Should I Move to a New Domain?
I've got a website which is around 2 years old.
Year one I built lots of article marketing style links to it and it was hitting around 800 visits per day.
Year two it got hit by Penguin and went to about 100 visits a day.
I disavowed 90% of links going to it after this traffic drop - but no improvement.
I then got an SEO company to look at it and they did some link-building. To be honest, i think they've not done a good job because I looked today and whilst it's still in Google, but looks like it has a -50 or -100 penalty and I've lost the rankings I did have.
My question is... shall I simply reg a new domain name and move the site content over to it and start from fresh?
Is this a good idea, would it help?
Any advice appreciated thanks.
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