Does anybody knows any really good content syndication software?

16 replies
Hi guys,
I'm looking for some good, quality content syndication software. I've been searching for one in Google and many other places but nothing has been found. I know about existence of some syndication plugins but their big problem is that all of them have an ability to syndicate content to very few sites only. I'm looking for something robust that will be able to syndicate to more than 15 quality sites/web 2.0 sites. If somebody knows some software like this, please let me know.
#content #good #software #syndication
  • Profile picture of the author AlexanderBeloev
    Originally Posted by diamondoleg View Post

    Hi guys,
    I'm looking for some good, quality content syndication software. I've been searching for one in Google and many other places but nothing has been found. I know about existence of some syndication plugins but their big problem is that all of them have an ability to syndicate content to very few sites only. I'm looking for something robust that will be able to syndicate to more than 15 quality sites/web 2.0 sites. If somebody knows some software like this, please let me know.
    You can read this:

    Best regards,
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    This isn't what article marketers mean by "syndication" at all.

    It's really "automated submission" to article directories, and the like, that you're asking about, I think? There's no value in that any more, and in these post-Penguin days, one is far more likely to damage one's business than to help it, for all the reasons explained in threads like this one:

    The use of such software may incurr a heavy SEO penalty because of the Penguin update: A problem with Article Marketing robot

    It's difficult to gain anything realistic by using automated submission software like that: Calling out bad tactics

    I'm wondering whether this thread (and the links inside it) may interest you: How do Article Directories work?

    Be careful, though: even mid-2012 threads/comments regarding "automated submission", specifically, may now be very out of date, in the light of Google's Penguin update.
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    • Profile picture of the author diamondoleg
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      This isn't what article marketers mean by "syndication" at all.

      It's really "automated submission" to article directories, and the like, that you're asking about, I think? There's no value in that any more, and in these post-Penguin days, one is far more likely to damage one's business than to help it, for all the reasons explained in threads like this one:

      The use of such software may incurr a heavy SEO penalty because of the Penguin update: A problem with Article Marketing robot

      It's difficult to gain anything realistic by using automated submission software like that: Calling out bad tactics

      I'm wondering whether this thread (and the links inside it) may interest you: How do Article Directories work?

      Be careful, though: even mid-2012 threads/comments regarding "automated submission", specifically, may now be very out of date, in the light of Google's Penguin update.
      Hi Alexa,
      Thank you for detailed answer (i read all the other threads you linked to)!

      Actually i'm talking not about article directories but about distributing content to Web 2.0 sites. Does it make difference?

      Tell me please Alexa, is there any study case which supports your statement "There's no value in that any more"? I see you're more experienced marketer than me, however, what i noticed after doing manual submission of articles (well spun articles) to number of Web 2.0 sites for couple of my sites is that they gained 1PR within relatively short time (about 1 month). Moreover, there are a lot of successful marketers that say that they do that as well as one of their main link building tactic (i hope they don't only say that). Some of these marketers are permanent members of this forum. So whom should i listen to???

      Thanks a lot!
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  • Profile picture of the author Lena Williams
    I agree with Alexa. It is pure article marketing not syndication. I personally prefer to stay away from all kind of automated software because they are unable to produce high quality work. It can even harm your site's ranking.
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    • Profile picture of the author diamondoleg
      Originally Posted by Lena Williams View Post

      I agree with Alexa. It is pure article marketing not syndication. I personally prefer to stay away from all kind of automated software because they are unable to produce high quality work. It can even harm your site's ranking.
      Hello Lena,

      Thank you for your reply as well!

      Tell me please what exactly do you mean by saying "they are unable to produce high quality work?"

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  • Profile picture of the author GlenH
    Originally Posted by diamondoleg View Post

    Hi guys,
    I'm looking for some good, quality content syndication software. I've been searching for one in Google and many other places but nothing has been found. I know about existence of some syndication plugins but their big problem is that all of them have an ability to syndicate content to very few sites only. I'm looking for something robust that will be able to syndicate to more than 15 quality sites/web 2.0 sites. If somebody knows some software like this, please let me know.
    You need to forget about those automated submission apps. right now. Those days are long gone.

    And what you're describing is not what true 'content syndication' is all about

    There's only one way to do 'content syndication' today......and that's to do it manually.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but you're going to have to do some 'work' yourself.

    There's report out which lifts the lid on what content syndication is really all about .

    It's called - Traffic Max - How To Get ‘REAL’ Traffic From ‘REAL’ People For Life – The Untapped Traffic Source You’re Missing Out On..
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    • Profile picture of the author diamondoleg
      Originally Posted by GlenH View Post

      You need to forget about those automated submission apps. right now. Those days are long gone.

      What you're describing is not what true 'content syndication' is all about

      There's only one way to do 'content syndication' today......and that's to do it manually.

      Sorry to burst your bubble, but you're going to have to do some 'work' yourself.
      Hi Glen,
      Thanks for your answer!
      Can you explain me what the difference between doing it manually or automatically? I mean i can develop now a software that mimic all my actions which i do while submitting articles manually.
      What is the difference?

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      • Profile picture of the author GlenH
        The very basic methodology behind a syndication strategy is fairly simple. You start by creating high-quality content that is targeted towards your niche or demographic. (no...not spun garbage, but high quality original content)

        Once you have you content done, then you have to figure out where you're going to syndicate it too.

        High PR sites in your niche are perfect starting point.

        Once you've figured out what sites you want to submit your content to, you then have to take the steps to submit it.

        In some cases it can be as easy 'signing up' to the site and then submitting your content.

        But in most cases, if the site has a high reputation, and ranks well, then you'll have to initiate a contact with the site owner or administrator. And eventually work out an arrangement with them where they'll allow you to submit your content.

        And remember, not all site owners will accept your content for all sorts of reasons. So what you submit has to be of the highest quality.

        In the end, to do content syndication the right way, it has be done manually. And there are no real shortcuts
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        • Profile picture of the author diamondoleg
          Glen, will i be right if i say you are talking about web 2.0 sites when you say "In some cases it can be as easy ‘signing up’ to the site and then submitting your content?"

          And one more questing if you don't mind, when you say "Once you have you content done, then you have to figure out where you’re going to syndicate it too" you mean one article (the same article) to several sites?

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  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    you're not likely to get great results from that sort of marketing anymore, but if you are absolutely set on it just pay someone from fiverr to do it.
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    • Profile picture of the author diamondoleg
      Originally Posted by nicholasb View Post

      you're not likely to get great results from that sort of marketing anymore, but if you are absolutely set on it just pay someone from fiverr to do it.
      Hi Nicholas,
      I appreciate your answer!
      You also say that i'm not likely to get great results from that sort of marketing anymore. However, can you bring any data that shows that it doesn't work?
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      • Profile picture of the author diamondoleg
        No body seems to have a study case to show
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  • Profile picture of the author Cossack
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Worner
      Originally Posted by Cossack View Post

      There is a Wordpress plugin called Link Automatic which can syndicate to 30-40 web 2.0 sites


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  • Profile picture of the author MaxGalitsyn
    I can recommend this software: Autoblogging, Blog Posting Software, Content Websites Software - SGW

    You can choose to post syndicate or original content to your blogs and automatically send a link to these new posts to your social network accounts. So it can automatically update your blogs and send notes to social network accounts.
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  • Profile picture of the author iamgoutam
    Software doesn't make a content qualityful. Write manually, hire some qualityful article writer.
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  • Profile picture of the author schttrj
    I have a question.

    What is difference between Content Syndication and Guest Posting?
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