Do I Need a Second Website Catered to the Second Market We Serve?

1 replies
Our business services both buyers and sellers of real estate.

Our current website contains an opt in on the home page for a free ebook that is geared towards the buyers.

I would like to create some type of opt in that would help us develop relationships with potential sellers as well.

Is it possible to have two different opt-ins on one website for two different markets?

Or would I be best served creating a second, single-page website that's sole purpose is of capturing seller leads via a squeeze page that would attract sellers?

#catered #market #serve #website
  • Profile picture of the author mrniceguy123
    Please let me know if you need more information to provide a useful response. I had created this post earlier this evening with more in-depth information and a link to my website where you could see what I was talking about, but it was removed by one of the moderators for some reason.
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