Does wordpress pages rank or only posts?

by ArielT
7 replies
Hello, I'm planning to make a mini site using wordpress that will consit in a one page/post for the product information and the basic pages, about, contact, etc. So my doubt is, if I put the content about the product in a page (home page) instead of as a post, will rank well, or to rank well is better as post format?
#pages #posts #rank #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author Fraggler
    In Google's eyes they are all just pages so there is no difference between the two.

    Check out the SEO section of the forum for Google ranking type of info.
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  • Profile picture of the author franktwin
    I suggest putting the WP on a self hosted server, Label your pages according to your titles and then index your site using GWT...


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    • Profile picture of the author ArielT
      Originally Posted by franktwin View Post

      I suggest putting the WP on a self hosted server, Label your pages according to your titles and then index your site using GWT...

      Do you mean I should change the home page name to the name what would the the content for? or what do you mean with label the page, which in this case would be the main content (the article for the product I want to promote) in the home page, or otherwise maybe as a post

      And what is a GWT?

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  • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
    You can use a plugin to do this, and you can exclude some of the pages on your Robots.txt file if you don't want Google spiders to find out that you have a WordPress site. Anyway, that would depend on the purpose of the website you are building.

    >>>Get your websites ACTUALLY ranked by checking these out: Quantum SEO Labs, Home Page Link Building & SERP Ability. Want to get rid of negative listings? Check out Reputation Enhancer.

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  • Profile picture of the author charlier
    I think both rank well. The only thing you may want to do on a post is to consider the date. Because as it may age your post date will be older where as pages would not show that. Just a thought....

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    • Profile picture of the author ArielT
      Originally Posted by charlier View Post

      I think both rank well. The only thing you may want to do on a post is to consider the date. Because as it may age your post date will be older where as pages would not show that. Just a thought....
      The doubt has arised now is, a post would have the keyword phrase I want to rank as title and in the other hand, if I put the content in a page (home page in this case) will have "home page" as title, so would it be a problem from a SEO perspective?
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  • Profile picture of the author MartinPlatt
    Originally Posted by ArielT View Post

    Hello, I'm planning to make a mini site using wordpress that will consit in a one page/post for the product information and the basic pages, about, contact, etc. So my doubt is, if I put the content about the product in a page (home page) instead of as a post, will rank well, or to rank well is better as post format?
    They're all the same thing at the end of the day they're a web page.

    A post is typically something on a blog, so you can set up wordpress to show all your posts on a page, as you would a blog. The single post takes up a page as well.

    No difference in terms of ranking, only in terms of organisation within your site.

    Martin Platt

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