16 replies
Hi, Everybody!

I'm an old writer who was out of the business for a long time and am returning to a whole new realm, thanks to the internet. I guess you can say I'm a totally new newbie to all of this.

I always hear people encourage to "Do what you love so you can love what you do." The more I look into the internet marketing and article market trends, though, it seems the things I love to write about, and do, really aren't what "sells" out there. Unless, of course, I'm missing something important.

I'm interested in hearing how others adapted "doing what they love" so that it began to earn a profit for them. Did you find, when you first started out (or in my case "restarted") that you needed to adapt your mindset so that what you loved was more in line with what was earning money? Or did you stick loyally to your guns and keep plugging away at what you loved best until you found the right niche and it all clicked?

Thanks to anyone who chooses to respond. I'm always happy for the thoughts of those who have found their groove and are doing well with it!

  • Profile picture of the author ChrisByrns
    Rule #1) If you can think about it.. there's people out there, searching on google for it.

    It's really true!
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  • I love fishing, but I have never made any money in that niche.
    I hate writing, but I make lots of money selling that service.

    Doing what you love isnt always profitable.
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    • Profile picture of the author Sam Rodrigo
      Originally Posted by Charles Montgomery View Post

      I love fishing, but I have never made any money in that niche.
      I hate writing, but I make lots of money selling that service.

      Doing what you love isnt always profitable.
      Hi Charles,

      Let me try my hand at CONSULTING!

      Couldn't you write while fishing?

      Just an idea,

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  • Profile picture of the author VegasGreg
    If you love to write, tha is all there is to it. You can write about anything, but you are still writing.

    I you have hobbies/interests that are not profitable to write about, just write something that is profitable so that you can spend that money on your hobbies/interests for "you time".

    Greg Schueler - Wordpress Fanatic... Living The Offline Marketing Dream...

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  • Profile picture of the author MajWorks99
    Thanks for the replies!

    Chris: I'm going to remember your words of wisdom, thanks!
    Charles: I don't suppose writing about fishing is an option? Do you choose a special niche that you enjoy to write about, or do you find what sells and create articles around those topics?
    monkfunk: More power to you! I think that's marvelous, and a fascinating topic to boot.

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    • Originally Posted by MajWorks99 View Post

      Thanks for the replies!

      Charles: I don't suppose writing about fishing is an option? Do you choose a special niche that you enjoy to write about, or do you find what sells and create articles around those topics?

      Well..I'm kind of a whore. I will write anything that pays. :p I shouldnt. They tell me to specialize, but...whatever.
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      • Profile picture of the author JP Wilson
        I have to echo honestbizpro. Internet marketing is largely about synergy. Do what you love but also do what you are good at, all the while keeping in mind its particular benefit to others. As long as we are moderately well rounded, we can nearly always find interests that have real viability online. I know some people who are involved in some pretty obscure and random niches, so out of the ordinary business concepts are not out of the question. As long as you've done your research and things seem to check out, it's worth giving it a shot.

        Also, from a business building perspective, there is a lot to be said about outsourcing. It's easy to get overwhelmed, especially if you're just starting out online. To be the most efficient, I would completely recommend hiring other professionals to do the work that you're either not comfortable with or simply not good at doing.

        As a writer however, you are in a unique position because many of us in the IM community don't have that particular skill set and if you decide to make your services available, they should be pretty well received. Obviously assuming that you do quality work, which I'm sure you do.


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  • Profile picture of the author Dmitry
    It doesn't have to be a literal "do what you love" -
    you can always spin it.

    And it doesn't always work out this way it - eg.
    sometimes you start doing something and THEN
    you find out you love it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Long
    While it's certainly true that some niches are FAR more profitable than others, it's also worthwhile to keep in mind that anyone who writes in one, single niche long enough, will almost always benefit financially over time from that niche.

    The only income variables are what niche you choose, and how long you commit to writing exclusively in that niche. But I believe that it is a far better approach then the "scattershot" method of article writing and marketing.

    Future Proof Your Business in Just 7 Days
    Control Your Traffic (and Your Destiny) By Building a List of Raving Customers for Life
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Helphrey
    Just take a quick gander at Google Adwords keyword tool to find out what people are searching for in whatever niche it is you love. You will most likely find a few words or phrases that get searched on quite a bit meaning that there is interest in this area.

    You can also use Amazons marketplace to see what kind of books are selling offline. If you see a book that sells good offline in your niche, it will most likely sell good online. You'll just have to create a website selling an ebook using the right keywords.

    My Advanced SEO Blog
    ---------->Search Engine Optimization Tips<----------
    Absolutely No BS!
    Rank #1 For Most Keyword Phrases
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  • Profile picture of the author MajWorks99
    Good morning, all,

    Wow, I am overwhelmed (in a nice way) with all your very helpful advice! I've always been more "service oriented" than "income oriented", if that makes sense, and am really just now starting to explore how combining what I love to do with the many resources on the Internet can benefit me financially. After so many years of having set aside the things I love to do to focus on the "mundane", so to speak, I'm discovering a whole new ballgame. It's a bit confusing, as there is so much to learn and know, but I really appreciate finding this forum full of successful stories and approaches to help me out.

    I've checked into Adwords a little bit, and am gradually figuring out how to put the resource to good use. I've started to learn a little about SEO writing, and am getting better at writing Web-friendly content.

    I do find that what a lot of businesses are looking for (as far as hiring freelancers) really don't track with what I have always loved most to write about. I think I have to keep looking, though, and adjusting my sights so that I am tracking more with the needs, and at the same time am also finding needs that are more in line with my knowledge base.

    JP wrote: Do what you love but also do what you are good at, all the while keeping in mind its particular benefit to others. As long as we are moderately well rounded, we can nearly always find interests that have real viability online. I know some people who are involved in some pretty obscure and random niches, so out of the ordinary business concepts are not out of the question. As long as you've done your research and things seem to check out, it's worth giving it a shot.
    All of your words, and especially the above wisdom, are very encouraging.

    The ebook idea is a great one, Matt, and something I've been thinking about as well. I think keeping in mind the benefit of what I write to others probably will be a way to approach the business end of my hopes that really works for me.

    I'm seeing more and more that this is all about reassessing how you think about things, and gearing them toward ways that will make a profit as well as benefit the people who are drawn to you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Robertas

    Related to this topic Very good vid

    "Money doesn't make you happy. I now have $50m, but I was just as happy when I had $48m." Arnold Schwarzenegger

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  • Profile picture of the author MajWorks99
    Thank you for the video, Robertas! My connection is wonky this morning, but I'm bookmarking it so I can come back and watch it through.

    It looks great!
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  • Profile picture of the author MajWorks99
    Intrepreneur: YIKES!

    Honestbizpro: I like your user name and your philosophy! I may put that on a plaque and hang it over my desk. Thank you.
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