$786-$1,500 to invest into starting a new business - any suggestions would be great Warriors :)

22 replies

The truth is I have been looking around now, for over 2-3 weeks thinking what I could do with this cash. Long story short, I'm working online full time and take home about Uk £1900 after paying my taxes.

My Father is due to lose his job next year, not really a big issue but it's something that I am sure concerns him deep down, I spoke with him and he has given me uk £500 to invest into something we can do together, in the way of maybe some type of business venture etc....

I have some cash to inject when needed also, however I can not for the life of me work out what to do, I have as mentioned been racking my brains about it for about 2-3 weeks.

I thought about some type of eCommerce/drop shipping site, however I really have zero experiance with that stuff. No real rush with this at all, it's just annoying me now.

Any ideas Warriors would be great.
#$786$1 #500 #great #invest #suggestions #warriors
  • Profile picture of the author JCorp
    Use it for paid traffic. Of course, you could end up losing it all if you don't test, tweak and choose the right offers. If you follow a good program, this could be an option for you.
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    • Profile picture of the author Irvan Mhd
      Originally Posted by JCorp View Post

      Use it for paid traffic. Of course, you could end up losing it all if you don't test, tweak and choose the right offers. If you follow a good program, this could be an option for you.
      I agree with you. Just wanna add some suggestion. Why not hire some services here to build some blogs and articles that contains some HPK (High paying keywords) here. Then you can paid some traffic and earn more money by monetizing your blogs with Adsense.
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      • Profile picture of the author IM Lover
        Originally Posted by Irvan Mhd View Post

        I agree with you. Just wanna add some suggestion. Why not hire some services here to build some blogs and articles that contains some HPK (High paying keywords) here. Then you can paid some traffic and earn more money by monetizing your blogs with Adsense.
        I have to say, Adsense is something I thought about actually, however when I mentioned this in the SEO section, a lot of people said it is a big risk. Mostly, because of the SEO game, the way it's changed recently etc...
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    • Profile picture of the author IM Lover
      Originally Posted by JCorp View Post

      Use it for paid traffic. Of course, you could end up losing it all if you don't test, tweak and choose the right offers. If you follow a good program, this could be an option for you.
      I think you have misunderstood, I'm not risking it on offers. I'm talking about possible business start up prospects.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shubh Ashish
    Your Signature tells that you are selling a Youtube Views Service.The first thing you should do is go to the Services section of the forum and sell your service for a discounted rate.You will rapidly make 4 times the Listing costs.
    Sell Dreams, Not Products
    - Steve Jobs
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    • Profile picture of the author IM Lover
      Originally Posted by Shubh Ashish View Post

      Your Signature tells that you are selling a Youtube Views Service.The first thing you should do is go to the Services section of the forum and sell your service for a discounted rate.You will rapidly make 4 times the Listing costs.
      I have to agree with you there, I'm ashamed to say I have been to lazy to do that yet, however this thread is not about my own service. I know your right, I will put together a thread in the classified section soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Milion
    Hi there,

    Would you like to invest in T-Shirt Business?
    It's cheap. You need a eCommerce shop.
    A design, can be from fiverr.
    A cheap supplier. maybe from asia.
    It's about $4-$10 for 100% coton color printed tshirt.

    You can profit from $10-$15/tshirt.

    PM me for supplier
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7668788].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author IM Lover
      Originally Posted by Milion View Post

      Hi there,

      Would you like to invest in T-Shirt Business?
      It's cheap. You need a eCommerce shop.
      A design, can be from fiverr.
      A cheap supplier. maybe from asia.
      It's about $4-$10 for 100% coton color printed tshirt.

      You can profit from $10-$15/tshirt.

      PM me for supplier
      It's not really something I had thought about, when I say invest, ideally I mean in something to build that will be ours, not to invest into someone else's business.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7669751].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jay27
        Originally Posted by Real Fast Views View Post

        It's not really something I had thought about, when I say invest, ideally I mean in something to build that will be ours, not to invest into someone else's business.
        Pay an outsourcer to write dozens of totally kick ass viral articles / blog posts.

        If you're paying $25 per article and your budget is $1000, then that money buys you 40 kick ass articles for your site / blog.

        Content is king.
        Build Your Widget - Claim Your Free Full Access Lifetime Membership Now!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7669848].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author curly sue
          invest it in something offline, which might be realistic to your dad, he may get confused with IM. try selling on ebay or he could buy and invest in a london cabbie
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    • Profile picture of the author Murphysmurfy
      Originally Posted by Milion View Post

      Hi there,

      Would you like to invest in T-Shirt Business?
      It's cheap. You need a eCommerce shop.
      A design, can be from fiverr.
      A cheap supplier. maybe from asia.
      It's about $4-$10 for 100% coton color printed tshirt.

      You can profit from $10-$15/tshirt.

      PM me for supplier
      A tee shirt shop?

      I did that when I was 13...

      If you want to make real money, make a large niche focus site. Use 500-700 dollars a month on PPC campaigns to your site or the site's squeeze pages. Start obtaining a list, and blast that list with more niche related articles and products on your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author ckbank
    You could easily buy a used pickup and a lawn mower for that range and go do some landscaping. There's good money in it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mogly
    Don't spend it.

    Invest your time and effort into creating an authority website in a niche that you personally enjoy.

    I'm doing it... it works, and will really pay off in the long run.
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  • Profile picture of the author perfect
    It seems to me that your current business is working why not invest more in it.

    Submit your articles to www.365articledirectory.com FREE, approval within 48 hours

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  • Profile picture of the author neilclues
    Originally Posted by Real Fast Views View Post


    The truth is I have been looking around now, for over 2-3 weeks thinking what I could do with this cash. Long story short, I'm working online full time and take home about Uk £1900 after paying my taxes.

    My Father is due to lose his job next year, not really a big issue but it's something that I am sure concerns him deep down, I spoke with him and he has given me uk £500 to invest into something we can do together, in the way of maybe some type of business venture etc....

    I have some cash to inject when needed also, however I can not for the life of me work out what to do, I have as mentioned been racking my brains about it for about 2-3 weeks.

    I thought about some type of eCommerce/drop shipping site, however I really have zero experiance with that stuff. No real rush with this at all, it's just annoying me now.

    Any ideas Warriors would be great.

    Why not purchase a course on Pay Per Click ads and set up some PPC campaigns on Google and Facebook to promote your current business in order to expand it further? After all Google and Facebook do generate an aweful lot of traffic.

    Having said that, you could always start new online businesses with Global Domains International and Global Virtual Opportunities which both have huge income potentials.

    Or maybe you could become an affiliate of Wealthy Affiliate University and/or Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring site and simply earn another income by helping others.

    Just some ideas

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  • Profile picture of the author moreno
    The money is on the List !
    Go for it ! but don't be lazy otherwise offline biz are better.
    good luck
    Frank Moreno
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  • Profile picture of the author thedanbrown
    Hey man,

    This is what I think you should do for your particular situation...

    First, you should sit down with your pops and write down a bunch of different topics that interest the both of you, think about anything related to health, wealth, or relationships. If your topics aren't in those three categories then you'll need to do some research to see if products are selling to other people who have that same interest.

    Once you find a profitable market or niche you should create your own product and start to build an email list, but more importantly a buyers list. Someone who buys from you is much more likely to buy again in the future so just building your list full of cold prospects is not really a great idea.

    I know I made it sound so simple like ya create your own product and sell it but ya that does involve work but you could definitely get it done, and the good news is that the startup costs would be much lower than your budget. If you truly want to create a nice passive income online then creating your own product is the best way to do it in the shortest amount of time, especially if you're a beginner..
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  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    First understand the basic principles of business.

    1. have something to sell with a proven buyers market
    2. Locate that active buyers market and community
    3. advertise in that community.

    If you are interested in ecommerce/dropshipping

    the first thing you should do is find someone who is successful with that business model, and that is currently teaching it. Don't just buy from any random person just regurgitating information.

    I think Storecoach.com night be a good option for you. Since they do what they teach and is focused specifically on eCommerce. Don't quote me on that I've never seen the product they sell, i just heard of the dudes that run it.

    Then apply what you learn, don't jump around from thing to thing, really focus in learn everything and make it work.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesbrands
    Why can't you just scale up whatever you do to make £1,900 per month? and get your dad involved to?
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  • Profile picture of the author Lightlysalted
    My suggestion would be to keep it simple. What do you know? What skills experiences do you have you could turn into cash? What is your passion in life? Can you cook? - if so start a website in a cooking niche and offer tips and advice.

    Are you into sports or music or movies? If so create a website or blog that offers your own reviews of films/albums etc.

    Review sports equipment and post affiliate links through amazon to that specific item.

    A blog sounds like a good format because you can develop ur own identity. It'll cost you very little to buy your own web hosting and Wordpress blogging platform is free and highly customisable. You have time on your side.

    Write some articles/blog posts in your niche and use google analyticsl to track which pages get the most hits and then write more posts around those topics. See how this goes for 6 months and then at that point you'll have a clearer idea of what does/doesn't work and you can invest your money accordingly.

    Doing some market testing now will save you money in the long run. You'll be great BUT you will need to stick at it. PM me if you feel you need some help guidance along the way. I'm not an expert in the true sense but I can offer some moral support and essential SEO tips to get you started GO FOR IT - live your dreams.
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  • Profile picture of the author Silas Hart
    This is what I would do if I had $850 to start a business after I lost everything for some reason.

    First thing I would do is go out to all of my local pawn shops and small markets and craigslist and look for people selling about 1560 DVD's, and they want to get rid of them quick. Most of these things just sit there and collect dust. Pawn shops generally can't get rid of them because most of the customer base is people who go there to sell things, not buy things such as DVD's for $3.00 a piece and they usually buy them for .25 a piece.

    Don't use numbers, numbers piss people off. If you say "Hey, I want to buy 1500 dvds for 45 cents a piece" they feel like they are getting ripped off instantly. Go look over their inventory, pull out a couple things you know that aren't worth jack because they probably came from a dollar store, and say "Hey, I'll pay you $700 for all of these DVD's, right now" - Many say yes.

    Now go on eBay and buy about 1500 dvd bubble mailers, which is about $200. I might also suggest picking up a Brother QL-570 label printer. Also go on eBay and buy a USB barcode reader scan gun for about $20.

    Now when you've got your DVD's, scan them using your scan gun and the UPC number will show up. I'm not going to go into details and the format of your spreadsheet, but open one up and scan and move down the line. It shouldn't take long for you to have entered in all of your barcodes. As soon as they are entered, slip them into a bubble mailer and write the name of the dvd on the outside.

    You can now use your spreadsheet to upload to eBay or Amazon. Amazons market is way better for used DVDs. Pull out Seasons, such as Two and a Half Men Season 4, and "Collectors Boxes" such as Die Hard Trilogy on DVD - Sell these first. Most of these have a great mark up and allows you to profit quickly, maybe build some feedback if you need it to advance to a stage of more volume of sales being allowed, and financially prepares you for fees.

    First list them as 4.99 + Free Shipping each. You'll sell a small percentage of them this way within your first week. This gets you into the groove of things, and lets you start pissing off your mail man. Then for about a week of shipping out a very small amount of packages, you are going to start the second wave. Many of the DVDs that are actually worth about $6 will sell quickly because you are greatly undercutting your competitors.

    Get your list, and list your DVD's now for 1.01 + 2.98 Shipping. You will receive a good amount of sales as this the price range for most DVDs on Amazon. Now you can really start pissing off your mail man. Most of your DVDs will sell at this price. You won't have a lot left over.

    Now you can either lower the price to .99 + 2.98 for another wave of sales, or you can sell the rest in bulk on eBay.

    With this method, you will have usually profit between 250% - 350%.
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