVERT ******* Get Higher Profits From Launches That SELL! Proven Copywriter with 17 Years of Copywriting Experience. Contact Me Via Skype: seoexpertconsulting Copywriting Website:

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    • Profile picture of the author Robbie B
      Pressure's on then by the looks of it. Was researching this as I know nothing about whiteboard presentations, and a client's asked me to do the script for one. I'd better make it top notch info, for the price these things are going for.

      While researching, I found this infographic about the conversions. It will be biased though, so I'd take it with a pinch of salt. It's from a site selling scribe videos

      here's the infographic anyway
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
      Originally Posted by Jennie Heckel View Post

      Hi All,

      With my own copywritiing clients I find the best solution is to do the PowerPoint style videos first, get them converting well and then after the client HAS THE MONEY He/She MADE FROM SALES, THEN TO INVEST THAT MONEY into a fancier whiteboard video.

      The thing is...

      The cost of the whiteboard animation might be cost prohibitive if the product does not convert high enough.

      Plus you might make a pile more money just revising the PowerPoint video and launching it on another domain name and doubling your money rather than investing in a whiteboard video.

      Only my high end clients pay for whiteboard videos, and they get to be extremely expensive if you have to do any edits to the videos...while the PowerPoint ones are much simpler to edit and split test.

      I have found 200 words per minute speed = 1400 word video script makes for a 7 minute video which in my split testing converts the best.

      Just my 2 cents.

      Jennie Heckel
      Sales Letter Copywriter.
      Jennie hit the nail on the head...

      PowerPoint VSL's often times convert better than the expensive white board presentations and/or the spell-it-out-as-you-watch type videos.

      It just depends on the market and audience.

      But PP videos are so easy to make. They require little or no investment (if you can do them on your own or find someone who can whip them out quickly...) Vin Montello is making it easier and cheaper than ever with his new system.

      Of course...

      You do have the voiceover costs - so do it on your own first, then hire the very best to perform the script.

      And in business... (on or offline)

      It's always ideal to use your profits to take your marketing to the next level, rather than constantly coming out of pocket, especially in the testing period.

      Don't get stuck on the medium; good copy will convert (in front of the right audience) in virtually any kind of presentation.


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  • Profile picture of the author asiriusthoth
    I agree with most, just like websites; content is king. It's the selling point behind a video that helps get sales. I think slideshows are great, but so are whiteboards. A combination is great pictures/animation with professional sounding narration (and a good point behind the video)... you have yourself a good selling tool.

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  • I don't know if they CONVERT better, but one thing they DO for sure, is ENGAGE better.

    Those white-board videos suck. you. in.

    You can't help but stare and wonder: "Man, I wish I could draw like that"

    That's the thing though, a lot of people are drawn a lot to the art, and not the message.

    Engaging, yes. Converting? Questionable.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Remember, your video is part of your OVERALL BRAND. Use it wisely. Pack as much value into it. The key is to make videos that will PUSH your brand forward.
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  • Profile picture of the author superowid
    There is another one better presently. It is called...

    ... simpleshow

    Just browse it in YouTube and you will get what I mean. This one is even more expensive than whiteboard video. And you'll be amazing how this video style has been used by those "giants" to engage audiences and as well as to convert like crazy.

    simpleshow (1 word), not: simple show (2 words)

    That's it.

    Hard time to keep promoting business? Don't worry!
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  • Profile picture of the author khooster1
    whiteboard video for squeeze page, sales page. Convert better. cost more to produce but can be justified by ROI.

    Slideshow video is for SEO purposes. Quality not really that important. but backlinking purposes.
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  • Profile picture of the author bigballin6161
    If the sales copy is the same then whiteboard will outperform the powerpoint or anything else. Problem is you gotta rob a bank to get one...for the long sales pages anyways.
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  • Profile picture of the author thatkeywordguy
    I've never seen a hard experiment.

    There were some experiments on the conversion power of opt-in pages with and without videos.
    From what I remember, usually the non-video version won.

    That said, I'm sure its a niche-dependent attribute. And also would depend on the type of traffic coming to your page.

    Traffic from a dirty list of newbies may just want the free stuff as quick as possible.

    Either way, I use 3 minute videos on all my websites and have done pretty well.

    The biggest mistakes I see with product intro videos are:
    1. Horrendously bad music. Loud music.
    2. Video is way too long.
    3. Annoying 45 second intro with bad animation of a bad logo.
    4. Improperly sized aspect ratio (should be 16:9 for youtube)
    5. Bad content delivery platform - divx and vimeo are just not fast enough.
    6. Bad sample size. 480p is max for the intro
    7. Bad audio - bad mic recording
    8. Boring / confusing content - often the video is just a guy using his own program and mumbling on.
    9. Bad English grammer. You can proof your script on fiverr if you're not a native speaker.

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    • Profile picture of the author bigballin6161
      Originally Posted by thatkeywordguy View Post

      I've never seen a hard experiment.

      There were some experiments on the conversion power of opt-in pages with and without videos.
      From what I remember, usually the non-video version won.

      That said, I'm sure its a niche-dependent attribute. And also would depend on the type of traffic coming to your page.

      Traffic from a dirty list of newbies may just want the free stuff as quick as possible.

      Either way, I use 3 minute videos on all my websites and have done pretty well.

      The biggest mistakes I see with product intro videos are:
      1. Horrendously bad music. Loud music.
      2. Video is way too long.
      3. Annoying 45 second intro with bad animation of a bad logo.
      4. Improperly sized aspect ratio (should be 16:9 for youtube)
      5. Bad content delivery platform - divx and vimeo are just not fast enough.
      6. Bad sample size. 480p is max for the intro
      7. Bad audio - bad mic recording
      8. Boring / confusing content - often the video is just a guy using his own program and mumbling on.
      9. Bad English grammer. You can proof your script on fiverr if you're not a native speaker.
      Dont mean to hijack the thread but you say that opt in pages without video performed better than the ones with video? I thought it was the opposite?
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      • Profile picture of the author thatkeywordguy
        Originally Posted by bigballin6161 View Post

        Dont mean to hijack the thread but you say that opt in pages without video performed better than the ones with video? I thought it was the opposite?
        i dont remember where i read it

        it was one of those "conversion research marketing" sites

        but it was also a niche-dependent factor.

        bascially the point was, when you have low attention span people who only have 10 seconds and are going through their email inbox, they dont want to sit around and watch a video in the middle of their workday

        Get Keyword Reseacher at

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  • Profile picture of the author Nino
    There's also the 3d version: the animated explainers. And what I can say right now is that the video that I have on one of my sales pages has a 90% view rate.

    Also, the best video length on a sales page is about 2 minutes because it doesn't bore the viewer and you can include a lot of information in those 2 minutes. Of course, there should also be some text that compliment the video because a visitor can skim-read through text and then decide to watch the video... but if you just have a video then you force the viewer to watch every second of the video.
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  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    You are forgetting about the live presentation. Either a video of you, or an actor. I was talking to someone the other day and they told me that a live presenter does much better than a slide show ever did. One persons opinion I know, but they are in the video production industry, so they might know what they are talking about.

    Tim Pears

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  • Profile picture of the author fredJ
    I would say scribe videos are better if it 's done right.

    Fred J.

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  • Profile picture of the author sparkah
    if you're good on camera... no... if you're just OK on camera...

    as a general rule, video does better.

    people buy from people they like... not charts they like

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
    Selling is all about emotion.

    And the style of VSL production you go with absolutely must convey the tonality your script is designed to project. If you go with a PowerPoint Presentation and frame it in an Internet Marketing design (i.e. make money fast) when you're trying to appeal to supplement buyers... the whole campaign can easily bomb.

    However, if you're appealing to the IM or financial niches, my split testing shows that totally basic PowerPoint Presentations kill it. Just look at Stansberry: End of America

    Whiteboard presentations aren't the only other way to go. There are some pretty awesome VSL's out there that have high-quality production value, like Binary Decoded. Again, it all depends on the tonality you want to convey.

    Some of my own clients have gone with the more animated PowerPoint style presentations over straight up PowerPoint to add some flair to their VSL's, like Recover My Lover. This website was never tested, but you get the idea of how the video production can maintain simplicity, while still having a more upscale look and feel.

    The style of VSL you go with all depends on your best guess for matching the tonality of your script with the presentation you believe people will respond to. If you can, do some split testing. Try different styles of VSL's and see what converts the best. Results don't lie.


    You need to make sure the overall design of the website (i.e how you frame your video) is fleshing out the emotion you're intending to convey. If there's something even just slightly off, you can leave a ton of money on the table. That's just reality. So be deliberate, but leave plenty of room to constantly adjust - if necessary.


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  • Profile picture of the author philrich21
    Originally Posted by seoed View Post


    there are 2 types of videos which are used for sales letters.

    The one is a whiteboard animation, the other is a slideshow (Powerpoint)

    What do you think has the better conversions in terms of sales?

    Does anyone of you have tested this or know some statistics?
    I would say the content is the key not the medium.

    Whiteboard format certainly is good for engagement but if the content is strong enough the slideshow format will be just as strong.
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  • Profile picture of the author Saito
    I am willing to bet that whiteboards are more of a fad or flavor of the year, and that animated videos give you much more options on how you appear, and are the better bet over time. But you'd have to test to know for sure.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    it all does not depends on it, it depends on the way you make your video that suits best for your product and for the targeted audience.
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  • Profile picture of the author RabbitAnimate
    everything related to video will work, people are starting lazy to read, so they watch videos. whiteboard, animation explainer, simple powerpoint slideshow, see through behind my back videos, or even manual record with your video recorder.

    the best way to know is it convert better or not, is by doing testing, because every market is different. you still can't get enough conversion even if you use whiteboard video with bad script.

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  • Profile picture of the author coolguy123
    well guys if any of you want an explainer video, can visit here
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  • Profile picture of the author paulineetcubanCB
    Whiteboard animation will probably convert much better. We Make Websites ConvertBetter
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