To spin or not to spin?

30 replies
After reading through multiple forum posts and articles, I have decided to purchase a spinner, but not a robot.

I am going to manually spin articles with TBS, then I am going to submit them to only the top article directories.

Does this sound like a good idea, or should I just scrap this plan and continue guest posting.

  • Profile picture of the author Shadowflux
    Don't spin. It's outdated and only produces low quality material. If you're serious about IM then you'll be serious about the material you post. If you can't (or don't want to) write it yourself then hire someone else to do it for you.

    Don't start by cheating, you'll only regret it later. Ask the legion of people who lost everything when Google wised up last year.
    Native Advertising Specialist
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  • Profile picture of the author karthick pacific
    Spinning is not a advisable technique. It will not helps you most. SE always want a fresh and unique content each and every time.
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  • Profile picture of the author VivekThakur
    I think Spinning your content is not work out.

    Enjoy Life.

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  • Profile picture of the author owenlee
    Which one works for you? Have you tried? If you seen that a spun article does not increase your traffic will you do it again?

    Hope you get the idea...
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  • Profile picture of the author smallbusinessguy
    I am tired of hearing the bull shit that spinning does not work. Sure it won't work if you use it for your main site which you need to rank continuously and for competitive terms. But I have used spun content for back linking purposes with good effect. Go ahead and use spun content for your web 2.0/article directories/blog networks. But don't do it on your main site.

    All the best!

    Looking to build stunning, functional landing pages that convert like crazy? Check out Optimizepress.

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  • Profile picture of the author JasonBennet
    With the amount of competition around all the profitable niche markets, I think it is important to provide good quality content so that people will find your content user and be willing to visit your website. I personally feel it is more practical to create unique and useful content.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Fleming
    I'm certainly not a fan of the automatic spinning programs...
    no matter what they say on the site, the quality sucks and
    always will.

    On the other hand you can some decent results doing it manually
    as you've suggested you're going to do. That's the best way to
    use these tools in my opinion.

    Take care

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    • Profile picture of the author cardine
      Originally Posted by Steve Fleming View Post

      I'm certainly not a fan of the automatic spinning programs...
      no matter what they say on the site, the quality sucks and
      always will.

      On the other hand you can some decent results doing it manually
      as you've suggested you're going to do. That's the best way to
      use these tools in my opinion.

      Take care

      You don't think AI will ever be able to produce content that makes sense or is engaging in any way?

      I feel like that's kind of like saying in 1985 that a computer will never beat a skilled chess player.
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      • Profile picture of the author fixie
        Originally Posted by cardine View Post

        You don't think AI will ever be able to produce content that makes sense or is engaging in any way?

        I feel like that's kind of like saying in 1985 that a computer will never beat a skilled chess player.
        There was this test once where they made computer generated content as scientific essay which managed to fool some scientists. I think we are not exactly there yet, but if it is used with quality tools and manual review and editing, it can produce good results and save much time.
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  • Profile picture of the author danfac2012
    Many spinners doesn't make any sense when you read it.
    (Coupon Code WARRIOR40 for 40% Discount)
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  • Profile picture of the author IMPromocoder
    I'm in favor of spinning, as long as it's not over abused;
    1. I do it only manually, never been happy with the auto results
    2. Most of the spun content is just used for backlinking on peripheral sites.
    3. I do spin a small portion of content on main sites, however never a full article, perhaps a paragraph or so, something that helps me with topics I'm not well familiar with.

    All in all, spinning is not the tool that will lift your business to some new level, but it can assist and perhaps save some time as well, as long as its used wisely/moderately.
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  • Profile picture of the author khooster1
    Please spin smartly..
    Don't create hundreds of backlinks overnight. Do it gradually. Google is too smart for anyone.
    Spinning does help in the sense that there are blogs that only post RSS feeds still do very well in Google ranking. These are also duplicate contents.

    And also create only backlinks from quality sites.. Bear in mind quality over quality.

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    • Profile picture of the author madstan
      Originally Posted by khooster1 View Post

      Please spin smartly..
      Don't create hundreds of backlinks overnight. Do it gradually. Google is too smart for anyone.
      Spinning does help in the sense that there are blogs that only post RSS feeds still do very well in Google ranking. These are also duplicate contents.

      And also create only backlinks from quality sites.. Bear in mind quality over quality.

      aye lad Google is a cruel master that most hate but every blogger needs to be successful...the irony...the cruel cruel irony.
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  • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
    I suggest you go for article rewriting instead. That will create new versions of your article. But although spinning is not a recommended strategy post-Penguin update, you can still use it if you know how to come up with a very good spun article.

    >>>Get your websites ACTUALLY ranked by checking these out: Quantum SEO Labs, Home Page Link Building & SERP Ability. Want to get rid of negative listings? Check out Reputation Enhancer.

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  • Profile picture of the author Nytshade
    Originally Posted by TheDavid8 View Post

    After reading through multiple forum posts and articles, I have decided to purchase a spinner, but not a robot.

    I am going to manually spin articles with TBS, then I am going to submit them to only the top article directories.

    Does this sound like a good idea, or should I just scrap this plan and continue guest posting.

    My friend, if you're going to do it manually go for it. The way I do it - is to find 10 articles for 1 topic then take important notes/tips/tricks and put them in 1 article. I believe if an article is approved on ezine articles & hub pages it is good content and will work well on search engines.

    If you just rely on auto-spin then you wont get good results. Every internet marketing technique/tool works, just depends on how you use it, Period! Whoever says spun articles don't work or don't make sense when reading it, you are totally doing it wrong!
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Spinning is based on a fundamental misunderstanding.

      It's a "solution to a problem that doesn't actually exist".

      A solution of benefit only to people selling spinning software and services.

      "Spinning" is without value. It can damage your business, but it can't help you. Everyone who actually makes a living from article marketing (rather than from supplying spinning software or services) says the same things about spinning. And there are reasons for that.

      The whole thing is based on a fallacy, and a misunderstanding about what "duplicate content" and "syndicated content" mean and signify.

      The value of a backlink doesn't depend on whether the content to which it's attached is "unique" or "previously published": it depends on many other things, but that isn't one of them, and Google says so openly.

      For people open-minded enough to read them, the following six items explain much more, at greater length and in greater detail.
      • this post explains the benefits of spinning
      • the first half (or so) of this thread contains a good discussion of what you can gain from spinning articles
      • the advice on this subject given by so many people throughout most of this thread has been really helpful to many people here
      • on the meaning and significance of "duplicate content", in this context, this little post from expert article marketer Anne Pottinger includes direct quotations from Google's WebMaster Central Blog on the subject (not easy to find a more authoritative source than that!)
      • this little article is also a very useful and accurate explanation of the subject
      • this post, and its links, explain in detail the closely related subject of how article directories really work and why they exist
      There's a further potential problem, too, which arises for anyone intending to use "mass/automated submission" of articles to article directories.

      When used for that purpose, these tools are effective enough to get your site heavily penalized by Google. What they're not effective enough to do is to give you any benefits worth having (and that was the case even before the recent Google updates).

      Take a look in the SEO Forum here. You'll find plenty of threads started off by people whose sites have been heavily penalized, and many of them have been openly told by Google that using automated submission software was the reason.

      Using this stuff this has no real benefits anyway: backlinks from article directories are worthless, for all the reasons explained in this and many other "article marketing" threads: How do Article Directories work? Even for a year or so before all the Panda updates of 2011 devalued article directory backlinks so much, SEO textbook writers were saying that you'd need literally tens of thousands of those "backlinks" to give you same linkjuice as that arising from one good backlink on a quality site specifically relevant to your niche.

      Something to keep well away from!

      This thread might also help anyone imagining that mass article directory submission might be a "good" thing to do: A problem with Article Marketing robot
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      • Profile picture of the author brentb
        Originally Posted by danfac2012 View Post

        Many spinners doesn't make any sense when you read it.
        Then you are doing it wrong.

        How to spin EFFECTIVELY:

        1. Don't use auto generated spinners where you just paste in any article and it will attempt to spin it. Those are not very good.

        2. You must multi nest your spins. So take this example:

        Original: Spinning articles is a great way to get some awesome good SEO rank!

        Bad Practices Single Nest: Spinning articles is a (great|awesome|cool) way to get some (good|excellent|awesome) SEO rank!

        Good Practice Multi Nest: [Spinning articles is a (great|awesome|cool) way to get some (good|excellent|awesome) SEO rank!|If you want some (great|high quality|amazing) SEO rank then (you should spin your articles ((every|all the) time|whenever you post them]
        *Note you should use 5 or more options in each spin. Plus rewrite the entire article with different spins so a 500 word article should be more like 4000-5000 words. Example above is two sentences so it will flip flop between the two plus the spins inside of whichever it chooses. On top of that you should have paragraphs versions as well.

        Google knows these are probably the same, when they are in context of an entire article that is very similar "John is the best" vs "John is they best". But what it cannot see is if you have completely different article lengths, words, sentence structure, sentence count, everything. Even one sentence could give you away so you must spin out alternatives to each sentence, every time!
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  • Profile picture of the author clintmyers
    I wouldn't spin either. Take a few minutes and rewrite the ariticle. You should get pretty fast after doing a few.

    Clint Myers

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  • Profile picture of the author Nytshade
    This is why people fail in school. Understand the question 1st before you answer. This is not about mass article submission or backlinks. This is all about "Manual Spinning" guys!!!!! So please stick to that Geez
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  • Profile picture of the author Jillian W
    Don't bother spinning them. I've tried it a few times (and will not do anymore) and I still have to rewrite them anyway myself. Just save your time and energy and just write your own content rather than relying on some software to do it for you.

    If you really don't want to touch it yourself, you can just outsource it but make sure they're not spinning the contents..
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  • Profile picture of the author Lambert Klein
    Don't spin. It will make your readers dizzy. Really though why put up computer junk? Everyone knows what it is and it makes you look bad.

    Get real.

    WordPress Domination: from Beginner to Ninja in 7 Days

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  • Profile picture of the author dad2four
    Personally I think spinning is disprespectful to the Internet and your potential customers.

    They deserve good solid quality content. The more the merrier.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonwebb
    tbh most of these people dont know what they are talking about... Lets say you write an article for your site, but you want to reach more people so you spin your article changing words flipping paragraphs and then finally post them on places like squidoo and hubpages. What's the problem there??

    Lets not pretend that we all have unique ideas and that a place that literally has billions of users has a 100% unique content....

    Rewriting an article us exactly the same as manually spinning one... The beef people have isn't with spinning itself they have a problem with using a program to rewrite content. I spin articles when needed and I will continue to just like everyone else will, regardless of what adverb you use to describe the action

    manually spinning is the same as rewriting an article.
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    • Profile picture of the author Nytshade
      Originally Posted by thugpoet View Post

      tbh most of these people dont know what they are talking about... Lets say you write an article for your site, but you want to reach more people so you spin your article changing words flipping paragraphs and then finally post them on places like squidoo and hubpages. What's the problem there??

      Lets not pretend that we all have unique ideas and that a place that literally has billions of users has a 100% unique content....

      Rewriting an article us exactly the same as manually spinning one... The beef people have isn't with spinning itself they have a problem with using a program to rewrite content. I spin articles when needed and I will continue to just like everyone else will, regardless of what adverb you use to describe the action

      manually spinning is the same as rewriting an article.
      Thank You Thugpoet
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  • Don't spin content, it's the equivalent of littering on the street. Your only reason for actually spinning would be because you're worried if you don't spin your main site with the original content will suffer, or the backlinks wont count. That's completely wrong.

    Google finds the original content first and shows only that version of the content in its search results in-order to not return the same content to users several times over. This is so the searcher has a quality search engine experience with many different resources.

    So Google isn't going to penalize the original content, though there has been rare cases where content put up after has taken the place of the original site, but that's a mistake on Google's side and it can be fixed by addressing this with the support team. Google isn't even penalizing those that use the same content afterwards, but rather it has a duty to its users to not show the same content again, not because it thinks you are copying and you don't deserve to rank. Furthermore, people use content from other sites to supply its existing userbase with content to read usually, and shouldn't be done in the hopes that you rank, or as a way to avoid content creation(if you don't like it, outsource it, or you're just in the wrong industry).

    This misunderstanding is also the reason why many use PLR the wrong way The idea of PLR is to feed your current users with content, or to provide a base on which to build upon or change when editing the PLR to make it unique to you.

    So I suggest you write your content, and then submit it as is to any site you please, because the backlink will count the same if not better than a spun article. Article directories don't have much authority anymore in that sense anyway because Google is fully aware that people have abused them heavily and has had no choice but to put in place footprints to figure out when backlinks are coming from Article Directory sites, and obviously it has put a mark on the bigger directories, so that they can devalue that link. IM'ers, including me who have used directories to build backlinks in the past have brought this on and we only have ourselves to blame.

    Google also takes into consideration how many visitors have visited that page, what the bounce rate was, how many outgoing links the page has (the less it has the more importance a link is given to be on that page, and Article Directories usually have many outgoing links), if the content is overly abusing a keyword and many other factors. And I'm sure it's safe to say that if you submit spun content that your page will score low with all the above and have less value in the links it gives.

    So you need quality content that'll score high with Google. So either submit the same content (syndicate), or write content from scratch for these places

    Sorry for the essay My other half takes over and the process of writing long posts becomes an automatic response haha. After I hit submit I 'turn back' to myself


    Well, as soon as I read the op I began writing my version of what I think is the appropriate answer without reading other posts, but it seems Alexa was spot on with her answer and beat me to the punch. Or perhaps, if many people reply with similar posts, it'll drill this fact into newcomers and those that have been wasting their time. Believe it or not, were saving you $$ that could be better spent on more useful things and time that could be better spent doing 'REAL' business tasks such as content creation, management or marketing.


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    • Profile picture of the author virtualgeek
      Use only unique content in your money site. As for your tier 1 and tier 2 links, It's ok to spin your content. Just make sure you get a 100% uniqueness rate and randomize your anchor text. But if you have the time I would suggest creating each article uniquely.
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  • Profile picture of the author LuckyIMer
    Spun content does work.Manually spun content that is.
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    • Profile picture of the author trishadupper
      this is such an interesting debate

      it seems to me that if you use spinning software to help you find different words that mean the same thing so you can rewrite your article so that it is unique you are providing unique content to the internet.

      it seems to me if you just spin content without editing the outcome, it could be considered internet spam.

      so, again like so many other things, it depends on how you do it and what you do with it
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  • Profile picture of the author TimothyTorrents
    I think it depends on what you plan on doing with your articles. I don't think it is a good idea to post them on your main website but using them to build back links from article directories might work out.
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