Complete Newbie - Where to Begin?

by Grimbo
37 replies
Hey Gents,

I'm Grimbo and I'm new to WF and relatively new to the world of IM. I run a blog and am writing an eBook to sell, but am still largely ignorant to the ways of the world (Of IM ).

I have read 4HWW by Tim Ferris and Lifestyle Entrepreneur by Jesse Krieger. I know the general ideas for building that kind of lifestyle, but no idea on the intricacies - hence the reason I came here.

Any advice on where to begin? Cheers, gents.

- Grimbo
#begin #complete #newbie
  • Profile picture of the author fizyusuf
    Choosing what business plan that fit you most will be one of the wise first step I think..
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  • Profile picture of the author dad2four
    Get access to the war room and start reading.

    Watch posts here and when you see a post someone that looks like they know what they are doing check out their past posts.

    Most of all, once you get an idea of a method that someone is using, go with it.

    don't keep reading

    don't keep learning

    don't over analyze

    Anything you choose will gain you skill that will eventually get you to your money.

    You are not gaining skill if you are reading, learning.

    You are gaining skill by doing.

    Break it down and get successful at the parts.

    Don't worry about money right now.

    1. traffic, learn how to generate traffic through whatever means you have at your disposal. Social traffic, article writing and submitting to your blog, submitting to article directories, etc. etc.

    2. platform. You need someplace to make your offer. I recommend you grab a domain name, setup a wordpress blog and use that as your platform. It's flexible and it's a chameleon. It has been twisted and turned into any configuration you could ever want from a platform.

    3. monetize. push affiliate products or create your own. At first, it doesn't matter, pick anything and run with it. You can always changet later once you feel you have squeazed all you can out of one.

    Again, don't wait to start. Start now. Learn, take action, take action, take action...repeat.

    Get the money thing out of your head. Money will come later.

    Follow your passion, it's magnetic and you will gain a following the more of it you have. Post youtube videos, build a blog, do it all.

    Have fun.
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    • Profile picture of the author mstrmindmktg
      Originally Posted by dad2four View Post

      Get access to the war room and start reading.

      Again, don't wait to start. Start now. Learn, take action, take action, take action...repeat.

      Absolutely! Reading, learning, education - all needed. But taking action is the thing that will get you where you want to go!
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    • Profile picture of the author depp12
      Okay there is loads of stuff to learn traffic building. list building, copywriting the list is endless really.

      I would spend a bit of time reading around the various forums. Then pick an area that your interested in as there are many !.

      Learn all about this method you choose but give yourself a set period of time for learning.i.e I am going to learn everything i can about this method in 3 weeks/ month whatever. Obviously your always going to be learning but this way will see you implementing stuff you learn.

      Then here's the important bit --- Start something, start anything and put what you have learned into practise. Trust me it will not be perfect but it will get you straight in.
      Any problems ? you just come back and seek more help. And you will be back

      Best of Luck ..
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    • Profile picture of the author SamuelCarter
      Originally Posted by dad2four View Post

      Get access to the war room and start reading.

      Watch posts here and when you see a post someone that looks like they know what they are doing check out their past posts.

      Most of all, once you get an idea of a method that someone is using, go with it.

      don't keep reading

      don't keep learning

      don't over analyze

      Anything you choose will gain you skill that will eventually get you to your money.

      You are not gaining skill if you are reading, learning.

      You are gaining skill by doing.

      Break it down and get successful at the parts.

      Don't worry about money right now.

      1. traffic, learn how to generate traffic through whatever means you have at your disposal. Social traffic, article writing and submitting to your blog, submitting to article directories, etc. etc.

      2. platform. You need someplace to make your offer. I recommend you grab a domain name, setup a wordpress blog and use that as your platform. It's flexible and it's a chameleon. It has been twisted and turned into any configuration you could ever want from a platform.

      3. monetize. push affiliate products or create your own. At first, it doesn't matter, pick anything and run with it. You can always changet later once you feel you have squeazed all you can out of one.

      Again, don't wait to start. Start now. Learn, take action, take action, take action...repeat.

      Get the money thing out of your head. Money will come later.

      Follow your passion, it's magnetic and you will gain a following the more of it you have. Post youtube videos, build a blog, do it all.

      Have fun.
      I couldn't of said it any better.

      Look at what niche you want to get into
      • wealth creation
      • lifestyle/health & well being
      • Evergreen etc
      I would personally go for wealth creation. Look into what a micro niche is, a small selection of people upto 35,000 looking for a solution for a common problem, Google have keyword tools to help you research.

      You can then look into get your keyword based on your research and you can make you website and off you go. Make sure you have a landing page to capture visitors.

      Also get a analytical tools i.e Google and watch how your traffic behaves. I think you can read a little but don't take for ever. use the WF forums, watch you tube, on how to do research on keywords, and building word press sites. Its always daunting when starting off, and hit a few walls but when you get going it gets easier.

      So what book are you making? What will be your selected niche?

      Keep in touch, would love to help you along your journey,

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      • Profile picture of the author Grimbo
        Originally Posted by SamuelCarter View Post

        I couldn't of said it any better.

        Look at what niche you want to get into
        • wealth creation
        • lifestyle/health & well being
        • Evergreen etc
        I would personally go for wealth creation. Look into what a micro niche is, a small selection of people upto 35,000 looking for a solution for a common problem, Google have keyword tools to help you research.

        You can then look into get your keyword based on your research and you can make you website and off you go. Make sure you have a landing page to capture visitors.

        Also get a analytical tools i.e Google and watch how your traffic behaves. I think you can read a little but don't take for ever. use the WF forums, watch you tube, on how to do research on keywords, and building word press sites. Its always daunting when starting off, and hit a few walls but when you get going it gets easier.

        So what book are you making? What will be your selected niche?

        Keep in touch, would love to help you along your journey,

        Check the post right above yours - my book is compiling my experiences in D1 Wrestling, Muay Thai Fights, and Bjj grappling tournaments into a basic self defense guide.
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    • Profile picture of the author Paycheck Rebel
      Originally Posted by dad2four View Post

      Get access to the war room and start reading.

      Watch posts here and when you see a post someone that looks like they know what they are doing check out their past posts.

      Most of all, once you get an idea of a method that someone is using, go with it.

      don't keep reading

      don't keep learning

      don't over analyze

      Anything you choose will gain you skill that will eventually get you to your money.

      You are not gaining skill if you are reading, learning.

      You are gaining skill by doing.

      Break it down and get successful at the parts.

      Don't worry about money right now.

      1. traffic, learn how to generate traffic through whatever means you have at your disposal. Social traffic, article writing and submitting to your blog, submitting to article directories, etc. etc.

      2. platform. You need someplace to make your offer. I recommend you grab a domain name, setup a wordpress blog and use that as your platform. It's flexible and it's a chameleon. It has been twisted and turned into any configuration you could ever want from a platform.

      3. monetize. push affiliate products or create your own. At first, it doesn't matter, pick anything and run with it. You can always changet later once you feel you have squeazed all you can out of one.

      Again, don't wait to start. Start now. Learn, take action, take action, take action...repeat.

      Get the money thing out of your head. Money will come later.

      Follow your passion, it's magnetic and you will gain a following the more of it you have. Post youtube videos, build a blog, do it all.

      Have fun.
      Dad2four...that is a really great response!
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  • Profile picture of the author jimvol
    Figure out how to make a squeeze page... If you can't retain your traffic.. nothing else matters.
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  • Profile picture of the author blackli0n
    It's really tough to start out. Everybody has great ideas and they're all conflicting. I would say to read all the posts for a week so you get an idea of all the great ideas out there. And then start following your 5 favorite people, ignore the rest. And do the thing that your fav-5 recommend the most in common.
    Signature - Make Money with Wordpress
    Passive income since 2007. Trying to consistently crack 5-figures/month. find what you love - dream big - work hard
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  • Profile picture of the author John Rogers
    I agree that the War Room is a solid investment. If you decide to join, sort the threads by rating to get the five star rated ones at the top, and begin reading.

    Before you dive into a project blind, you should first familiarize yourself with different methods, and pick what you think is the best fit for your interests and skills. After you decide what that is, go deeper into that subject matter and formulate your plan of attack. THEN get to work. (but don't allow yourself to suffer the paralysis of analysis)

    Welcome to the Warrior Forum and best of luck to you.
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    • Profile picture of the author thomas228
      there is alot of free information on the web start reading and search for a method that you think fits you then make a plan and follow it on a regular basis good luck!
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      • Profile picture of the author konakid
        I'd agree with getting membership to the war room, it really has a ton of free stuff that helped me a lot when I started.

        Besides that, try to understand all the fundamentals of IM. Don't go chasing after the get rich quick schemes and tricks that you see everywhere.

        Learn how to pick a successful niche, build a solid product and website, gain rankings, build traffic, build a list, and monetize all of that.

        If you can master these basics you'll be well on your way. Most WSO's out there are just twists on how to do these things.

        Also, don't get too caught up reading and learning. You learn best by doing!

        Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author actnews
    the more important thing after learning methods is to make plans and goals for your project.
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  • Profile picture of the author TimK06
    Well, if you're writing an ebook already, my first question would be what is it on and have you already chosen what you're writing about as your niche?

    If so have you researched the niche to see if it's profitable?
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  • Profile picture of the author Grimbo
    Thanks for all the replies guys!

    I'll give a bit of a more in-depth introduction now that I am not pressed for time.

    I taught myself how to use Word Press and have a blog launched already. This blog is about life hacks and some ruminations on life that I have. It also has my long term goals, bucket list stuff, and some accounts of the hilarious situations I find myself in.

    I am using this as a launching pad for my desire to write, and for my eBook I am writing.

    The eBook is a basic guide to self-defense: "The Beginner's Guide to Self Defense" - I am using my 6 years of wrestling (D1, and High School), and three years of Muay Thai and Jiu Jitsu to make a how to.

    Its going to have the basics on striking, grappling, and mentality and other nifty things. I think its profitable because I see some books out there that are "self defense guides", but they are not well put together.

    Once again, thanks for all the help! I can tell I'm gonna like this place .

    - Grimbo

    P.S. New War Room member here
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    • Profile picture of the author John Rogers
      Originally Posted by Grimbo View Post

      P.S. New War Room member here
      Good for you!
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  • Profile picture of the author CindyPink
    welcome to wf. since you are new, try to read and scan threads and study them. surely, you'll learn something valuable.
    Here's the fastest way to quit the 9-5 and take back control of your life
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  • Profile picture of the author Grimbo
    Thanks for the help everyone. I used my War Room subscription to join some free groups that teach the basics. It looks like I am going to try my hand at affiliate marketing among other things.

    Aka set up a bunch of different blogs, and put affiliate links in there for each one.

    Tomorrow starts the learning processs - although I will continue with my eBook to.
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    • Profile picture of the author Grimbo
      Originally Posted by Grimbo View Post

      Thanks for the help everyone. I used my War Room subscription to join some free groups that teach the basics. It looks like I am going to try my hand at affiliate marketing among other things.

      Aka set up a bunch of different blogs, and put affiliate links in there for each one.

      Tomorrow starts the learning processs - although I will continue with my eBook to.
      The process is still continuing. I have 4 out of 5 niches that I want to start with now.

      1. Dating and Self Help (I interned for the #1 Dating Company out there)

      2. MMA and UFC (I can market my eBook on this site, as well as talk about the fights and other such things)

      3. Stand Up Comedy (I can post help on this, and find an affiliate product out there)

      4. My current blog is on life hacks and ways to improve your views on life. I'll find an affiliate product for this one.

      Time to find other niches I am interested in.

      What it looks like is I am going to use a blue host account to host all these wordpress blogs, and I am going to get them off the ground 1 at a time.

      After this I am going to use aweber to get an optin program to build an email list.

      To garner traffic I am going to post onto facebook groups to get attention drawn to me, get them to my site/like my facebook page. I'll work all the SEO and gradually build up a following.

      5 Articles a day on Ezine - one for each niche.

      Then I need to monetize and start fine tune as I go - anything I forgot or need to fix guys? Thanks!

      - Grimbo
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      • Profile picture of the author TimothyTorrents
        Originally Posted by Grimbo View Post

        The process is still continuing. I have 4 out of 5 niches that I want to start with now.

        1. Dating and Self Help (I interned for the #1 Dating Company out there)

        2. MMA and UFC (I can market my eBook on this site, as well as talk about the fights and other such things)

        3. Stand Up Comedy (I can post help on this, and find an affiliate product out there)

        4. My current blog is on life hacks and ways to improve your views on life. I'll find an affiliate product for this one.

        Time to find other niches I am interested in.

        What it looks like is I am going to use a blue host account to host all these wordpress blogs, and I am going to get them off the ground 1 at a time.

        After this I am going to use aweber to get an optin program to build an email list.

        To garner traffic I am going to post onto facebook groups to get attention drawn to me, get them to my site/like my facebook page. I'll work all the SEO and gradually build up a following.

        5 Articles a day on Ezine - one for each niche.

        Then I need to monetize and start fine tune as I go - anything I forgot or need to fix guys? Thanks!

        - Grimbo
        Sounds like a solid plan! You are already headed in the right direction. You should also look into guest posting. You can usually get more traffic from guest posts on other websites than from article directories like EZine. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Malcolm Thomas
    Originally Posted by Grimbo View Post

    Hey Gents,

    I'm Grimbo and I'm new to WF and relatively new to the world of IM. I run a blog and am writing an eBook to sell, but am still largely ignorant to the ways of the world (Of IM ).

    I have read 4HWW by Tim Ferris and Lifestyle Entrepreneur by Jesse Krieger. I know the general ideas for building that kind of lifestyle, but no idea on the intricacies - hence the reason I came here.

    Any advice on where to begin? Cheers, gents.

    - Grimbo
    Focus on choosing a niche you are passionate about and that is profitable. Focus on building a list, and providing valuable content to your readers. Then try your hand at affiliate marketing and see if that works out for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author MartinPlatt
    My advice - create a list as soon as you can do. That's where you will get 'repeat business', and so should be where the money will come from.

    Creating your own product is a great start - you're definitely going to need a list for that!

    You probably need to think about what your goals are - both short and long term - plan for that. Break the goals down, and then at the lowest level of granularity you will have an action plan. Something you can do day in and day out, and know that you're heading where you want to.

    The other thing I'd say is to get into it - make some mistakes, and learn from them. The way you're going is a great start - keep an eye on what other people are doing, and find out if you can copy it.

    Taking action sounds a bit cliche, but if you don't take action, you can't make mistakes, you won't learn, and you won't get anywhere further than where you currently are.

    You do also have to be careful with how you set up your business - so that you don't leave yourself open legally, so see an accountant for that. In fact having an accountant is a good idea anyway.

    Martin Platt

    Stuck with earning commissions online? Get this get this uncensored affiliate marketing guide for free (sold as coaching for $4,997)

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  • Profile picture of the author jipolis7
    The best way to start with a blog or something like this. You have nice youtube video. You can check it out also -

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  • Profile picture of the author Grimbo
    With everyone saying make a list - I'm gathering you mean get an email list together? Although, how can you turn affiliate programs into repeat business from people unless they are paying monthly?
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    • Profile picture of the author higherluv
      Originally Posted by Grimbo View Post

      With everyone saying make a list - I'm gathering you mean get an email list together? Although, how can you turn affiliate programs into repeat business from people unless they are paying monthly?
      Really, the only reason for doing this is so that you don't get bogged down into product creation more than you are learning other things essential in IM - which are building a list in a niche in which prospects will buy stuff (sounds like you have a good idea already), and marketing products to your list. This is just so you can get the hang of things.

      Yes, creating your product is also essential later on, for the reasons you stated above. But creating a product is a skill as is all the other stuff I mentioned and it's normally better to learn the other stuff before the product creation (even though you started already).

      I think you should do well, good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author MichelleWrites
    Hi everyone,

    I am also new to the warrior forum, but have been making money online since I was let go from my news reporting job in August of 2012. I like having the freedom to work with my OWN clients and essentially determine how much $ I want to make every week. Right now I write articles, Ebooks, and reviews but have heard there are easier methods to make a solid stream of income if you're a talented writer. Thanks for being such a receptive community. Also if anyone knows where I can find sites that allow guests posts (PR2 and UP WRITTEN IN QUALITY ENGLISH) PLEASE LET ME KNOW:-) Grimbo- we should touch base as well:-)
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  • Profile picture of the author tonyb23
    At this stage of your IM career, it's going to be super tempting to devour every marketing guide you can get your hands on. Although learning is great, it's this very habit that holds most people from seeing success. They jump from one manual to the next, not implementing anything they read.

    So I'd say pick a resource. Read it. Implement everything you learn, and THEN move on to the next resource.
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  • Profile picture of the author Grimbo
    I'm a firm believer of for every hour I spend reading, I spend 3 hours practicing (Something I learned from my time in the "pick up" community) - and Michelle, that sounds like a fabulous idea! Shoot me a private message!
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  • Profile picture of the author jamescanz
    Originally Posted by Grimbo View Post

    I'm Grimbo and I'm new to WF and relatively new to the world of IM. I run a blog and am writing an eBook to sell, but am still largely ignorant to the ways of the world (Of IM ).
    Welcome Grimbo. You've got a blog going which is great.

    Do you have an email marketing service? If so, have you been focusing on building a list?
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    • Profile picture of the author Grimbo
      Originally Posted by jamescanz View Post

      Welcome Grimbo. You've got a blog going which is great.

      Do you have an email marketing service? If so, have you been focusing on building a list?
      I am using GetResponse and I have a 7 part email series that I have made. The last 2 emails that are sent in the series push a product as well as give value. The first five only give value.

      Advice for list building???
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  • Profile picture of the author joefizz
    Build a list immediately...whilst you are figuring everything out...


    I am an Internet Marketing coach. Accelerate your performance here:
    FREE RESOURCES to help you...

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  • Profile picture of the author Malcolm Thomas
    If I were you I would focus on building a list, continuing to write on your blog, and sell your own products. By building a list you will be able to build yourself a passive long term income.
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  • Profile picture of the author Grimbo
    I still need to figure out how to build it - and I am also probably going to switch from GetResponse to aWeber. GetResponse isn't sending my first email in the series, and is not responding to my tickets for help.

    Is there an easy way to transfer my follow-ups to a different service?
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  • Profile picture of the author Grimbo
    Thanks for continuing to help guys!

    I have hit the ground running with blog (On Self-Confidence, mentalities, and some other ruminations that are meant to be thought provoking and spark debates.

    I need to find ways to build my email list and pull more traffic still.
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  • Profile picture of the author warreng
    Keep learning, reading, and the most important of all is testing what you have learning to make sure what you are learning works. Then tweak it to fit your business..
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  • Profile picture of the author theaccountant
    Not here mate you will get sucked onto a Facebook like daze making endless posts and giving advice on stuff you have no real experience of

    My opinion is that you save some cash get a really good mentor by reputation and proof of success like Eban Pagen who will give you a foundation that you can build upon
    Signature learn about making money out of gold and gold investment this is the real deal!!
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