Paypal is good about shutting down pirate site accounts
Good news, I've had success in filing paypal infringement reports against forums/sites that try and sell pirated copies of my content:
Here's what I do:
Step 1: Whenever I find a forum or site selling unauthorized/pirated content, I find out their paypal ID
Step 2: After finding out their paypal ID, I send in DMCA format, an infringementreport.pdf and screencaps to paypal.
Step 3: Paypal shuts down their account, so when people try and buy pirated content, it says "this account is no longer able to accept payments" from paypal.
I'm glad to see that shutting down merchant accounts, with proper legal/DMCA notices, is an effective way to stop piracy from the sites that sell illegal bootleg content. This paper trail is also effective when I forward it to law enforcement agencies (often it's called 'cybercrime' departments, in other countries' police departments, like Canada RCMP, or here in the USA), for criminal prosecution of pirates.
I'm told that occasionally forum/pirate site owners are shocked when the police show up on their doorstep to arrest them. Good thing there's state of the art proxy tracing IP/ISP tracking to help law enforcement agencies correctly hunt down and arrest pirates. They do get found; it's great to bring digital thieves to justice.
Also people who do illegal group buys of protected content can be tracked down and prosecuted, of course, via IP records on servers. I've got a zero tolerance policy for people who steal from me online. As should we all. Theft is theft, I like bringing them to justice.
Look what's happening to the adult industry, with all the pirated content; if you don't protect your content, then your business may fold. Adult's a great lead indicator for online commerce, they're always ahead re info marketing trends, now they have to do webcams and other non-copyable formats to survive, due to all the unauthorized distribution of their content. That's a warning to everyone of us in other info-marketing niches.
Do something spectacular; be fulfilled. Then you can be your own hero. Prem Rawat
The KimW WSO
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