Where can I find WordPress work?

8 replies
Does anyone know of good places to find WordPress based jobs? I've been browsing forums and the like for a while, but most jobs seem to be snapped up by people working in countries such as India for rates that seem ridiculously low to anyone in the UK or USA.

Thanks in advance!
#find #wordpress #work
  • Profile picture of the author WallyKyle50
    I don't know as of now, but will keep my ears and eyes open.

    " You Are Cordially Invited To Discover The Fastest Way To Start Making $200...Or More A Day. No Hype. No Drama. No Secret Ingredient."


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  • Profile picture of the author CodeBotics
    Thanks, much appreciated!
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    • Profile picture of the author CodeBotics
      Originally Posted by Istvan Horvath View Post

      Thanks for the reply. I try and check that site relatively regularly, but jobs don't seem to come up very often - the latest jobs all seem to from yesterday! Every time I've emailed anyone about a job more just a few hours after they posted the job they've already found someone!
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  • Profile picture of the author jbyte
    Think you meant this - Wanted - Members Looking To Hire You

    I fix WordPress problems, PM me if you need help

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by CodeBotics View Post

    most jobs seem to be snapped up by people working in countries such as India for rates that seem ridiculously low to anyone in the UK or USA.
    I agree with you. That's often the way, though, isn't it, in a global economy?

    But I have a question for you (and if this needs to be said, I hasten to stress that I ask it with no implied criticism or hostility at all!): when you live in Shropshire, yourself, why are you choosing to compete in such a global marketplace with people who live in countries where $5-$10 might be a day's pay, rather than acquiring a more valuable or less globally competitive skill-set of your own?
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    • Profile picture of the author CodeBotics
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      I agree with you. That's often the way, though, isn't it, in a global economy?

      But I have a question for you (and if this needs to be said, I hasten to stress that I ask it with no implied criticism or hostility at all!): when you live in Shropshire, yourself, why are you choosing to compete in such a global marketplace with people who live in countries where $5-$10 might be a day's pay, rather than acquiring a more valuable or less globally competitive skill-set of your own?
      That's true, and the answer is that programming is simply what I enjoy! I think the point you make could probably be applied to pretty much every internet based job, perhaps with the exception of writing where native English speakers are often desired.

      Thanks everyone for your replies - I'll be adding 'Members Looking To Hire You' to my jobs watch list!

      sbucciarel, you make a good point about my portfolio. I do have a small portfolio, but it needs a lot of improving. I plan to build a couple of free WordPress themes to add to my portfolio, which should help a bit.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    You can list your services here
    Warriors For Hire

    It's also competitive though and somewhat price sensitive, although when you prove yourself with a few clients, you can demand more. If you list a higher level of skills than the average in WFH and have a portfolio to back it up, it helps to get better paying clients.
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