Any Good Alternatives to Adsense?

8 replies
I've been building some sites lately and including Adsense as a little extra income, but every since they went to the doubleclick platform I get ads related to whatever I've been searching for lately instead of what the site's about.

It may be clever to do this, and I see sites like weather underground using it, but if I'm on a site about restaurants I don't want to see an ad for a heat pump!

I've been able to defeat this to some degree by using the <!--google_ad_section_start --> and end nomenclature but I can't do that on some pages.

Is there another robust ad platform (short of CPA which I'm also using) that actually displays ads that are relevant to the content of the site and pays reliably?

#adsense #alternatives #good
  • Profile picture of the author Jesus Perez
    Steve, what you're seeing is "retargeting" or remarketing ads. They're targeting you repeatedly based on previous searches you've performed or sites you've visited.

    Your visitors will see proper ads related to the content unless they're being retargeted as well.

    Behavioral retargeting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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  • Profile picture of the author Malcolm Thomas
    If you're looking for alternative ways to get paid not involving Google adsense I would advise trying affiliate marketing, CPA, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ouroboros
    Steve, what you're seeing is "retargeting" or remarketing ads. They're targeting you repeatedly based on previous searches you've performed or sites you've visited.

    Your visitors will see proper ads related to the content unless they're being retargeted as well.
    I realize that Jesus, I'm just hoping that they're not "retargetting" my site visitors, as it makes no sense to me when you have content on your site relevant to X, to show them Y, just because they've been looking at bras on Amazon, when my site is about X.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ronno99 can be good but as always you have to test it.
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  • Profile picture of the author MrMonetize
    This is a platform I have used before that is similar -
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  • Profile picture of the author ochaim

    Is on par or better than adsense in terms of payout?

    Its the first I've heard of it. And frankly I had stopped looking after infolinks and chitika proved to be not worth the effort.
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