Adding a Blog to my Website or creating a Blog?

14 replies
Hi Guys

I am currently working on creating traffic for my website. I provide custom research for college students that have to write research papers.

One of my ideas as of how to create traffic was to add a Blog with general how-to-write essay articles and then use the generated traffic to sell my product.

Now my question is, do I integrate the Blog into my main website which is:

Or do I build a independent Blog for it and then Link it to my website?
Anybody have experience with doing this?

I also intend to do some Adsense on the Blog.


#adding #blog #creating #website
  • Profile picture of the author Jason Johns
    Hi Stephan,

    You can put the blog into /blog on your domain if you want or install it in the top level if you don't have anything there.

    If you create blogs outside of your site and link them to your main site you will get a boost in the search engines.

    Both work and are valid. If you did a bit of both then you would have fresh content on your site and blogs pointing to your site which will be all good!

    All the best

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  • Profile picture of the author Do-My-Research
    So what would be the main difference between doing the two things?

    Having an internal Blog would bring more traffic to the main site and having an external blog would bring higher Search Engine rankings?

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  • Profile picture of the author Kerry Finch
    I have always opted to have blogs with their own domain names, linking to my static sites. They are really easy to update when they are stand-alones, and links from an external blog are seen as more valuable by Search Engines. Two cents.
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  • Profile picture of the author Do-My-Research
    Okay, thanks guys, I think I will get an external blog. Then I can use wordpress which will make it a lot easier.

    How do I link it though without having it look like an advertising board and still generate lots of traffic for my homepage though?
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    • Profile picture of the author Kerry Finch
      If you don't want it to look too salesy, just use anchor text on keywords to link to your main site. Avoid using words like "Click Here", which mean nothing - use keywords.

      Also, think carefully about whether using Adsense is a good idea as well. These ads could very well be for your competition, and giving readers an opportunity to click away from a site you don't own is never good!

      If you want to monetize your site in other ways, perhaps look at affiliate programs for products that will complement yours.

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  • Profile picture of the author Do-My-Research
    Great, thanks for the idea. It really wouldn't be smart to use adsense, I agree.

    I'll get wordpress set up then, thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author Do-My-Research
    Hm that sounds like a good idea too. Would that pretty much combine the advantages of both?
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    • Profile picture of the author TheCren
      Originally Posted by Do-My-Research View Post

      Hm that sounds like a good idea too. Would that pretty much combine the advantages of both?
      Yes it would. Also creates a sense of "community" for your current site. Which is an added bonus to any of your customers. Also, a good way to build up your site's reputation even more is to have a blogger blog where you basically just summarize what you said in your sites blog. Blogger blogs get indexed quickly by Google and linking to your blog in each Blogger post increases your backlinks (super good thing!).

      Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author luvtrees
    I like to put Wordpress blogs on my sites, just use Fantastico and it's done in 1 click. Put it in a separate folder and make it look like your site. I find posting good content often, makes the search engines come to your main site more. Whether you go with an internal or external blog, both are valid techniques.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlbertF
    Using blog.domain will mean that all the rankings and backlinks you provided for the original full domain, won't apply to the blog.domain. It is like a whole entirely new domain. With /blog, the links you have accumulated will be applied to it.
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    • Profile picture of the author MasterOfNone
      Originally Posted by luvtrees View Post

      I like to put Wordpress blogs on my sites, just use Fantastico and it's done in 1 click. Put it in a separate folder and make it look like your site. I find posting good content often, makes the search engines come to your main site more. Whether you go with an internal or external blog, both are valid techniques.
      Luv I'm sure this is a newbie question but why is the new site content more valuable than the external links and how can you tell that the site is actually bieng crawled more?

      Originally Posted by AlbertF View Post

      Using blog.domain will mean that all the rankings and backlinks you provided for the original full domain, won't apply to the blog.domain. It is like a whole entirely new domain. With /blog, the links you have accumulated will be applied to it.
      Albert F - will this method still show as fresh content for the parent domain? Or will the parent site appear stale and just get rep of of the subdomain. Also with this you are still backlinking but just to the parent domain right? Or are the links and rank inherited without backlinking manually?

      Thanks -Jason

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  • Profile picture of the author Do-My-Research
    Okay, thanks thats good to know. That's the way I will do it then so I don't have to start link building for another site.

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  • Profile picture of the author Do-My-Research

    I just got more or less done with the Blog. I'm okayish with the design (did it myself) and the content is great!

    Check it out:

    Essay Writing Tips
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