Looking for sample of Newsworthy Press Release, any?

3 replies

I'm looking for sample of newsworthy press release or press release that convert well, is there any?
#newsworthy #press #release #sample
  • Profile picture of the author tamalanwar
    Can be found everywhere just go to CNN or Yahoo news and see.

    Now the thing with news release, when you write about yourbusiness, it won't go further as you expect -unless it is something earth shattering like pinterest.

    But what you can do is to have yourself interviewed by a journalist, not a full interview but your opinion. like this:

    The new iPhone 5 hits the market

    All about iPhone 5 bla bla bla.


    How it will impact retailers, one retailer by the name kocenghabok
    owner of SomethingSomething.com said "Your are saying how iPhone will change/boost your business"


    News ends

    See it was not directly about your business but this kind of release will go long way with your name and URL on it. Better for links and exposure.
    Tamal Anwar C.
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  • Profile picture of the author nickstamoulis
    What is your conversion metrics? Are you looking for your press release to get picked up by a popular news source? Do you want it to drive traffic to your site? Or are you just looking for a good way to get links? I've found that even with some pretty impressive news if you don't know someone somewhere it's hard to get your PR picked up. There is so much out there that unless you're really breaking new ground most reporters don't hear what you have to say. That's why, in addition to the press release, it's worth writing a promotional blog post and reaching out to influential bloggers to help spread the news. Even influencers on social networks are a good place to start.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tanya E
    Just type "launched" or "released" into Google search and you will get hundreds of results with several press releases made by professional agencies ranking high in the search results.
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