Affiliate Prophet for Eccommerce Site

by 1 replies
Hi all

I noticed another thread on this and was hoping those members experienced on AP could advise if this software would be useful for an ecommerce site or sites as opposed to affiliate marketing. What I mean is for targeting the success of long tail keywords or likely success would this be worth it in your opinion or just stick with Google Analytics? I thought since long tail might take a while to produce stats on some keywords this might be helpful?

Thanks in advance
#main internet marketing discussion forum #affiliate #eccommerce #prophet #site
  • Banned
    Exactly what you need. Google Analytics won't give you anywhere near the same info. Read about it here on my blog. Google Cash Detective - Your Internets

    Basically you're putting a tracking code on your keywords. "targeted keywords".

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  • 2

    Hi all I noticed another thread on this and was hoping those members experienced on AP could advise if this software would be useful for an ecommerce site or sites as opposed to affiliate marketing. What I mean is for targeting the success of long tail keywords or likely success would this be worth it in your opinion or just stick with Google Analytics? I thought since long tail might take a while to produce stats on some keywords this might be helpful?