driving traffic to squeeze page

34 replies
I know this has been discussed a lot... but what is in your opinion the most effective ways to drive traffic to your squeeze page.

social media?
article marketing?
#driving #page #squeeze #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author adsassist
    All of the above.

    Try every source you can. Find the ones that work well for you. Focus on the sources you are good at and watch your traffic explode.

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  • Profile picture of the author Malcolm Thomas
    Test everything and DO everything. Don't limit yourself to only one traffic source. NEVER put all of your eggs in one basket.
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  • Profile picture of the author deaddogdesign
    Running a contest and sending people to a squeeze page to sign up works good. Also, you could consider doing some adswaps or solo ads. I have had good success with them over the years. Article marketing isn't that effective for getting lots of lead on your squeeze page, PPC is costly, and social media just dropping your links in places will make you look like a spammer.
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    • Profile picture of the author tiroberts
      Originally Posted by deaddogdesign View Post

      Running a contest and sending people to a squeeze page to sign up works good. Also, you could consider doing some adswaps or solo ads. I have had good success with them over the years. Article marketing isn't that effective for getting lots of lead on your squeeze page, PPC is costly, and social media just dropping your links in places will make you look like a spammer.
      I like the contest idea. I would do this for subscribers already on my list, with content marketing being the foundation of the contest.

      However, I think the real question should be the most effective way to drive the highest quality traffic to a squeeze page.

      Getting a lot of traffic to your squeeze page means nothing if it's a whole lot of junk traffic that's not converting into sales.

      The most effective way to get the highest quality traffic to your squeeze page, when focusing just on online methods is:

      (1) Guest posting (with a link back to your squeeze page at the end of your article)

      (2) Forum marketing (focusing on posting high quality, high value posts in the forum)

      In my opinion, these two methods bring the best quality traffic because the people that subscribe on your squeeze page are already pre-sold on you and your content and are most likely to purchase from you with less convincing. Plus, the important relationship aspect that's pivotal to effective marketing is already built into it.

      They've already gotten the chance to get to know, trust and like you via the content you provide. Plus, these kind of subscribers are more interactive, engaging and will most likely become your biggest raving fans. Which is good for you, because raving fans are the ones that write reviews on you, your products and recommend you all the time, sending more referral traffic your way - without you doing any extra work.

      Bottom line, any type of content driven traffic, even highly syndicated ezine or article marketing traffic is an effective way to send quality traffic to your squeeze pages. But, forum marketing is the fastest and guest posting is a close second.

      Hope this helps you.

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  • Profile picture of the author MKCookins
    Writing Articles

    As mentioned before test every method you can think of then after seeing your results spend more time on the ones that work and less on the ones that don't
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  • Profile picture of the author bizoppmaster
    That's a very broad question. It really depends on the offer and demographic. FB is a good start.
    (4) Spots Left For Private Coaching | TheProfitCoach.com | Skype: jon.mac303
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    Originally Posted by FostinWD View Post

    I know this has been discussed a lot...
    You don't say,,,
    The funny thing is that the answers are mostly the same now as they were 6 months ago and probably 6 months from now...
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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    • Profile picture of the author johndetlefs
      Originally Posted by salegurus View Post

      You don't say,,,
      The funny thing is that the answers are mostly the same now as they were 6 months ago and probably 6 months from now...
      True... the threads get buried though and are doomed to repeat themselves.

      But just in case here is my take:

      Forum Posting: Not scalable unless you want to outsource to the Philippines in which case you're actually engaging in spam IMO. Good for building a reputation in an industry that you can link back to as a sort of "testimonial".

      Twitter: I can't figure out how to monetize it. But neither can Twitter so I think I'm in good company!

      PPV: great for cheap testing and setting up your offer to convert, although can be a little tricky to set up right. This is my first point of call for testing new offers. Also apparently great for CPA but I haven't done this myself.

      Adwords: Used to be cheap, but now almost uniformly expensive, in my experience only use it for market research (a squeeze page that links to a survey to find out what the market wants), or when you have a tried and true offer and would like to scale.

      Google Content Network: Getting more expensive as it becomes more well known, and is fantastic for when you want to scale an offer that is already converting.

      Solo Ads: Fantastic, generally optins at a fantastic %, but (especially in the IM niche) converts to sales at a low %. I think a long term view where you educate over time is best for these leads, but that's just me. A lot of people recycle and sell solo ads from these lists.

      FB: In my experience difficult to monetize, and not as cheap as it used to be. A lot of people at the moment are claiming to be "making bank" all over the place but I haven't seen much real proof of that.

      SEO: (it's paid traffic regardless of what people tell you) Don't bother. I've spent stupid amounts of money on SEO only to have Google change the game at their whim. You're better off spending your money on paid traffic that you can count on and test with.

      JV/Affiliate: Best traffic of all, as you pay only on results, but hard to get in with when you don't have a reputation to trade on.

      Anyone have anything to add?

      You only get one shot at life - make it awesome.

      Everyone else also gets just one crack at it - help make theirs awesome too... or, politely step out of their way.

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  • Profile picture of the author MartinPlatt
    Solo Ads, Ad Swaps, Forums, Comments, Social Media, JV Giveaways....

    Martin Platt

    Stuck with earning commissions online? Get this get this uncensored affiliate marketing guide for free (sold as coaching for $4,997)

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  • Profile picture of the author howtogurus
    Basically all techniques should be tried, expand on the ones that work for your product/personality. I have not had much success with Facebook for driving sales. Great tool for customer loyalty, but not good for new customers. Article Marketing is a real problem now that Google is banning duplicated content. The real power of Article Marketing was that other sites would pick up your article, then you would have your link all over the place. That pretty much is going away on Google. I have good luck with all types of email marketing, solo ads, ad swaps, etc. Also I have found advertising in niche newsletters successful as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author JasonBennet
    What works for one person does not mean that it will work for you too. I personally will start to think how much money and time that I am willing to put aside for my marketing campaign. If I have more budget, I will start off with Paid traffic but I will track it. However, if I have more time, I will start of with the Paid method but I will bear in mind that it will take some time.

    Regardless of whether it is paid or Free method, it will take some time before one will be able to start getting consistent income from their internet business. But it will be worth the effort. I will just start off by mastering one method at a time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Budas286
    For paid traffic you could start with adfly campaigns.. put squeeze in ,get approved and get some leads for cheap.
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  • Profile picture of the author jipolis7
    Have you checked out any previous threads of Warrior Forum? If not, this will be perfect thread for you to know about it -


    And to know more just google it.
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  • Profile picture of the author sabatek
    Originally Posted by FostinWD View Post

    I know this has been discussed a lot... but what is in your opinion the most effective ways to drive traffic to your squeeze page.

    social media?
    article marketing?
    Solo ads then social media. But used social media to drive traffic to your articles with a link to your squeeze page, not directly to your squeeze page or else you come off spammy. PPC is expensive depending on your niche but also great.
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  • Profile picture of the author Abhik
    PPC is much better than Social traffic, at least in my experience.
    You actually need to try every possible ways of getting legitimate traffic as long you find which works best for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author wonderfullife
    For driving traffic, you need make full use of all the ways.
    Email marketing
    Social media
    Paid ads
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    You should always test every single strategy out there to see what works best for you as the internet marketer. While some techniques work really well for some people, it may not work for others.

    I would give these a try and make sure you track them down to see what gets you the best results:

    Solo ads
    Forum posting
    Video marketing
    Adding new content to your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author Patho
    Definitely solo ads with quality lists....requires some investing, but heyy..you are building an online business
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  • Profile picture of the author Edman15
    Originally Posted by FostinWD View Post

    I know this has been discussed a lot... but what is in your opinion the most effective ways to drive traffic to your squeeze page.

    social media?
    article marketing?
    In my case Social Media and Article Marketing is the way for me. PPC is good but it's bit expensive considering my niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author chiukev
    I agree with trying many traffic generation methods and sticking with the best for you.
    Having said that, from the 3 you listed, my take on those are...

    social media - not the best as people on social networks are there to socialise, not to buy something.

    PPC - fast results and good for short term but need to spend (not a problem if you're making more than you're spending)

    Articles - Slow results but good for the long haul as once an article is published, it's getting you exposure as long as it's out there.
    "Everything" you need to SUPERCHARGE your Internet Business.....

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  • Profile picture of the author espresso
    Traffic is always the key
    My new squeeze page is converting at a rate of 30% but getting traffic is proving difficult
    I want to learn PPC advertising but obviously it costs money to test things

    I am about to buy a banner spot on a website getting 5k UV a day so hoping for some luck there
    Current overall ctr is 0.45%

    I have also signed up to another cpc network with a gift token so see how that goes
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    • Profile picture of the author FostinWD
      Originally Posted by tiroberts View Post

      I like the contest idea. I would do this for subscribers already on my list, with content marketing being the foundation of the contest.

      However, I think the real question should be the most effective way to drive the highest quality traffic to a squeeze page.

      Getting a lot of traffic to your squeeze page means nothing if it's a whole lot of junk traffic that's not converting into sales.

      The most effective way to get the highest quality traffic to your squeeze page, when focusing just on online methods is:

      (1) Guest posting (with a link back to your squeeze page at the end of your article)

      (2) Forum marketing (focusing on posting high quality, high value posts in the forum)

      In my opinion, these two methods bring the best quality traffic because the people that subscribe on your squeeze page are already pre-sold on you and your content and are most likely to purchase from you with less convincing. Plus, the important relationship aspect that's pivotal to effective marketing is already built into it.

      They've already gotten the chance to get to know, trust and like you via the content you provide. Plus, these kind of subscribers are more interactive, engaging and will most likely become your biggest raving fans. Which is good for you, because raving fans are the ones that write reviews on you, your products and recommend you all the time, sending more referral traffic your way - without you doing any extra work.

      Bottom line, any type of content driven traffic, even highly syndicated ezine or article marketing traffic is an effective way to send quality traffic to your squeeze pages. But, forum marketing is the fastest and guest posting is a close second.

      Hope this helps you.

      this is great information, I think you have a point there with the pre-sellling aspect.
      thank you..

      If you're going to tell members to check your signature, this is what they'll see.

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  • Don't forget video marketing. YouTube can be a great source of free traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author bhnath
    A free WSO is always a good way to pull in a few hundred subscribers
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  • Profile picture of the author banx63
    For me paid it has to be solo ads, my squeeze is converting around 50% which I am happy with.

    For free traffic my blog posts seem to do ok.
    Message me about joining our secret Viral Sites Clan on Facebook (not for newbies)
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  • Profile picture of the author Sue McDonald
    Solos, adswaps, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and press releases. Don't forget your blog. If you want to pay for the traffic always look at PPC.
    You can get free press releases or you can used a paid service but these are very powerful. If you are going to use press releases make sure you follow the correct format or they will not be approved.
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  • Profile picture of the author espresso
    Now have traffic and no sales
    42 visits in the last 2 hours all from USA but no sign up

    The hunt continues
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  • Profile picture of the author trafficmasters
    It can depend a lot on the niche, for example gaming would work great with social but health related or sex related niches may not.

    I have always preferred paid traffic, large media buys but it can take a lot of practice to be confident enough to set up winning campaigns - and even then you may only break even!

    The plus side is you can split test pages instantly and if your campaign returns a positive ROI - outsource the SEO for long term success

    Rinse and repeat!
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  • Profile picture of the author vinothks
    go with social marketing to get traffic...it always works..
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  • Profile picture of the author AllanWM
    'I don't know of many ways to drive a thousand people to a site, but I do know a thousand ways to drive a single person to a site.'

    Try them all and validate the methods that are successful, rinse and repeat.

    Good luck,
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Harris
    I also agree with not putting all your eggs in one basket, if the traffic sources dries up, you have a problem.

    Content syndication multiplies your efforts from a single article if you then use it to create a video and a podcast too.
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  • Profile picture of the author dylan4f
    Solo ads and adswaps are by far the most efficient way to drive targeted traffic that converts to your squeeze page..


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