Paid Traffic Training?

15 replies
I would like to learn how to drive traffic to my squeeze page... ppc, facebook , solo ads, etc

anyone know any good course/wso to learn this?



Responses I got:

- Jonathan Mizel WSO
- Traffic Black Book
- Igor Khefeits (solo ads)
- Brad Geddes (ad words)
- dot com secrets
- Adam C. Miller facebook wealth formula
- Charles Kirkland - t3 traffic blueprint
#paid #traffic #training
  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    Google fellow Warrior Jonathan Mizel or look him up using the search feature. He has at least one WSO going on that I'm aware of. He also has a couple of courses which show you how.

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author drewfioravanti
    I like Traffic Black Book. It's on Clickbank.
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  • Profile picture of the author goldbear
    Check Igor Khefeits. He does a lot of work with solo ads. Seems like a good source for you.

    This is my website, I think you'll like it!

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    • Profile picture of the author Brendon Zahrndt
      Originally Posted by goldbear View Post

      Check Igor Khefeits. He does a lot of work with solo ads. Seems like a good source for you.
      Have you ordered from Igor before?

      I have, and the traffic was junk.

      In no way am I trying to bash Igor or tell you not to order from him - I am just wondering if you had a similar experience.

      He mentioned that he would be sending a click report with my order and that email never came - and it cost $89 for 100 clicks.

      I never addressed it with him, but at that price for the quality I received it would be unlikely for me to return unless something much more favorable happened. I expected top notch for that price and I got complete garbage.

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  • Profile picture of the author tonyb23
    One of the best PPC teachers in the industry is Brad Geddes. He has an advanced Adwords training book on Amazon you can buy for $20 or something. It's one of the best resources I've read on the subject.
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  • Profile picture of the author khooster1
    Have bought quite a fair of books, courses over the years.
    Till date, I think dot com secrets is pretty good though it might be quite expensive for an online course.

    I am not an affiliate for the product. cheers.
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  • Profile picture of the author wwhitley
    Dear FostinWD,
    I would tell you to check out Adam C. Miller %00 Everyday with Facebook Fan Pages to get your products in front of alot of people.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nics
    I've learned a lot from Charles Kirkland regarding paid traffic and will likely sign up for his next | class when it opens again.

    It's all about paid traffic. He hates SEO. It's a live class...8 weeks I think.

    It's not available right now but worth taking a look at for sure.
    List Building Demystified -->
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    • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
      Originally Posted by Nics View Post

      I've learned a lot from Charles Kirkland regarding paid traffic and will likely sign up for his next | class when it opens again.

      It's all about paid traffic. He hates SEO. It's a live class...8 weeks I think.

      It's not available right now but worth taking a look at for sure.
      Charles Kirkland is the man. You cannot go wrong with this stuff. This guy is in the trenches, no theory with him.

      "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
      - Jim Rohn
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    • Profile picture of the author philrich21
      Originally Posted by Nics View Post

      I've learned a lot from Charles Kirkland regarding paid traffic and will likely sign up for his next | class when it opens again.

      It's all about paid traffic. He hates SEO. It's a live class...8 weeks I think.

      It's not available right now but worth taking a look at for sure.
      Did you get on Charles' Traffic Blueprint Nic?

      I'd be interested in a review if you could provide one
      FREE Instant Download - Learn How to Build Massive Residual Home Income with my My Guide to Leveraging the Power of Blogs & How to Quickly Build a Massive Mailing List Click Here to Download
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  • Profile picture of the author Malcolm Thomas
    Originally Posted by FostinWD View Post

    I would like to learn how to drive traffic to my squeeze page... ppc, facebook , solo ads, etc

    anyone know any good course/wso to learn this?

    I would first advise you search around the forum to see if this question has already been asked (which it probably has been.) And read up on various free threads before investing actual $$$$ into a paid training course.
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  • Profile picture of the author FostinWD
    thanks for all the replies, keep the comments coming

    If you're going to tell members to check your signature, this is what they'll see.

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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    Paid traffic is a pretty big area. Is there anything specific you wanted to get into?

    So Igor sells you his solo ads?
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    For the in-the-trenches knowledge about PPC (and other forms of paid advertising), I also send people to PPC-Coach and to Perry Marshall. However, with PPC-Coach you have a community of people there to assist you.

    I would strongly suggest you go check out their newly updated webpage and watch the video there and read the testimonials. One of my own students dove into about a year and half ago and he is now working from home, traveling whenever he wants.

    There are also real-live case studies and a host of tools to make your life easier. Ah, I see he already posted.

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author Spree Ads
    Well why train for this the idea is pretty simple.
    Paid Traffic.

    Most paid courses that i have encountered they just tell you one thing. Source where they get the source who to buy too. Just the SOURCE of their traffic.

    I don't suggest igor not sales bashing him in anyway but he's just outsourcing. Would suggest a much viable solo ad seller out this forum but currently there isn't.
    At the moment most new solo ad sellers and most previous solo ad sellers just outsource the whole freaking thing which is junk traffic / low quality traffic.
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