Got kicked off Yahoo Answers, can I do anything??

by Robimx
41 replies
I'm pretty pissed about this!

I was using Yahoo Answers to build backlinks for my Photoshop website.

Honestly, I don't believe I was being "Spammy". I was answered mainly Photoshop and Graphic Design related questions and was giving good solid advice and I only provided my weblink if it directly related to the topic.

Also, I had 40%+ best answers to obviously people were liking my answers.

I have been suspended, I have appealed the suspension but only received a scripted response saying I "would not be reinstated at this time"

I was getting considerable traffic from Yahoo Answers, is there anything I can do?? (besides getting another account and starting over).
#answers #kicked #yahoo
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  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    It's against their TOS to post with your URL except if you are referencing website.

    They are really touch against spamming and will barely reactivate your account.

    Find another or better source of building back links...
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  • Profile picture of the author jgetsmoneyy
    normally if u give an imformative answer people wont flag u but seems like it only takes one person flagging u and its over. im wary of even telling people they are wrong about something for fear theyll click report. so easy to get banned. just startup another account
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    • Profile picture of the author Kim Phoenix
      Do you know why you got banned?

      I got banned one time, because someone reported one
      of my answers as being spammy. I can't remember how
      I found this out.

      As it turned out, it was someone with a competing website
      that made a false allegation. I was able to get it reinstated
      when that was discovered.

      And as other people have already indicated, make sure you
      supply well-thought out answers, and do not provide your link if
      the topic you are answering is completely unrelated (hence, it makes
      most sense to answer relevant topics). Also, do not mention
      your site or yourself in your response. You can put a good link
      in the reference URL at the end of the response.
      Signature (PLR Written & Edited by a Healthcare Professional)

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  • Profile picture of the author onpointinfo
    If you want to continue you have to create another account ...that is up to you how you do it
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  • Profile picture of the author Saintsfan40
    Originally Posted by Robimx View Post

    I'm pretty pissed about this!

    I was using Yahoo Answers to build backlinks for my Photoshop website:
    Honestly, I don't believe I was being "Spammy". I was answered mainly Photoshop and Graphic Design related questions and was giving good solid advice and I only provided my weblink if it directly related to the topic.

    Also, I had 40%+ best answers to obviously people were liking my answers.

    I have been suspended, I have appealed the suspension but only received a scripted response saying I "would not be reinstated at this time"

    I was getting considerable traffic from Yahoo Answers, is there anything I can do?? (besides getting another account and starting over).

    I feel your pain buddy. There's a crap load of low life loser nazi flaggers over there. Even when your post is professional and relevant to the topic, they still report you. You can forget about appealing your case, they will not reinstate your post or answers.

    Best thing to do is go to fivver for outsourcing for $5. It will eliminate all your headaches. They have some really good Yahoo Answers posters over there who know how to bypass all the BS. Just be sure to check the ones with positive high ratings. It's worked pretty well for me.

    What's the point of having a sig if no one buys from you?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7785756].message }}
    • Best thing to do is go to fivver for outsourcing for $5.

      I don't know if Yahoo is still doing it but for a while they had someone buying the YA gigs on Fiverr.

      They'd let the seller put his neck in the noose, then after he delivered some YA gigs they'd suspend him for prohibited activity (selling answers).

      In retrospect, it's really easy to get caught selling Yahoo Answers.

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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7785813].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Saintsfan40
        Originally Posted by fluffythewondercat View Post

        Best thing to do is go to fivver for outsourcing for $5.

        I don't know if Yahoo is still doing it but for a while they had someone buying the YA gigs on Fiverr.

        They'd let the seller put his neck in the noose, then after he delivered some YA gigs they'd suspend him for prohibited activity (selling answers).

        In retrospect, it's really easy to get caught selling Yahoo Answers.

        Things change very fast I know. Basically I worked with 2 posters in the previous months. Both of them would provide answers relevant to the topic with your link in the source. Most of my answers are still sticking, only a few were deleted.

        What's the point of having a sig if no one buys from you?

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  • Profile picture of the author Robimx
    Thanks for all the answers... It'll really crappy, I honestly thought I was offering good answers.. I'll prob just create a new account

    Photoshop Tutorials & Templates

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    • Profile picture of the author Saintsfan40
      Originally Posted by Robimx View Post

      I honestly thought I was offering good answers
      I'm sure your answers were very relevant to the topic. Don't beat yourself up over it. It's just some "uneducated" yahoo flaggers with nothing better to do with their time. They don't care if you're answers are relevant or not. They see a "Relevant" link, they automatically stereotype people as spammers.

      Best of luck. Check out the yahoo posters on fiverr. It will save you a ton of stress.

      What's the point of having a sig if no one buys from you?

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    • Profile picture of the author agmccall
      Originally Posted by Robimx View Post

      Thanks for all the answers... It'll really crappy, I honestly thought I was offering good answers.. I'll prob just create a new account
      I god banned a while ago for the same reason. It is not the answers, it is the links. If you answer a question about "Cropping a photo" for example, make sure your link goes to a page on your site where it talks about or shows how to "Crop a photo"

      With my new account I always give quality answers and if I have a valuable link then I use that link. I will also use other sites just to provide value.


      "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Blades
    The whole point of you posting there was to build backlinks, so you really can't get mad at them. Just move on and create another account and try again. Provide links to other sites also, so it doesn't look spammy.
    " I knew that if I failed, I wouldn't regret that.
    But I knew the one thing I might regret is not ever having tried. "

    ~ Jeff Bezos

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    • Profile picture of the author Kim Phoenix
      As Alex mentions above, also add links to other sites. I used to do that from time to time so it didn't seem like I was only promoting my own site. The other thing was that I didn't provide too many answers on one day. I tried to make it look more natural. I don't know if that matters, but that's what I did.
      Signature (PLR Written & Edited by a Healthcare Professional)

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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Originally Posted by Alex Blades View Post

        The whole point of you posting there was to build backlinks, so you really can't get mad at them. Just move on and create another account and try again. Provide links to other sites also, so it doesn't look spammy.
        I have a hunch that Alex may have found the smoking gun, folks. If the only resource links you post are to your own (or the same) site, you might as well build an avatar wearing a T-shirt saying "will answer for links".

        You may not be a duck, but if you look enough like one, you can't be too surprised when you get shot at...
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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    Just a thought... Why would I/we assume you were NOT spammy, when even in your OP you just spammed this forum? - You could have told your story without a link to your site in the post, just describing the facts. And the site is not part of them: it was NOT the site itself that resulted in banning your YA account but your posts. Like the OP... There wasn't a real need to link to the site to make us understand the events. But you like backlinks, I assume


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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    I stopped using Yahoo Answers when I had a complaint without reason, even though it was only a complaint and nothing else, I could keep posting answers.

    Then I found Quora, which is a similar site with answers, only that the answers there are quite better than the silly answers you find at YA. Sometimes I answer a question of two at Quora, and sometimes I post a link, when it complements my answer. This is helping me drive some traffic to my Squidoo lenses (and from there, to my sites).

    I stopped using Quora when an aggressive user accused me of 'trying to sell my ebooks at Quora' because I posted a link. I gave him a few explanations, but in the end he didn't want to continue the discussion because he saw that I would explain more and more and more, until I would prove that he shouldn't complain.

    Some people don't seem to understand that you cannot give one hundred explanations in an answer; you have to necessarily indicate a link for more information. Besides that, why would you spend your precious time giving answers if you didn't have the intention to get traffic? You deserve to be paid for spending your time with this matter.

    Later I answered a few questions at Quora again, but I don't like to use sites where people are offensive. It's a waste of time; you have to give answers to aggressive people who will criticize what you said in a negative way while you had no intention to spend more time in this site...

    Other times I like comments that criticize my words because I have the chance to give interesting explanations to my readers; it depends on the situation.

    Quora is not as popular as Yahoo Answers, but it is gradually becoming more popular. It might help you, but be careful with the links because there you don't have the chance to post a link referring your sources like you do at YA. You can include a link in your post, this is not forbidden, but this link must complement your answer.
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    • Profile picture of the author birddog200
      I had the same thing happen a while back. Now I just have
      all of mine done for me at fiverr. There are lots of people there that will post lots of answers for you for 5 bucks.
      Kind of glad I got kicked off now.
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      • Profile picture of the author LilBlackDress
        I would not try to appeal it again. I have heard of people doing that and losing their Yahoo email and groups. Just start over and be more cautious.

        Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7786796].message }}
        • Then I found Quora, which is a similar site with answers, only that the answers there are quite better than the silly answers you find at YA.

          Gee, I wonder why?

          Oh wait, I know why! It's because Quora users recognize spam when they see it and report it.

          Quora is a valuable resource for those who use it as it was intended to be used. Crap all over it with IM stuff and you'll get the treatment you deserve, as you apparently did.

          Besides that, why would you spend your precious time giving answers if you didn't have the intention to get traffic? You deserve to be paid for spending your time with this matter.

          The very definition of a self-serving answer.

          I swear, some of you guys are about as subtle as meth addicts and probably shouldn't be allowed unsupervised access to the Internet.

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  • Profile picture of the author MKCookins
    I have had a few accounts banned as well - due to the sole fact that people will report your answer just because your competition.

    Here are a few tricks I have learned to make sure your answers stick and your are not reported.

    1) only add your link to about 20% of your total answers. Rest of the time leave your resource box blank or provide another link if relevant

    2) Give in depth and well thought out answers. This will help ensure you are not spamming and give you more credibility.

    3) When posting your link try to find answers where the expire date is almost up. This will give you a better chance of not someone come alone and report your post.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Fallaize
    Yes I had the same issue - my answers were genuinely legitimate, but I presume because I had a link leading to my website which answered the question in more detail, it got flagged as spam - perhaps by competitors.

    It's a shame because it's a good way to get links and traffic!

    Yahoo answers is a battlefield with many users using multiple accounts to post and answer their own questions. Unless you want to join in the battle, there are others ways to get good link juice.
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  • Profile picture of the author vjboc
    With Yahoo Answers, you have to mix it up. Add links to other sites. It also helps if you have a few sites yourself. So you are not placing the same link in every post. You could make a new account.
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  • Profile picture of the author thatjc
    I've been reported by other Yahoo Answers posters, appealed and had my appeal approved and my answer re-instated. Been using Yahoo Answers over a year now (not every day though) and this has happened 3 or 4 times.

    My method, I:
    1. Don't reference my site very often - like maybe 1 out of 6 or 8 answers, and only when it really fits.
    2. Give longer, better and more thorough answers than most others and very often get that "Best Answer" email. Plus it helps if you can write well.
    3. Include a statement near the bottom that I'm not an affiliate nor receive any benefit from my answer - it's just the best info I've found. I don't say this when referencing my own sites.
    4. My "rank" is pretty high ("883 points, level 2"), so maybe that helps.

    I think their human reviewers are quite good.

    _jim coe
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Blades
    Just a thought... Why would I/we assume you were NOT spammy, when even in your OP you just spammed this forum? - You could have told your story without a link to your site in the post, just describing the facts
    You know what I thought the same thing when I seen this thread,but decided to play nice. I said to myself, "I see right away why he got banned"

    Links tend to look less spammy when they are your own

    His intentions were to go and build backlinks to his website, which is pretty much to spam the place, so he can't be mad for getting busted
    " I knew that if I failed, I wouldn't regret that.
    But I knew the one thing I might regret is not ever having tried. "

    ~ Jeff Bezos

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  • Profile picture of the author ejullya
    I really enjoyed answering Yahoo questions. Spend serious consideration for the person who was asking. Sometimes it took me 15 minutes to answer the question well. My answers were frequently considered best answers. Sometimes I referenced my site, sometimes other resources.

    I was banned twice (different accounts). They have trolls that do nothing but report sites.I gave up. It was not worth it.

    I suggest you look for something else.
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  • Profile picture of the author hossainsrj
    I think you should try new Accounts with Yahoo. Not only Yahoo Answers Try also.
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  • Profile picture of the author MktCoach
    I've lost my patience with Yahoo Answers - and all other sites where there's this BIG BROTHER ethos at work. I instantly got the feeling that my input is subject to other (mostly prejudiced) people's whims.

    I wrote a few dozen answers with NO links. I had something like 80% "best answers" almost immediately. I quickly reached level 2. Soon I had over 900 points. I placed my link a couple of times but NEVER alone - always with other sources. More often than not, I didn't use any links. I did the whole thing just for fun - not "really" for link building, although that was my intent "for later".

    Then one day one of my answers got flagged. It was another one of my "best answers" so that was surprising to me. I saw that there were a couple of people with THOUSANDS of points there who didn't get the best answer and I thought that maybe one of them flagged me.

    I objected and pointed out my possible suspects.

    Within hours ALL MY ANSWERS got flagged and pulled!

    Just like that. No explanation (other than standard BS). No recourse.

    Never again.
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  • Profile picture of the author HzCy
    First, it could always be a wrong "suspension".
    Try to contact the support and ask for the exact reason, helped me all the time if things like that happen.

    But honestly, this is a bad way to get some traffic...
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  • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
    "Honestly, I don't believe I was being "Spammy".

    Too bad Yahoo did
    Free Special Report on Mindset - Level Up with Positive Thinking
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  • Profile picture of the author seobuzz
    Appealing will not help as it happened several times for me as well. Creating new account is the only way you have now. Also just because your account is suspended, you should not abandoned using Yahoo Answers, because it is really good source of targeted traffic.
    Ideas and Techniques to Make Money Online
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Originally Posted by Robimx View Post

    is there anything I can do?? (besides getting another account and starting over).
    Forget about it and move on.

    Unfortunately it's just a classic case of what can and will happen when you rely on third party sites for your business.

    Why not spend that same time creating and syndicating content on your own website rather than building content for others?
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennisknows
    I think your best bet is to create a new account. I had the same thing happen to me but I was spamming. I was trying to figure out what they consider spamming and what is not.

    I was commenting in the weightloss section and left a link on every post.

    Sucks that you built an established account. Think back to how many posts you were doing per day and what percentage of those you were leaving your link in if not all of them.

    Cut down the next time around. Best wishes
    "May the optimism of your tomorrow fuel your drive for today"
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  • Profile picture of the author khaiez
    I've got banned several times. Although I find my answers is helpful.

    Try focus on other place like forum in your niche.
    since you are in photoshop tutorial,why don't you submit your tutorial in various tutorial sites.It is more safe for backlinks

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  • Profile picture of the author raffman999
    If you are knowledgable and provide quality information a better strategy would be to find some high PR, high traffic, contextual forums and comment on them. You'll be fine to leave your own link there even if its just in a signature.

    You should also consider guest posting if you feel confident in your level of expertise.

    Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
    There's got to be better things to do with your time than build HTML for an ungrateful Yahoo Corp.
    Free Special Report on Mindset - Level Up with Positive Thinking
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  • Profile picture of the author surffab
    I know this really sucks.... and not sure if it's possible to get your account back....
    But what I read once that backlinks should stay in the system of yahoo, but not really sure if they would delete all your answers that you have given...
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  • Profile picture of the author RatRaceWatch
    Yahoo has certain filters that go off, the same thing happened to me a long time ago, and I will be honest with you, unless you want to do less posts and risk using a source that can delete all your work in a flash, it is best to cut your losses and move on. Forums are a much better choice for promotion and helping people.
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  • Profile picture of the author danilion55
    They banned my account too :/ Try google forums you will not face bann there. and yahoo answers don't traffic much traffic so i don't answer questions any more
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  • Profile picture of the author HorseStall
    I don't know anyone has succesfully overturned a suspension on Yahoo Answers, only option is to start over with a new account with different IP.
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    • Profile picture of the author Saintsfan40
      Originally Posted by HorseStall View Post

      I don't know anyone has succesfully overturned a suspension on Yahoo Answers, only option is to start over with a new account with different IP.
      I was able to one time a couple years ago. Which was a shocker that they overturned it. But it became way too much of a headache of ranting back and forth with yahoo on a bunch of my other "legitimate" answers.

      Like I mentioned before, it doesn't matter how professional or relevant your answers are with a link in the source box. They see any type of website or link, the bandwagon nazi flaggers pile up fast! Thank God I don't deal with that garbage no longer.

      What's the point of having a sig if no one buys from you?

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  • Profile picture of the author Larry Leggett
    Go for another account. Take the help of your friends who have level 2 answer account to help to reach in level 2 quickly.
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