Maling List Concerns

by 8 replies

#main internet marketing discussion forum #concerns #list #maling
  • As you havn't mailed for quite some time. Sending a remainder email or any new bonus will work for you to get the list back on track. Always send informative points, you will get good response.
    • [1] reply
    • So what are some good bonuses out there in the self help niche other than free ebooks, videos, or reports thank you.
  • First off congratulations on how far you have come. Your ahead of most... it's never too late to start a relationship. What is most important is you are starting one. Is your squeeze page build around a product or a market? I say because if its a product a lot of time the affiliate vendor will provide email follow ups you could just customize and add to your list. The alternative is research on google and youtube how to write follow ups and go from there. The key is to provide value to your list before and after you recommend a product to them. Over deliver to them
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    • [DELETED]
    • Oh didnt know that just learned something diffrent. Here I am trying to create the perfect follow up and yes it was a product. Thanks
  • I made this same mistake when starting out. I was aware of the importance of growing a mailing list early, but didn't create a good number of follow-up messages to develop a relationship.

    Definitely don't get rid of the list. Read the text of your sign up form carefully and think about the expectations the person joining the list would have. Try to make your initial reminder email impactful, and make sure you don't stray far from the topic that brought people to your list in the first place.

    You could create a survey that is relevant to your niche, to get some interaction with your list. Also ask them direct questions about what they want to read about.

    As for bonuses you could also have audio, interviews, a mind map or a short email course.
    • [1] reply
    • Thanks, I sure was about to delete my list because I thought it went bad for not following up with them lol.
  • All great comments. Never get rid of a list, just send them a reminder.
    • [1] reply
    • Thanks everybody for helping me out. You all had great comments

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    Hello my Warrior Forum Fams, Hope everything is all well for you and congratulations on your success. As for myself I have some concerns about my experience as an online entreprenuer so lets just get straight to it. I have purchased a solo Ad last year a couple of weeks before memorial day for about 75$ for a hundred something clicks and finally got my first sell after like 6 or 7 months. Almost gave up too before I knew paid traffic was the better option for me if done right. Besides I consider myself still a rookie. Anyway I made a little over 200 a few days after coming home for the holiday. (Yay For Me Right?) Well my concerns after researching and learning more is now I have this email list on Aweber of a 154 people but havent sent them any follow ups at all because I didn't and still don't know how to write them. I want to know is it to late to build a relationship with my current list or should I just flush the list and start from scratch? What would you do? By the way I was promoting a clickbank product in the e-business niche.