how much does is cost to post an WSO, and can you post a free WSO promoting your squeeze pages?

16 replies
Ok guys im just new here and don't know the rules much, as some of them are not clearly declared in the 'forum rules'. So i just firstly want to ask if it's allowed to promote your squeeze page as a free WSO offer, and secondly, if it is allowed, is it worth it promoting the squeeze page i have in my signature link (like compared to the cost of joining the full membership and the cost of posting a WSO). Also can anyone tell me how much exactly it costs to post a WSO?
#cost #free #pages #post #promoting #squeeze #wso
  • Profile picture of the author threezerozero
    it costs $40 to post a WSO.

    you can put a link to your squeeze page to your offer in your sig.

    you can post up a free WSO with a link to your squeeze page for your offer.

    hope that helps.
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    • Profile picture of the author Grace Li
      Originally Posted by threezerozero View Post

      you can post up a free WSO with a link to your squeeze page for your offer.

      hope that helps.
      Ok thank you, good to know that it's allowed, but i just want to ask how much traffic would a free WSO drive to your squeeze page? I mean it will cost me about 37 to buy memebership then 40 to post, which one will get more traffic? spending that 77 on solo ads or WSO?
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      • Profile picture of the author AlexanderBeloev
        Originally Posted by Grace Li View Post

        Ok thank you, good to know that it's allowed, but i just want to ask how much traffic would a free WSO drive to your squeeze page? I mean it will cost me about 37 to buy memebership then 40 to post, which one will get more traffic? spending that 77 on solo ads or WSO?
        For $77 I think you cannot get more than 50 to 100 visitors form a solo ad. The traffic you will get depends on how valuable your offer is, how much satisfied your customers will be and what strategy you will use to promote it If you want to provide value to people, WSO's is the better way to choose.

        Best regards,
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      • Profile picture of the author footbag_man
        Originally Posted by Grace Li View Post

        Ok thank you, good to know that it's allowed, but i just want to ask how much traffic would a free WSO drive to your squeeze page? I mean it will cost me about 37 to buy memebership then 40 to post, which one will get more traffic? spending that 77 on solo ads or WSO?
        A newly posted free WSO can get 140 sign ups in 24 hours (that is what mine got).. I would definately go for a free WSO instead of solo ads for now..

        Free WSO bumps (after a period of time) don't do as well as solo ads.
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        • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
          Originally Posted by Grace Li View Post

          Ok guys im just new here and don't know the rules much, as some of them are not clearly declared in the 'forum rules'.
          Welcome to the forum.

          If you are looking for WSO rules, you'll find them in the WSO section.

          If you are going to create an optin list in the WSO, you'll want to make sure what ever you are giving away is original. WSO is not for regurgitated information or some PLR you just slapped up. Otherwise you can post what ever you'd like in the classifieds.

          As to how many sign ups you'll get - that entirely up to too many factors for anyone here to give you any real numbers.

          Here are just some of the factors that may contribute - but this is in no way the end all be all list nor is it in any particular order of importance.

          1. Subject of the giveaway
          2. Thread title
          3. Headline
          4. Sales copy (yes, you need to "sell" your giveaway as I'm paying with an email.
          5. Reputation on this forum
          6. Reputation on the web in general
          7. JV traffic (yep, possible to get jv for others to direct traffic to your list if you have a proper funnel going on in the back end)
          8. Your ability to drive traffic
          9. Posting useful information on this very forum with a link in your sig to your offer
          10. Responses on the actual thread (reviews, etc)

          Also note, with what I personally know, I wouldn't likely set up a WSO with only list building in mind. I'd have a tasty oto or plans for an upcoming product to be launched. If you are building for the sake of sending all affiliate links you will shoot yourself in the foot.

          The cost is an investment in your business. Bumps cost an additional $40 too.

          "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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      • Profile picture of the author retsced
        Originally Posted by Grace Li View Post

        Ok thank you, good to know that it's allowed, but i just want to ask how much traffic would a free WSO drive to your squeeze page? I mean it will cost me about 37 to buy memebership then 40 to post, which one will get more traffic? spending that 77 on solo ads or WSO?
        Well, spending the $77 on a solo ad is a one time deal. If you spent it on a warroom membership and a WSO you'll get a lot more bang for your buck in the long run. For one, there's some really great content inside the Warroom you'll always have access to, and you will also be able to post more WSO's in the future. It's a no brainer tbh.
        Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
        for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
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      • Profile picture of the author threezerozero
        Originally Posted by Grace Li View Post

        Ok thank you, good to know that it's allowed, but i just want to ask how much traffic would a free WSO drive to your squeeze page? I mean it will cost me about 37 to buy memebership then 40 to post, which one will get more traffic? spending that 77 on solo ads or WSO?
        really depends on your offer and your sales copy....

        i find that the traffic from WF is more targeted and better quality than solo ads. you might get a larger volume of subscribers with solo ads, but the quality might be sacrificed...meaning you'll get mostly freebie seekers.

        what i would suggest is to post it as a free wso and after your subscribers start to die down, start purchasing solo ads or bump the thread to the top can do either.
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  • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
    I'm guessing that you didn't write the books in your sig (apologies if you did), in which case they won't be allowed as a WSO. Here are the WSO rules and here is rule two:

    2. All WSO's Must Be Something You Created. A Product Of Your Own. (A package of ebooks someone threw together is not considered a product and will be deleted) This is completely self explanatory and not up for debate. If you yourself did not create the product do not post it here.
    You can post freebies in the classified section - Warrior Forum Classified Ads

    Or in the free make money online books section -
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Originally Posted by Grace Li View Post

    Ok guys im just new here and don't know the rules much, as some of them are not clearly declared in the 'forum rules'. So i just firstly want to ask if it's allowed to promote your squeeze page as a free WSO offer, and secondly, if it is allowed, is it worth it promoting the squeeze page i have in my signature link (like compared to the cost of joining the full membership and the cost of posting a WSO). Also can anyone tell me how much exactly it costs to post a WSO?
    Just bear in mind that "free WSO" only means that you aren't charging for a product. You still have to pay for the WSO, which costs $40. Then it costs an additional $40 to bump it back to first page after it reaches page 3.

    In addition, you have to join the War Room for the cost of $37 (one time fee) before you can post a WSO.
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  • Profile picture of the author sb4forum
    A newly posted free WSO can get 140 sign ups in 24 hours, if you are looking for rules, you can find it in WSO section
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    • Profile picture of the author Kyle Pillay
      Originally Posted by sb4forum View Post

      A newly posted free WSO can get 140 sign ups in 24 hours, if you are looking for rules, you can find it in WSO section
      What type of sales speed do you usually get for paid WSO's?
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I haven't used solo ads before but it seems to me that a lot of people make a list for the sole purpose of selling solo ads. They just want big lists, probably give away stuff for free to build it and don't really provide any value to that list.

    The list itself is the product they are selling and I wouldn't expect this to be very high quality list.
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  • Profile picture of the author ivan24chameleon
    I have my own product which I will put on WSO, so my question is...can my OTO be affiliate link?
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  • Profile picture of the author ddev
    Yes, but if it's your own product it would be better (as you can also share a % with affiliates and maybe it's more attractive to them).
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  • Profile picture of the author usfemail
    I have heard that best way to get affiliates onboard is to offer 100% commissions and then offer 50% commissions on the OTO.

    This will help get more affiliates and help you build a buyers list.
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