Don't put all your eggs in one basket!!

19 replies
Don’t throw all your eggs in one basket!! I am seeing a lot of posts recently about building up an Squidoo empire or a Blogger blog to drive traffic to and make sales. This seems completely insane in my eyes… These sites can be shut down without any given notice! If you are sitting there saying that these sites wont get shut down, just look at what Twitter just did to Posterous.

Posterous Will Shut Down On April 30th, Co-Founder Garry Tan Launches Posthaven To Save Your Sites | TechCrunch

Twitter owns Posterous so they have the right to do what they want with it, they are shutting down a site, which has over 15 million monthly users on it. 15million, that is a huge number of blogs, which have just been shut down. Now if you have built your “empire” on it, all your business is done through Posterous, you’re screwed. You will have till the 30th April to start finding alternative sources of income before your whole business goes down the toilet… Do you know the worse thing about it? You have absolutely ZERO control over what they do!

I want to also debunk a very common myth which is still around (No idea why) Google does not rank It’s own services more highly then others! Blogger will not yield you better SEO results then your own website! Don’t take my word for it, take the FTC’s: News Headlines this isn’t a report which was done 5-10 years ago, this was finished only a month ago! Google does not rank Blogger (Or its other services) higher then others.

Maybe we need further proof that you shouldn’t build an empire on something you have no control over. Just take a look at some of these threads where people have been banned, deleted and given no reason why except a generic email.

These are just a few of the ones I found here on the Warrior Forum, I am sure if I did a quick Google search I would find even more stories like these.

It is actually mind boggling to me why people would put so much time and effort into marketing online off someone else’s platform. People argue and say because it is “Free”. Are you kidding me? Lets be realistic here people, this is a business, investments need to be made!! I am not even talking big investments either, you can purchase a domain and hosting so cheaply, I doubt you would even spend 10 bucks initially. If you literally have 0 in your bank account then go do two Fiverr gigs a month and accumulate enough funds to pay for hosting each month! Heck write 1 article for 10 bucks each month and pay for it that way, it isn’t hard to figure out a way to pay for hosting each month. So the free argument doesn’t work…

People also say that it is quick and easy to set up a lens, hub page, blogger etc... I call BS, it is just as easy to write an article on your own site, if not easier! Do you know what the most important thing when you write an article on your own site is, YOU OWN IT! No one else can lay claim to it, it is yours and yours alone!

People say you earn money on auto-pilot, yeah right… Go create a lens and see how well it does, it takes a lot of effort and a lot of skill to keep a lens/hubpage etc… running on auto pilot.

So now we know 4 important things…

- These sites can kill your business when ever the hell they like.
- It costs so little to start your own site its unreal
- If you post on your own site, you own the content, not them.
- They aren’t making you insane amounts of money on auto pilot.

Now this is the important part…

I am not saying that you shouldn’t use these platforms, you should, they can be a nice addition for promoting your website. What I am saying is, create your own website and publish your content to that first. Don’t build it on something you have no control over, it only takes one mistake for it to be gone over night. If you want to go ahead and build it on another persons platform, go for it, but, if it gets deleted, don’t complain because you knew the risks.

Anyone want to add anything?
#basket #eggs #put
  • Profile picture of the author arranrice
    With blogger you are safe, aslong as you keep to their guidelines in terms of copyright and stuff like that. I made a nice gaming affiliate blog on blogger in 2010-11. It was great, It made me well over $5000 in a few short months, the site was never taken away from me. I just made sure I kept to their guidelines.
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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    I took a serious hit with posterous going down and it will never go up. People need to understand some thing and here it is. Do not trust a company. Look at Yahoo buying up geo cities for over one billion dollars and then they got rid of it and many web sites were gone. Do I have to remind you about their product Yahoo auctions which was suppose to replace ebay years ago.

    Products come... Products go...

    Long term most of the companies you see now are gone. Yeah, look at Kodak that use to have more than photography film, but ink jet printers and digital cameras. Well, canon still makes printers and digital cameras. The market did not go away.

    Best strategy is to realize that nothing last forever, but it is best to invest your time and money in many areas. FLASH was once super. Learning it made you a hero, but you are now a zero. Times change and you need to adapt to a changing universe. Otherwise, you are gone.
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    • Profile picture of the author ecoverartist
      Originally Posted by seobro View Post

      Long term most of the companies you see now are gone. Yeah, look at Kodak that use to have more than photography film, but ink jet printers and digital cameras. Well, canon still makes printers and digital cameras. The market did not go away.
      I always ask what's wrong with the world when Kodak declares bankruptcy and Instagram gets bought for a million dollars. I have a feeling in a decade or so, we'll look back at this time and laugh at companies like Instagram and Twitter as if they were the dot-com-bombs of the early 2000s.
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  • Profile picture of the author ecoverartist
    I invested a lot of time and effort into Vworker (formerly known as RentACoder). I built up an amazing reputation as one of the top copywriters and designers on that site. Hundreds upon hundreds of 5-star reviews and ratings.

    Then one day I log in and discover they've been sold to Freelancer.

    No warning, no advance notice - just a video from the CEO saying "surprise! we're swimming in money now while sipping mint juleps, and all your current projects are being ported over into who-knows-what-system and we don't know when it will be done or what effect it will have on your work. Have a nice day!"

    Best words of advice I can offer -- don't invest yourself too much in any one THING, but rather, invest in adaptable skills you can use to make money with. There are many different paths to creating a reliable stream of income (or several of them).
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  • Profile picture of the author WordpressManiac
    You definetly have to diversify. Doesn't matter wether we're talking about youtube, blogger, Squidoo, slideshare or any other platform. If you use them do it on multiple accounts so you will never loose all your stuff at once!
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  • Profile picture of the author sal64
    As John Reece taught me... 1 is the most dangerous number in business...

    One traffic source... one income source... one product...

    Internet Marketing: 20% Internet - 80% Marketing!
    You Won't See The Light Until You Open Your Eyes.
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  • Profile picture of the author salmanijaz
    Great Post ....

    Completely agree with everything .... nowadays with social media you can rank your website pretty quickly and as you said its your property ... so it will be foreever ....

    Think of it like planting a seed and look after the plant till it start getting fruit ... long term investment .... rather than sit under the tree waiting for something to drop ....
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Blades
    With blogger you are safe, aslong as you keep to their guidelines in terms of copyright and stuff like that.
    You can't control what you don't own. NEVER build with free blogs. Remember Murphy's law "whatever can happen will happen" you will be the next one to post a "Blogger screwed me over" thread.

    Good info though with the rest though
    " I knew that if I failed, I wouldn't regret that.
    But I knew the one thing I might regret is not ever having tried. "

    ~ Jeff Bezos

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    • Profile picture of the author ymest
      Originally Posted by Alex Blades View Post

      You can't control what you don't own. NEVER build with free blogs. Remember Murphy's law "whatever can happen will happen" you will be the next one to post a "Blogger screwed me over" thread.

      Good info though with the rest though
      Never say never lol! Yes, you can build with free your own risks, of course! Squidoo's made me some money and SO FAR, my account hasn't been deleted! But could be in the future! Who knows! :rolleyes: But, I don't care, I like the lay-out and building the lenses, so I'll keep on doing it!
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  • Profile picture of the author ymest
    You are right but you can still "build a Squidoo Empire" as long as you "build a wordpress Empire" next to it and many more empires!!! Why not?

    As for Google ( Almighty GOD OF THE INTERNET) and how they one really knows what they do, what they will do and it's best NOT TO KNOW! And, who cares, anyway?

    I prefer to concentrate on writing and delivering quality content than trying to figure out what Google is going to do next! The Google speculation debate is BEYOND ME!

    As far as Blogger is concerned, it's exactly the same as with Squidoo or Hubpages! You're no safer! You don't own it so you can't control it!

    I use a mix of platforms and I do use Squidoo but I know it can go tomorrow! Still, it's my choice! I love risks! Lol
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  • Profile picture of the author bigjara
    Diversification. It can save you a lot of sleepless nights.

    Want an uncensored look into the life of an internet marketer? Check out my blog The Chronicle of a Dropout

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    • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers

      Spot on.

      I always tell people, don't depend too much on any single site - including this one. There will always be those who won't listen, and they're also typically the folks who don't read the rules. So, they're the ones most likely to get hit with the problems that come with breaking the rules.

      Doesn't apply to the Posterus situation, obviously, but it's something I've been meaning to mention again.

      Using a single site to get some start-up cash is smart, if that's what you need to do. Just don't get into a rut and become complacent if it's working well. Invest some of that into developing other channels as soon as you possibly can.

      Never depend on a single site that you don't own. Or even one that you do.

      Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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  • Profile picture of the author karukera
    That's completely rubbish advice. With squidoo or blogger, they may be shut down without notice but your own little website can be de-ranked or de-indexed too or gone to the bottom of the serps without any warning as well. So YES, Squidoo or bloggers can disappear like that, but those properties rank REALLY well in Google now and you are definitely benefiting from the overall name authority of the platform you are using. Your page can get a PR4 or PR5 in no time (like several of mine) when it could have taken you much longer to achieve the same thing otherwise with the shitty independent site that you "own".

    You need to be careful with the notion of "ownership". Yes, you can own your site, all is good etc. But you can wake up tomorrow and it's all gone as well. As per Google Wishes.

    I'm not saying you should not own your own websites of course, but leveraging the authority of a site like squidoo, even if it sounds mind-blowing for some, is a pretty viable technique and people have been making lots of money from it (me included).

    "I don't have a dream, I have a plan".

    Spike Lee

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    • Profile picture of the author butters
      Originally Posted by karukera View Post

      That's completely rubbish advice. With squidoo or blogger, they may be shut down without notice but your own little website can be de-ranked or de-indexed too or gone to the bottom of the serps without any warning as well. So YES, Squidoo or bloggers can disappear like that, but those properties rank REALLY well in Google now and you are definitely benefiting from the overall name authority of the platform you are using. Your page can get a PR4 or PR5 in no time (like several of mine) when it could have taken you much longer to achieve the same thing otherwise with the shitty independent site that you "own".
      I suggest you re-read the title of the post... If you missed the point of this topic then let me tell you it. It is saying that you shouldn't rely on one source of traffic for your business, I used squidoo etc as an example. Making sure you have a diverse source of traffic / income streams is imperative for a business to succeed long term.

      You need to be careful with the notion of "ownership". Yes, you can own your site, all is good etc. But you can wake up tomorrow and it's all gone as well. As per Google Wishes.
      Google doesn't own my site? I couldn't care less what Google do because that isn't my only source of traffic. If Google goes, then I loose some traffic but Google isn't the only source of traffic on the web, it is one small part.

      I'm not saying you should not own your own websites of course, but leveraging the authority of a site like squidoo, even if it sounds mind-blowing for some, is a pretty viable technique and people have been making lots of money from it (me included).
      I'm not saying that either... I suggest you re-read my last paragraph where i specifically say that I am not saying don't use them, just make them part of the complete package. By making them part of a complete package, if one goes, you still have the rest to fall back on.
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      • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
        I couldn't care less what Google do because that isn't my only source of traffic.

        SE traffic should be considered as bonus visitors. Seriously. Anyone who depends on SEs alone for their income is nuts. Truly and terrifically gonzo.

        Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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        • Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post


          SE traffic should be considered as bonus visitors. Seriously. Anyone who depends on SEs alone for their income is nuts. Truly and terrifically gonzo.



          I'm using whitehat methods, google is always going to love me, I can't be touched, SE traffic is all I need!! :rolleyes:
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      • Profile picture of the author karukera
        Originally Posted by butters View Post

        I suggest you re-read the title of the post... If you missed the point of this topic then let me tell you it. It is saying that you shouldn't rely on one source of traffic for your business, I used squidoo etc as an example. Making sure you have a diverse source of traffic / income streams is imperative for a business to succeed long term.

        Google doesn't own my site? I couldn't care less what Google do because that isn't my only source of traffic. If Google goes, then I loose some traffic but Google isn't the only source of traffic on the web, it is one small part.

        I'm not saying that either... I suggest you re-read my last paragraph where i specifically say that I am not saying don't use them, just make them part of the complete package. By making them part of a complete package, if one goes, you still have the rest to fall back on.
        Hey hey I like stirring things up a bit sometimes. Thank you for clarifying =)

        "I don't have a dream, I have a plan".

        Spike Lee

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        • Profile picture of the author butters
          Originally Posted by karukera View Post

          Hey hey I like stirring things up a bit sometimes. Thank you for clarifying =)
          Your welcome .
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