Kindle book giveaways
You may post a link to your book, along with the date(s) it will be offered through Amazon at no cost. When the free offer has expired, please delete your post mentioning the product from this thread.
This is only for books you have written. It is NOT a "Hey, this cool thing is free on Amazon" or "My buddy is giving away his book" thread.

The format should be something like this:
Name of Book (Link to the description page)
Free for: [List dates here]
Summary: Give a basic description of the topic.
Edited to add:
We had a few people announcing their offers a few days before they went "live." It's probably best to announce them early on the day they're first free. Pre-announcements seem likely to be less effective for generating downloads. They're also likely to generate a lot of posts in the thread that clog things up and make it less useful.
Marketing Fool asked: "What kind of Kindle books are allowed to be posted here? And which would you rather not allow? Are there banned topics?"
The reply: "We'll see. This is an evolving thing at the moment. The thread has been up for only 7 hours, and we've already seen people trying to game the opportunity.
That was expected.
Given that it's free advertising, I think the best choice is to leave it to the discretion of each moderator who looks at the posts. If someone looks like they're trying to play fast and loose with the intent, or if a poster has a history of abusing the forum or the members, or breaking rules in general, it's probably a good idea to remove their announcements. We don't make a habit of rewarding folks for that stuff.
Beyond that... we'll see."
exparte asked, "I understand full-blown images might not be a good idea in a thread like this, but how about a thumbnail? Allowed?"
The reply: "I don't think we need those. Each post is on its own, and not competing with a bunch of others in the same small block.
I think we'll also need to ask folks to keep it to one post in this thread at a time. If they have multiple books on the free program at a time, they can list them all in that single post. Otherwise, this is going to get changed from an even-keeled option for promotion to a full-blown competition for visibility. We don't need that in the discussion areas."
jjsam asked: "Are we allowed to post a title we are the co-author of, or one to which we have a share of the profits?"
The reply: "If you're a co-author, go for it. Otherwise, no. This is only for the authors."
As of February 21, 2014, we've had around 298 free book offers promoted in this thread. The reason it looks "bare" is that we delete them as they expire, so you don't have to wade through a lot of old stuff to find what's still available.
If you find a book to be particularly enjoyable or useful, do the author (and the rest of us) a favor and leave a review at Amazon.
Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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