Is it better to have a header on a squeeze or no?

11 replies
Im making a product and on the same domain is going to be my squeeze. Is it a good idea to have a header or no for the squeeze?
#header #squeeze
  • Profile picture of the author tamalanwar
    Your header with squeeze is a good idea, just make it thinner. Gives it a branded look.
    Tamal Anwar C.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Hugall
    It depends on your taste really. Sometime I think they look good and then other times they need to be a little more cleaned up and polished. I have tested it a few times and the numbers weren't off that much either way. So make 2 and give it a test.... I mean you are already there : ).
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  • Profile picture of the author CyberAlien
    I like the smaller heads on squeeze pages that have useful links like to login or contact support.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    None of us can possibly answer this for you nor should we try.

    The correct answer is to test.

    In some markets and instances having a header will work better. In other markets having no header will work better. Your design needs to be congruent with your message. If you are trying to portray yourself as an individual who has just learnt a way to make money online, then having a banner is not congruent with that persona because it gives a more professional and staged/planned feeling. If you are just an everyday person wanting to share a secret then a very simple page with no banner would make a lot more sense and be a lot more congruent with your message. So it depends.

    It's something you will need to test and let your market decide for you, since their opinion is the only one that really matters.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sue McDonald
    I prefer to have a header. It is like a quick description of what you are offering.
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    • Profile picture of the author papuanac1971
      Make one split test and you will see results and then decide. My oppinion is to make header, something about call to action, something what will ecourage visitors to opt-in
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      • Profile picture of the author danits
        Originally Posted by papuanac1971 View Post

        Make one split test and you will see results and then decide. My oppinion is to make header, something about call to action, something what will ecourage visitors to opt-in
        I agree, I would also recommend you to split test your squeeze page. Split testing will give you a the answer according to your targeted audience.

        The great thing about split testing is that you can be completely surprised with the results.

        When I split test my squeeze pages and sales letters I sometimes think I know what will work, but then I get a different response from my visitors.
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        • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
          It doesn't matter what anyone here prefers.

          All that matters is what your visitors, collectively, "prefer" in the sense that a higher proportion of them opt in, and that's something you can tell only by testing.

          (If you want complete guesses, my complete guess based only on the squeeze page split-testing results I've seen myself is that "no header" will actually work better for you.)
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  • Profile picture of the author dylan4f
    Split test is the best answer for this matter.. split test it and send 200-300 clicks to both versions and update us here what worked better for you

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  • Profile picture of the author warreng
    Split testing in this situation would work best. Personally, I do not headers but rather use the imaginary scene. That seems to work very well for me..
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  • Profile picture of the author vjboc
    Headers are nice, as long as they are not big and bulky. A thinner header with an overview is nice. But like others said, do split test and i'm sure it could depend on the product as well.
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