Prove to me that paid traffic for info products will work

24 replies
I would love to read motivating statistics that reveal the still current profitability of paid advertising for info product campaigns.

Statistics such as:
Cost per visitor (and traffic source type)
Conversion rate
Product price
Average revenue per customer (are upsells a large part of your revenue? What about future sales through a list?)
And how big were you able to scale it?

I'm sure these type of statistics will be greatly appreciated by all warriors. There's a lot of heresay when it comes to conversion rate and related stats. Please set the record straight with personal experiences.
#info #paid #products #prove #traffic #work
  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    You might want to try the search button because this question gets asked a lot, in many different forms, throughout the years.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Squeeze
    I suppose there are a lot of variables that come into play here but I will say one thing...

    If you have the information that solves a problem for many people and you drive people to a page promoting a digital product containing said solution then ppc will certainly be a very quick and highly profitable traffic generation method.

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  • Profile picture of the author draede
    How about you prove it to yourself?
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Well if you don't believe paid traffic works you really should change professions right now. I'm not sure how you plan on selling much of anything without using some form of paid traffic.

    It's not up to anyone to prove it to you. Paid traffic works. Otherwise there would be no ads on the Internet because no one would be willing to pay money for them. So there's all the proof you need right there.

    Now go do it.
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    • Actually those are the kind of responses I was secretly hoping for Ive been studying methodology and decided on info product, landing page letter/testimonials, ppc for my debut attempt.

      Thank you for reminding me the power of action and I'm excited to be able to report back results very soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author BigGameHunter
    I am surprised more Fellow Warriors haven't jumped on this thread...

    You have seven posts and you come on here making demands that someone show you something.

    If I did tell you a story about making money with paid ads you wouldn't know how to replicate my success no more than if I told you stories about how I buy real estate and make money.

    No one here owes you anything. I suggest using some manners, respect others and you may get some direction and help.

    Always looking for the best service providers on Warrior Forum.

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    • Originally Posted by BigGameHunter View Post

      I am surprised more Fellow Warriors haven't jumped on this thread...

      You have seven posts and you come on here making demands that someone show you something.

      If I did tell you a story about making money with paid ads you wouldn't know how to replicate my success no more than if I told you stories about how I buy real estate and make money.

      No one here owes you anything. I suggest using some manners, respect others and you may get some direction and help.
      I titled the thread like that like in hopes of hitting that very same "competitive / we earn our success" chord that many successful warriors appear to have and to help motivate myself with the responses. I don't believe it lacked manners or respect.
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  • Profile picture of the author RachelLily
    you need not have the numbers. many got successful because they tried it, need not hesitate, that will pull you out of your success.go for it.

    I make $50 every 3 hours. Learn my methods here:

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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Originally Posted by The Stardust Traveler View Post

    I would love to read motivating statistics that reveal the still current profitability of paid advertising for info product campaigns.

    Statistics such as:
    Cost per visitor (and traffic source type)
    Conversion rate
    Product price
    Average revenue per customer (are upsells a large part of your revenue? What about future sales through a list?)
    And how big were you able to scale it?

    I'm sure these type of statistics will be greatly appreciated by all warriors. There's a lot of heresay when it comes to conversion rate and related stats. Please set the record straight with personal experiences.
    So, let me see if I understand you correctly.

    You want me to pay for my advertising, tests, compile the results and then just give them to you because you posted at the warrior forum.

    No, I don't think I will. But, thanks for asking


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author AustinDigital
    Of course paid advertising works! Why else would it exist and why would there be repeat buyers? It's all about proper targeting to the people who need your info product.

    Those kind of statistics don't help you personally whatsoever as you do not have my products for sale, my funnel, or my optimization... so what's the point of stating them?
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  • Profile picture of the author Malcolm Thomas
    Paid traffic works. It can allow your campaigns to become very profitable very quickly
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  • Profile picture of the author OrangeBull
    Paid traffic can be turned on and off at the drop of a hat too which is a good thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author BigGameHunter
    Its not what you asked but how you asked it...

    Here is some clarification to help you. If someone else's success stories motivates you to do something... your a sheep about to be fleeced on this forum.

    16 Year Old Kid... Makes $357,596 in 48 Hrs using Paid Traffic!

    If someone were to be kind enough to do all the work to obtain the research and share it with you it doesn't mean you can replicate their success. If I were to give you a flow chart of how they got this success... you still wouldn't be able to replicate it.

    The success they achieved was in the details. The path they took to get their and what specifically they did along the way was a culmination of their success. It is a high probability you will have different results. So, sharing the details while it may sound good to the ears and it very possibly could motivate you chances are you will not obtain their level of success without the details.

    Headline: Attorney wins a $500 million Dollar Lawsuit Against Large Corporation
    That should motivate you to be an Attorney... correct? But, the attorneys who win at this level spent lots of years honing his craft to get to this point. He could give you his flow chart of how he did it... wouldn't be of any help to you. You don't know a brief from a Rule 23 motion.

    You come here and file a quasi Motion for a Writ of Mandamus. i.e. You think you can write a thread and compel others to give you something their required to by some law. We are not compelled to give you... Nothing. Motion Denied.

    The question you asked is the wrong question. Try this:
    Could someone please share with me the best place to learn how to build a sales funnel where I would find success using paid traffic. I am new and need some help. Thanks Bunches

    I am willing to bet you would get a whole different response. We really do love to help...

    I hope this was helpful to you. Good Luck.

    Always looking for the best service providers on Warrior Forum.

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  • Profile picture of the author intergen
    draede & agmccall perfect answers. I know what you are trying to do is get a conversation going. But the title doesn't work.

    I agree if you have a product or service - prove it to yourself like many of us have. I have literally spent tens of thousands of dollars on paid traffic sources. Some worked some didn't - but that doesn't mean it might not work for someone else in their niche or vertical.

    One company I supported with their marketing efforts I literally spent about 10 - 15k per month on paid sources etc. for about 18 months. That company now just received an offer to be acquired for 10M. Was it worth it? - you betcha
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  • Profile picture of the author LillySage
    Prove it to can start a paid advertising campaign (ppc) for pennies. Set a small budget and test...if you can't prove it to yourself then stats from other people will be totally useless.

    Get my 149-Page Kindle Publishing System WSO FREE TODAY...FREE WSO TODAY!

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  • Profile picture of the author phoenixblogger
    100% agreed with BigGameHunder.

    Still if you are looking for such information then serach using the keywords "case study PPC" and you will find lots of such information that might help you. But remember PPC is a game that you can leanr only through ur own experience

    This is my signature
    P.S Nothing Useful here :p

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Even if headlines like this didn't challenge my gag reflex, and I had a weak moment to share those numbers on a public forum, the only thing they would prove is that paid traffic for info products worked for me.

      It wouldn't prove that it would work for you.

      Hell, it doesn't even guarantee it would keep working for me...
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Even if I were to show you proof, your results would be different.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author thatkeywordguy
    I havent had much direct luck with it -- promoting my software.

    but i havent tried it much

    Can someone recommend a source of paid traffic?

    Get Keyword Reseacher at

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  • Profile picture of the author David Braybrooke
    Paid traffic can have so many variables. Conduct tests. Start small. Scale up where applicable. Persevere.

    Good luck!
    "The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage." - Mark Russell
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  • Profile picture of the author Campbell24
    Jean's advice is a very accurate description of what a lot of people do successfully. Build a list off of the clicks you are buying.
    FREE SEO CONSULTATION/ADVICE (from a 7-figure earner)

    I will answer your SEO questions 100% for free.

    Just ask me whatever you want!
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  • Profile picture of the author JasonBennet
    There are so many variables involved that I feel that the statistics will be useless as everyone's offer, ad copy and website will be different. As some Warriors have mention here, the key is to test it small and tweak the campaign along the way till it is profitable. It must be profitable or else no one will be paying for traffic if it is not profitable for them. The key is still in testing, tracking and tweaking the campaign.
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