Wordpress 3.5 Severe Issues

17 replies

After updating to Wordpress 3.5, I'm seeing weird issues in my Admin controls.

1) Add Media button isn't working.

2) Hyperlinks not getting enabled/created. When I select the text & click on Hyperlink button the popup appears but when I enter the URL & click on "Add Link" button it is automatically redirecting to some other page.

3) Text alignment isn't working for new articles. Everything is jumbled and even not appearing as paragraphs. Have tried adding nbsp; tags & <br> tags but still not able to achieve the break lines.

4) Options like Status,Visibility & Publish are not under my control.When I click the edit button nothing is happening.

5) Unable to set Featured Image to the post

These are known errors to me but I'm not sure if there are any more errors.

What were my attempts to resolve them ?

1. I have updated to latest wordpress 3.5.1 version but still all the above errors exist

2. I have checked on the net(google) and have added the line
define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false);
in wp-config.php file as suggested here but still it didn't work for me.

Any suggestions to resolve the mentioned issues ? Not sure if anyone else is facing the same kind of issues.

#issues #severe #wordpress #wordpress 3.5 #wordpress 3.5 issues
  • Profile picture of the author Venkat001
    Not sure if this is the right thread to ask for resolution related to Wordpress.
    If it isn't the right thread , please move it appropriately or let me know the right place.

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    • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
      You can submit your bug requests to WordPress.

      WP has some masochistic desire to constantly have problems. Seems like every day WP itself, or plugins, need updating - or your site can crash. If you ever think it is stable you can be sure an "update" is coming that will have bugs, cause plugins not to work, and otherwise cause you to waste a lot of time.

      (But if you don't keep updating, your site, in fact your entire server, is vulnerable to script hacks.)

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  • Profile picture of the author mattjay
    I had ALL kinds of issues with the new wordpress installs. I contacted hostgator and they found the errors and fixed them. Was having issues with the optimize press editor not working, image adding, etc. If you can contact the hosting company, they may be able to help you out...


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  • Profile picture of the author pizzatherapy
    I had many issues as well when I upgraded my word press sites to 3.5.

    Someone suggested the following plug in:

    Use Google Libraries

    This helped me to resolve some of my problems. I was actually quite amazed that it did clear up some of the issues I was having.

    Give it a try and let us know how you make out...
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    • Profile picture of the author donhx
      WP nags you to update automatically with every new release. To keep sanity, I always stay about 3 updates behind. In order to do that you must download various versions on your computer and update manually. Once the manual update is done, I update plugins automatically.

      There are security issues that freak some people out, but I have found that old versions of WP with old plug-ins work well for years. If a site works well, both from a technical and marketing perspective, there is seldom a need to mess with it.
      Quality content to beat the competition. Personalized Author Services
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  • Profile picture of the author Dino Aiello
    I just recently updated as well. So far, so good. I only wish I could have gotten to this thread sooner. Thanks for the info.

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  • Profile picture of the author micksss
    I've only updated two of my WP sites so far. The 1st update went fine, the 2nd site I updated got all messed up. It wasn't fun but I was able to fix it by following the errors to the sources. I'm holding off on my other sites for a bit...
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  • Profile picture of the author run
    So far no issue found and even get more user experience. I found it easy to use professional themes and plugins from the authors who are well reputed in their fields. Therefore, manually updating is a good option against automatically updating because most problem cause by the hosting provider server especially on share hosting. While updating it automatically, I usually lost some files and setting of the original package during the automatic transfering data.

    No doubt to keep the full back up of your last working site files before doing any change or update.
    I just wanna tell you that most of the links in the signature are trash and/or a trap to make you pay!
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  • Profile picture of the author Summer1
    I upgrade my sites to wp 3.5 and none of them have problems.

    So I guess it can be caused by plugins you are using.

    But I don't like the new media uploader.

    Another thing I usually do, when the newest version is out, I don't update immediately, wait a few days or weeks, to see if there are any bugs to fix, then update.

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    • Profile picture of the author BizLadi
      Originally Posted by Summer1 View Post

      I upgrade my sites to wp 3.5 and none of them have problems.

      Same here. I can't stand the new media uploader. All of my updates went well, but I've had plenty of problems with them in the past. I started using child themes and weaned myself from plugin overload. I also keep backups current - another lesson learned the hard way.
      Of course, if I'd seen this thread before hitting that automatic update button umpteen times, I probably would have waited a bit.

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  • Profile picture of the author troy23
    Limit or get rid of your plugins and you will be ok.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter

      You are having a conflict with either the theme or an outdated plugin.

      You may need to actually remove the plugins to see it - meaning just disabling them is not enough.

      The new version works just fine.

      Think of it this way. You just bought a new dishwasher and then tried installing some old bells and whistles from the old appliance. Some may work and some may not.

      I wouldn't wait around for WP to "fix" anything with updates. They are moving forward not backward.

      I also wouldn't decide to just run on the old version for infinity.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author Venkat001
    I forgot to thank every one who posted here. The issue was caused due to a security plugin which after un-installation was working fine.

    Thank You all


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  • Profile picture of the author jeffreydale
    3.5.1 has been nothing but a giant headache. I'v literally spent all of today (about 8 hours) trying different things. Re-installing wordpress, deactivating plug-ins, trying different themes, everything.. just to fix some of these problems for nothing.

    I'm literally degrading to 3.4.2 as we speak.

    I am pissed off.

    What's even worse is that I've been b*tch!ng to some guy from Godaddy all day like it's his fault, when in all actuality wordpress just sucks now.

    Full-time entrepreneur | YouTuber | Ecom Coach | Social Media Expert

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    • Profile picture of the author PeterKnight
      Originally Posted by jeffreydale View Post

      3.5.1 has been nothing but a giant headache. I'v literally spent all of today (about 8 hours) trying different things. Re-installing wordpress, deactivating plug-ins, trying different themes, everything.. just to fix some of these problems for nothing.

      I'm literally degrading to 3.4.2 as we speak.

      I am pissed off.

      What's even worse is that I've been b*tch!ng to some guy from Godaddy all day like it's his fault, when in all actuality wordpress just sucks now.
      You're using Godaddy hosting? There's your prob right there.
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