Kindle Publishing vs Empower network

25 replies
I know there has been a lot of buzz on the net regarding both of these platforms. Would like to know in your opinion, what platform has the best look term structure for financial wealth.

This is not an open invitation for EN people to promote yourself, make this clean.
#empower #kindle #network #publishing
  • Profile picture of the author AlexanderBeloev
    Originally Posted by milla04 View Post

    I know there has been a lot of buzz on the net regarding both of these platforms. Would like to know in your opinion, what platform has the best look term structure for financial wealth.

    This is not an open invitation for EN people to promote yourself, make this clean.
    I am not a Kindle Publisher, but have read a lot about Empower Network and personally. I am not sure how much time it will last on the market.
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  • Profile picture of the author SunilTanna
    I have no detailed knowledge of empower, and it's not the kind of thing I would be interested in anyway, but I will ask this... About any MLM or network marketing program...

    Is there anybody who wants to buy the product without participating in the business opportunity? That is to say retail customers. If such people are very rare or non-existent, then... My opinion is you would likely run into major major problems down the line
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by SunilTanna View Post

      I have no detailed knowledge of empower, and it's not the kind of thing I would be interested in anyway, but I will ask this... About any MLM or network marketing program...

      Is there anybody who wants to buy the product without participating in the business opportunity? That is to say retail customers. If such people are very rare or non-existent, then... My opinion is you would likely run into major major problems down the line
      You're 100% right, Sunil. That's one of the key questions that regulators and courts look at, too, to make their determination of whether or not something calling itself MLM is actually an illegal pyramid scheme. It's evident in case after case after case, in the American court proceedings in which such companies have been closed down. And I hear the same's true in some very similar European court cases, too.

      In America, they refer to this as "The 70% Rule". I don't think it's more than a "rule" of precedent, really, in other words a guideline.

      But there are some MLM companies now who - in order to protect themselves - require their distributors to certify, before ordering products each month, that they've sold a minimum of 70% of their previous month's products to retail customers (i.e. specifically excluding distributors' own product/service-consumption). That says a lot, doesn't it?
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    • Profile picture of the author Chetr
      Hi: As an offline marketer, who has been "around" the block a few times, trying to move my copywriting business online, I have, of course encountered both strategies.

      I went in "all the way" in EN--I knew enough about SEO to know one of the chief benefits of EN, and also the "done-for-you-products." Unfortunately, I made some "mistakes," chief among them, using my first name for the blog, and changing blog titles and neglecting the blog and ending up in the Google Sandbox, and getting poor results in my one attempt marketing the squeeze page--again, mostly errors on my part. But the facts are:
      --despite having a HUGE number of back-links built in, the rest of the product and product line + training is a HUGE amount of work...for example, my team leader who makes $30k/months suggests making five posts a day, plus marketing and so on...Let's just say, if I wanted to work that hard, I'd go back off line to the big company agency scene.
      --I agree with Sunil's (I think) implied reference to the issue with affiliate products.
      --Having said that, there is a vibrant culture of EN followers who are making money.

      I have since moved on--there are too many issues with that platform: market saturation, and some self-serving and manipulative tactics that...well, didn't appeal to me, and other marketers. For example, most solo ad vendors are outright rejecting EN mailings.

      I could go on, but I don't want to bad mouth them. As I admitted: my errors and personal issues with the "system." Many are doing extremely well with it.

      WHAT I WILL SAY: if you don't buckle under pressure, and customize the blog to your taste and business--having like a hundred thousand back links head start would be a very nice way to launch ANY business blog. Not a bad price to rank your blog higher than you would probably ever be able to do on your own. Will Google really love you, long term? Well, let's put it this way: facebook and youtube have already shut them out...nuff said.

      Despite being a writer, I have not looked at Kindle very closely--just too busy writing copy to think about it. But as I get more time to write more creative work--fiction and non-fiction, I do plan to explore Kindle.

      Simple fact: This platform is associated with a business with a very smart, even sterling reputation, and shows no signs of slowing down.

      THE BOIL down: BOTH are two different animals entirely. And I feel you may be thinking too tactically. I personally would look at what I want and am good at, and find the intersection between THAT and a profitable and sustainable niche and try to build a a real business using proven, long standing platforms and principles.

      That's what I did, and am starting to do's not instant riches but I am on a good path with an excellent mentor...If you want to know more about it, you can check out the blog-link below...or not. YOU can also PM me with any questions. Okay? Hope this helped...

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      • Profile picture of the author SunilTanna
        Originally Posted by Chetr View Post

        I agree with Sunil's (I think) implied reference to the issue with affiliate products.
        I don't think I said or implied anything about affiliate products.

        All I said is that any business needs retail customers.

        The opposite situation is that if everybody is a dealer, the whole thing is simply becomes about recruiting more and more dealers... and all the money that is in the system is simply redistributing funds between dealers, for no real reason other than some people joined earlier and recruited others earlier.

        Like I said, I have no real knowledge of, nor interest in, empower, but if I was considering it, or any other mlm/network-marketing opportunity, then the presence/absence of retail customers would be the very first thing that I would look at.

        Of course this is all just my opinion, of a field that I don't even pretend to be knowledgeable about.

        At which point I will stop talking. (I wasn't even going to say this, but I hate being misinterpreted)
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        • Profile picture of the author Chetr
          Originally Posted by SunilTanna View Post

          I don't think I said or implied anything about affiliate products.

          All I said is that any business needs retail customers.

          The opposite situation is that if everybody is a dealer, the whole thing is simply becomes about recruiting more and more dealers... and all the money that is in the system is simply redistributing funds between dealers, for no real reason other than some people joined earlier and recruited others earlier.

          Like I said, I have no real knowledge of, nor interest in, empower, but if I was considering it, or any other mlm/network-marketing opportunity, then the presence/absence of retail customers would be the very first thing that I would look at.

          Of course this is all just my opinion, of a field that I don't even pretend to be knowledgeable about.

          At which point I will stop talking. (I wasn't even going to say this, but I hate being misinterpreted)
          My apologies, Sunil, clearly I misunderstood you position--which is much clearer now. I stand corrected. Thanks.
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    • Originally Posted by SunilTanna View Post

      I have no detailed knowledge of empower, and it's not the kind of thing I would be interested in anyway, but I will ask this... About any MLM or network marketing program...

      Is there anybody who wants to buy the product without participating in the business opportunity? That is to say retail customers. If such people are very rare or non-existent, then... My opinion is you would likely run into major major problems down the line
      The problem those who are hot don't listen to reason by then it's going up, once they cool and jump on the new shiny object (MLM) it deflates. The MLM that works is one like SendoutCards where I use it not caring for the payment part, but I use the product. Most MLM's people don't care about the product they juse care about getting the next guy in so they can get their cut, for what that they don't care.

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  • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
    Originally Posted by milla04 View Post

    what platform has the best look term structure for financial wealth.
    Neither is a "platform." Kindle is a product/service used to distribute your content. EN is informational product many instead use as a pyramid to make money from signups.

    You could use experience and knowledge from EN to create a digital product that is sold via the Kindle.

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  • Profile picture of the author mattjay
    Talk to anybody in Empower and they will tell you the a number one main way to succeed with their products is to get more, and more, and more, and more recruits into the pipeline. The big time players in EN have hundreds if not thousands of people, paying them month after month. It's not about retail really, to make the most money you want to sign people up paying you 25 or whatever a month, upsell them on the two "core" training systems, and help them get more and more people into the system. Period. If you want to succeed in empower, that is what you're going to be told. NOT go out and sell xyz product, get more people, get them to buy the upsell, rinse and repeat. I should add if that's something you're good at and comfortable with, chances are you will succeed in getting people to pay you month, after month. Personally I am not. Just my opinion.

    I think that says it all.

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  • Profile picture of the author thedanbrown
    Don't really understand what the two have to do with eachother...

    Kindle is a publishing platform whereby you can list and sell books whereas Empower Network is like a blog/hosting/information product funnel bundle offer...

    They don't relate at all really unless you would want to promote your books with your EN blog...

    Or you want to use your books to drive traffic into your EN funnel...
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    • Profile picture of the author milla04
      Originally Posted by thedanbrown View Post

      Don't really understand what the two have to do with eachother...

      Kindle is a publishing platform whereby you can list and sell books whereas Empower Network is like a blog/hosting/information product funnel bundle offer...

      They don't relate at all really unless you would want to promote your books with your EN blog...

      Or you want to use your books to drive traffic into your EN funnel...
      Its a valid question, most people use some sort of vehicle to hit their goal. It could be writing, building app whatever...

      Thanks to everyone who has posted relevant and related information to the question. The other TWO stick in the mud's, please dont post if you have constructive to say related to the question.
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  • Profile picture of the author marketingva
    I'd like to point out that I own my Kindle books and I'm building a business around them. With Empower Network someone else owns the products and can do what they want with the business. In the Kindle scenario I have the power and in the Empower Network scenario someone else does.


    Magic Wand Author Services helps writers polish their manuscripts and connect to readers.

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    • Profile picture of the author cashcow
      Originally Posted by marketingva View Post

      I'd like to point out that I own my Kindle books and I'm building a business around them. With Empower Network someone else owns the products and can do what they want with the business. In the Kindle scenario I have the power and in the Empower Network scenario someone else does.

      Yes, exactly. I don't think you can compare the two. Its like apples and oranges.
      Gone Fishing
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      • Profile picture of the author Cyberdog1
        Originally Posted by cashcow View Post

        Yes, exactly. I don't think you can compare the two. Its like apples and oranges.
        They're both fruit
        Most think that it was God who created man in his own image but it was us who created God in ours.

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  • Profile picture of the author dchestnut
    Originally Posted by neilholman View Post

    Although Empower is probably more lucrative right now (their sales video is awesome), I really worry about how long it can last.

    Kindle is a platform that many are using to make a full time income, and ebooks are becoming more popular every day according to Amazon's stats. Right now, it is also rather easy to get started in Kindle publishing.

    So, in summary, I don't see Empower lasting long, and I see Kindle continuing to grow.
    Remember Amway. Still going strong. Amway started with basic household cleaning product. Now, it has evolved to primarily an online marketing organization where distributor market primarily with e-commerce website. However, Amway did have some growing pains once the opportunity was deemed saturated and they have to re-invent themselves.

    This said, Empower Network is experiencing exponential growth right now that will naturally plateau at some point. To continue to grow, EN will have to re-invent itself in someway at some point. If it does, it will continue to grow and offer opportunities to people

    Kindle also has the potential to reach some plateau which will be realized by the fact that it will nearly impossible for people to find your book using kindle search engine. You will be on your own as far as marketing. Kindle will continue to make money whether your e-book sale or not because they will have so many books in their inventory. For this reason, Kindle will have very little incentive to make any changes.

    In summary, EN sales opportunities and marketing products to opportunity seekers. Therefore, it will have to evolve to stay relevant. Kindle, on the other hand, may leave you with a "needle in a haystack" chance of making money unless you have a healthy marketing budget.
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    • Profile picture of the author cashcow
      Originally Posted by dchestnut View Post

      Kindle also has the potential to reach some plateau which will be realized by the fact that it will nearly impossible for people to find your book using kindle search engine. You will be on your own as far as marketing. Kindle will continue to make money whether your e-book sale or not because they will have so many books in their inventory. For this reason, Kindle will have very little incentive to make any changes.
      This is true, but I think a lot of people make the mistake of thinking of "Kindle" as a "way to make money".

      It is not. It is a platform to publish books on. Your books are the "way you make money" and there are plenty of other platforms that you can put your books on, thus reaching other customers.

      Naturally, if you are an author, it behooves you to create an author platform from which you try to sell more books to your fans.

      Like any business you have to work at building it.

      The same probably goes for Empower network (but I admit I don't know much about it) with the exception of you not owning the product (form what I hear), therefore your business is at the whim of another.
      Gone Fishing
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  • Profile picture of the author Tanya E
    Kindle publishing:
    -Creative work - content creation
    -Respectable profession (writing/publishing)
    -Long-term profits

    Empower network:
    -Less credible world of MLM, most people look down on it
    -Short-term profits, long-term outlook unpredictable
    -Challenge of maintaining an active downline

    Comparing the two is like comparing apples to pumpkins.
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  • Profile picture of the author masterjani
    Kindle business is real one and your efforts and results are directly involved with your work, while MLM business such as empower is not reliable for long term profit strategy like adsense
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  • Profile picture of the author Shontel
    I went in up to the 1625.00 point. I was never able to re coup my investment. I was thinking about taking the information that I have learned from EN and writing a few books with it. Because at this point that is the only way I will be able to get my money back. There are no refunds in EN so be sure it is really a good fit for you before investing.
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  • Profile picture of the author ExpertSEOServices
    Not so keen on MLM and haven't tried publishing my own books YET

    But I am definatly gonna give Kindle a whirl once I get some time to start writing lol!
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  • Hi everyone,

    I read the many replies and agree with many of the answers given. Many years ago before the dawn of the Internet when I was younger and wanted to make money I tried MLM with Amway where I had some success and later with Herbalife.

    Then when I finally got online started online MLM again with some success but eventually I came to the realization that all MLM companies were full of lies and hype and the only people who really made millions were those who paid their way in during the pre-launch so that everyone else would be in their downline making them tons of money while those who did the hard work got very little; in other words a bit like any job?

    Today we do mostly affiliate marketing where we get paid according to the service we provide to our subscribers and the products we recommend to our loyal lists who have already signed up to get a related free gift(s) in a similar niche? So we don't like MLM and wonder why so many people still fall for the oversimplified get rich literature that they all use to get new people to join?

    Making money is hard enough without chasing and annoying friends and family and their dog to join your downline just to make you more money? Not for us anymore!

    Stephen & Jennifer.
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  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    The feds obviously know about Empower by now and are just waiting for the earnings to pile up so they have more to confiscate. Unlike the FTC, the SEC takes 100% of earnings, sends the operators to prison and also fines them. So there's no big rush to go in and close it. They've been around awhile though. The time is probably near.
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  • Profile picture of the author wendyann
    Originally Posted by neilholman View Post

    Although Empower is probably more lucrative right now (their sales video is awesome), I really worry about how long it can last.

    Kindle is a platform that many are using to make a full time income, and ebooks are becoming more popular every day according to Amazon's stats. Right now, it is also rather easy to get started in Kindle publishing.

    So, in summary, I don't see Empower lasting long, and I see Kindle continuing to grow.
    Speaking as a kindle publisher it is not as easy as it seems. There are traps for the unwary and the Amazon algorithm is becoming less and less friendly to indie publishers and almost as complicated as Google.

    Having said that there's probably more opportunity than in MLM. If you've got something that it worth publishing, then kindle may be for you.
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