How Many Niches For List Building?

14 replies
Do you think its better to do multiple niches for listbuilding in different niches or focus on one? What is everyone doing?

#building #email marketing #internet marketing #list #list buildiing #listbuilding #niches
  • Profile picture of the author bobbydiraag

    You should focus on one and get that list to be responsive..That can only happen if you relate with your subs which takes time..Then when you have gained trust and they are keen to receive your emails you can chuck in the odd affiliate link/your own product link..

    Have you heard the saying 'when you chase 2 rabbits you end up catching neither'??

    Good luck!!
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  • Profile picture of the author John Rogers
    In general, I would say multiple. If you only do one, and it turns out to be a dud, then you have nothing. Get one at a time set up and running with your autoresponder sequence, but after you get that one going, start on another. You'll soon find out which ones are making money, then can focus on those, dump the others, and move on.

    Whatever you do, do some research first. Figure out what you want to promote, then build around that. Don't run blindly into a niche, then try and find things to promote later.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by JohnPeters1983 View Post

    Do you think its better to do multiple niches for listbuilding in different niches or focus on one?
    I agree more with John (above) than with Bobby (higher above).

    Focusing on one is really high risk, of course. "Eggs and baskets".

    Having many can be spreading yourself too thinly, and making it harder to "focus" at all.

    It's all opinion, advantages and disadvantages, swings and roundabouts, and different people's different experiences. For someone starting off, I think two is a good number, myself, to try to spread the risk a little without diluting the effort too much. With a view to adding a third when one of the first two starts producing what looks like steady income (however you define "steady" - and that's subjective, too!).

    Bear in mind that in the earliest stages of every niche you try, you'll typically do the most work for the least reward.

    I have 8 altogether, now (and a couple of more general sites, too), built up over 4+ years, but have never started more than 2 at the same time (and of course one is easier - albeit riskier, too).

    You've significantly improved your chances, however many/few you decide to try, by looking at it in terms of being "for listbuilding". That's actually much more important than "how many".
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  • Profile picture of the author GuybrushT
    Focus on one. This way you can get really deep into it, and offer true value, which your subscribers will certainly appreciate, and thus you get more sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dino Aiello
    I personally would stick to one niche until you have built a trusting relationship with them and they begin to buy from you, then build a list in another niche.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jgmurray
    If you are starting out you definitely want to stick to a single niche. Learn how to drive traffic, refine your offers and build trust with your subscribers and make sales. Then branch out to your next list/niche whatever the case may be. Over time, if you find other niches you enjoy or connect with then sure, branch out.
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  • Profile picture of the author Malcolm Thomas
    I would focus on one first to make sure that you put a good amount of focus on that one niche first. Then once you have your website and autoresponder set up, I would focus on other niches as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author owenlee
    For me i will be focusing on one first...

    This is to build up my confidence and also learn mistakes along the way..

    Once i get the hang out of it, i could start on another niche at a shorter time

    Hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Focus on one. How will you make 2-3 work if you can't make 1 work? Come on now...
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    Originally Posted by JohnPeters1983 View Post

    Do you think its better to do multiple niches for listbuilding in different niches or focus on one? What is everyone doing?

    It all boils down to how sophisticated of a marketer you are and how self-disciplined and focused you are. For some people, it makes sense to focus on one at a time, for others, it makes sense to test out 2,3 or even 4 niches before they get started.

    Some people have serious time and/or budget constraints, so diving into more than one niche or market and start building multiple lists might not make sense. But there are many other factors to consider too.

    I wouldn't expect a total newbie to try and start out in more than one or two markets, simply because they don't have the experience and expertise and they will easily become overwhelmed.

    There's a famous affiliate marketer who said that he used PPC to test out at least ten different markets every single month, but he made it a point to state that was only AFTER he accumulated a lot of experience and knowledge.

    There really isn't a right or wrong answer here because I've seen people do well with both and horrible with both. My take on this is it all depends on how well a person grasps the business and marketing fundamentals.

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author JasonBennet
    I will stay focus on one list building project at a time first. Once I have grow that first list and I have my own system of making it profitable, I will outsource the work and start working on the 2nd project and duplicate it. I feel that is more practical.
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  • Profile picture of the author gotti3636
    If you are really new then I would suggest just building a list in 1 niche for now. You will quickly learn what to do and what not to do which will make it much easier when you start increasing traffic and then building lists in other markets

    I think it is more important to spend your time on perfecting a single funnel for a niche (make sure it is a big evergreen niche that is not going anywhere!) rather than spreading your time on multiple projects.
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  • Profile picture of the author akiradelatief
    i think you should focus on one thing first.
    my master told me that.
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  • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
    Technically, it depends on your goals and what you needed achieved. Especially for multiple products in various niches. In this case, you will need to set up list on various niches because you'll need them for various products that you have. Sometimes, having a general one works too.

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