Stop Stealing
When you don't take effective action you are denying yourself your ideal future.
When you don't take effective action you are stealing from your potential a life which should be yours for the taking.
When you don't take effective action you are stealing from your loved ones the lifestyle which you could all be sharing together.
When you don't take effective action you are stealing from other people the gifts you could be sharing with them in the future.
When you don't take effective action you are stealing the very gift of life itself by not performing at what is your ideal optimum level.
So stop making excuses wasting your time on this that and the other making excuses for things not to work well in your favor.
Every time you justify an action to yourself, which in your heart of hearts you know isn't providing you and your family or loved ones with what you know deep down inside you can bring to the table, you are in fact living a life of denial by choice. Think about it carefully.
Life, success, money, control, power is all a choice. Only you can make the decision to turn up the heat on yourself to perform at a level which gives you everything you want out of life.
Waste time feeding your mind with empty drivel rather than taking massive purposeful action to get you to where you want and need to be in life is selfishness personified.
Not knuckling down doing what is needed, wasting time looking around forums, checking out Facebook, looking at Youtube videos anything but taking highly effective action, when you do this constantly every day - you are in fact stealing from yourself the life you think you deserve. (Which in and of itself is a contradiction in terms).
Truthfully, how much is your time worth to you? See, when you waste time selfishly looking after your temporary needs... how much is this activity costing you in real terms than if this time spent was spent on more productive and profitable activities?
Add up how much time you waste on activities you don't need to waste your time on per week and times this by 52 weeks, what is the total number of hours in front of you? I bet it's quite a large number of hours right? A bit of a shock to you I bet? Precisely.
So now you know what this number of hours is, which undoubtedly amounts to many days if not weeks of your time over the course of the year, the question naturally arises...
How are YOU now going to realign your time with real action which instead of starving or strangling your potential feeds it and pushes you forwards towards your ideal future?
How badly do YOU want your ideal future?
How acute is your pain of being without your ideal future as opposed to taking massive action in the here and now to take the necessary steps towards achieving it?
Which action on your part will get you where you ideally want to be quicker and easier? Wasting time on daft unneeded activities or spending your time more productively on the things you need to be doing right now?
Please feel free to discuss...
Smoking hot,
Mark Andrews
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