Best background color for sales page?

20 replies
I know someone did alot of testing and a certain color was determined as being able to convert better than others does anyone know which it is. Thanks
#background #color #page #sales
  • Profile picture of the author Imran Naseem
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    • Profile picture of the author marketing1012
      white background is always good, with black writing easy to read for the viewer, how ever for the external background go with whatever floats your boat!

      I tend to like the wood finishes, or the dark colous look mad
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  • Profile picture of the author nick1123
    I think something white or cream color works well for a background color and is less likely to be a distraction.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kris Turner
    I believe a very pale blue colour wins in most tests...Assuming you;re talking about the background border, and not the background to the text (which should obviously be white).

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    • Profile picture of the author entry
      It is best to test this against your webpage, as different colours work for different webpages and different niches.

      Test, test test
      I Have to say a Massive...THANK YOU to every Warrior who has helped me, and thanks to every warrior who helps me in the future...
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  • Profile picture of the author DavidO
    Don't accept any single answer to this question. I know you want an easy answer but there isn't any. It depends on your niche, your website theme, layout and graphics.

    Having said this, there's one look that works well with just about anything: white. Go wide with at least 800 and up to 920 width, light-colored 1px side borders and left and right content margins of around 100px. This is a nice clean look with lots of white space and works with just about everything.

    I use this theme and it works well for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Smokey_Joe
    Yeah, I believe there can't be a single answer, but make sure the text is readable and that people's eyes won't hurt after a couple of seconds of looking at the page.
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  • Profile picture of the author MIB Mastermind
    White or just off white work really well.... alot of the top copywriters use
    those colours.

    It is all about testing though so I would suggest trying various colours
    and seeing which one converts the best, You might even be surprised.
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    • Profile picture of the author malfumos
      First, it must be related on your sales page so that it will look nice and simple. If your background is not related on your sales page it will not look nice.
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      • Profile picture of the author MunkMurray
        I once got a free report from someone just about that, I think it's called the color report.
        it explains the qualities people relate to every color so you can fit the color to your product/market.
        you should look it up.

        I'll pm you if i'll find it
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  • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
    Go with white, light yellow, or cream with a darker contrasting
    color framing the page. White on white with a drop-shadow is
    fine too, but the contrast focuses attention where your message
    is written.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Atkins
    Any warm color that is easy on the eyes. Do NOT choose red or any highlighted color, otherwise people will leave it immediately.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    Sorru but no one can tell you the BEST color. No One.

    You need to analyze your target, targets age, if you want them to buy or to read, the graphics colors, etc etc etc

    Do a search on color theory and choose for yourself after you know what you want/need.

    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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  • Profile picture of the author Craig Fenton
    Hi Vanquish:

    Good luck with the product. Is it possible to have split testing?

    I'll tell you why I suggest this. I have a product coming out soon and I asked a few people that are very successful on line to tell me what background they would use.

    The first person's top choice was the second person's last choice.
    The third person felt that if the words flow, the product is goo, as long as it isn't hard to read or too Hollywood they are more open-minded than the other two.

    You can see how a definitive answer may not come. Keep getting feedback from the great Warriors and best of luck always.

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  • Profile picture of the author TerryTelford
    Hi Vanquish

    The latest study I read says black is the best background color. I use it in a lot of my sites, but haven't tested it personally.

    Enjoy your day!

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  • Profile picture of the author TrafficWhizz
    Hi, I use a dark blue backgorund on some and i also use white backgrounds. The dark blue is supposed to be most useful when marketing to men and if marketing to women a purple backgound is useful. I dont know where i heard this, but I can remember reading it before.

    Hope this helps

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  • Profile picture of the author thatjc
    Testing by leading *market researchers shows that a very light background with very dark text gives the best conversions. Anything else lowers text readability (and conversions). Light text on a dark background is known to convert less well.

    For most pages that translates into black or very dark gray text on a white background. Pure black on white (especially for bold text) can be of uncomfortably high contrast on computer displays.

    There's quite a bit online about the emotional responses to different hues. Most is just opinion and assumption. I haven't found much scientific research. If you have, I'd love to read about it! And you have to be careful about assigning feelings to colors because they vary with the visitor's culture.

    There is some hard data on US color popularity, so I made a chart of it:

    Although this survey was used to study residential wall colors, I believe the actual survey question was just about favorite colors.


    Hope this helps...
    _jim coe
    "You can count the seeds in an apple, but you can't count the apples in a seed."
    Online Visual Communication expert
    Visual Marketing Info signup: Visual Marketing Online
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    There's a very good reason why all books and all newspapers still use black text on a white background and have done so for many years. It works and it's easy to read. Thus that's what people are comfortable reading.
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    • Profile picture of the author PeterKnight
      You have to make sure you have enough contrast on the page that is foremost.

      Color scheme wise, the type of product or service you're selling is a factor. Warmer colors are more likely to work for impulse buys, entertainment products and cooler colors are more likely to work in settings where indicating trust is important and where purchases are more likely to be the result of considerable deliberation.
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