My Son's Lego Videos On Youtube Blew Me Away! A Born Marketer!

9 replies
My son (who is 10) loves Legos, and I had recently seen him filming several videos...I didn't pay much attention, just figured he was "doing his thing".

So today I ask him about the videos, and he tells me he uploaded them to youtube. So I take a look and he actually made some videos reviewing various Lego sets, he created an intro and ending credits to each video with Windows Movie Maker, and he also tells viewers to subscribe to his channel to watch future reviews!

One of his videos has over 15,000 views, lol (which for doing nothing other than uploading it, is pretty good). He knows nothing about marketing, or making money via Youtube. He is simply posting videos (with good info) about what he likes, and it's working! I think there's a tip for all of us
#blew #born #lego #marketer #son #videos #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
    That's awesome.

    Don't let him hear you calling it "legos" though!!
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  • Profile picture of the author franktwin
    yes Indeed, I saw more kids videos go viral then any other video on youtube, they are simply the cutest on videos... Did you try monetizing them, I know you can make a fortune if you adsense to them.. You never know... 100 million views is worth BIG BUCKS!


    Skin Care Formulation Expert | Vitamin C Serum MyTrendyBlends.Com

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    • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
      Originally Posted by franktwin View Post

      yes Indeed, I saw more kids videos go viral then any other video on youtube, they are simply the cutest on videos... Did you try monetizing them, I know you can make a fortune if you adsense to them.. You never know... 100 million views is worth BIG BUCKS!

      Nope, it's his "fun"...he can worry about marketing when he's older.

      Originally Posted by Daniel Evans View Post

      That's awesome.

      Don't let him hear you calling it "legos" though!!
      Ha! Very true.
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      • Profile picture of the author bangwhosnext
        Originally Posted by LegitIncomes View Post

        Nope, it's his "fun"...he can worry about marketing when he's older.
        If he needs a partner to help with the finance bit, just let me know.
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  • Profile picture of the author Silas Hart
    I would be more than happy to send your son some building block toys (similar to legos, but not the same brand) for his honest Youtube reviews and a link to one of my niche sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author LWYSIWYG
    Originally Posted by LegitIncomes View Post

    My son (who is 10) loves Legos, and I had recently seen him filming several videos...I didn't pay much attention, just figured he was "doing his thing".

    So today I ask him about the videos, and he tells me he uploaded them to youtube. So I take a look and he actually made some videos reviewing various Lego sets, he created an intro and ending credits to each video with Windows Movie Maker, and he also tells viewers to subscribe to his channel to watch future reviews!

    One of his videos has over 15,000 views, lol (which for doing nothing other than uploading it, is pretty good). He knows nothing about marketing, or making money via Youtube. He is simply posting videos (with good info) about what he likes, and it's working! I think there's a tip for all of us
    That's just awesome! Simply flippin A-W-E-S-O-M-E!! it made me cheese big time, just like this --->

    Guess you know what you'll be teaching him in a handful of years...that is if he doesn't blow by us all
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  • Profile picture of the author KimboJim
    That's great to hear! But, what really surprises me about this thread is that several people are trying to jump onto his success. You guys can make your own videos.
    Ready for some great content at a low cost?
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    • Profile picture of the author bangwhosnext
      Originally Posted by KimboJim View Post

      That's great to hear! But, what really surprises me about this thread is that several people are trying to jump onto his success. You guys can make your own videos.
      Just so you know, I was only joking. That's what the wink was about. I'm sure his mum could handle his finances quite well.
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    • Profile picture of the author darkonetoo
      Originally Posted by KimboJim View Post

      That's great to hear! But, what really surprises me about this thread is that several people are trying to jump onto his success. You guys can make your own videos.
      Everyone loves a winner!

      It is easy to make your own video, but too many older people are too afraid to be on camera. Or have somebody they know think they're stupid for putting whatever video they put on YouTube.

      I've had that problem in the past, but once you get started with the videos it becomes second nature.

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