Finally Made Over $10,000+ Last Month Online

For those of you feeling discouraged or overwhelmed, that's okay! I felt discouraged, afraid, overwhelmed, stressed, and much more along the way. That's just a part of life. But if you're willing to push through all the emotions, stumbling blocks and self-sabotage, you too can achieve your goals!
Here are some of the biggest lessons learned:
1) Become a Master In Your Niche
Don't try to become a jack of all trades. Just become really frickin' good at one thing, better than anyone else out there in the world. Read every book, look at every course, interview every expert in your field. When you can no longer find books or experts that can easily teach you anything new in that field, you've become an expert. Now go teach what you know to others so they can follow your footsteps.
2) You Only Win By Helping Others
People who think you can rip others off and get rich - you suck. Get off the internet. You will earn a lot of money by helping other people solve their problems. If you teach things you don't know, copy other people's work or try to rip people off, shame on you. You're going to be broke the rest of your life because you don't understand what wealth creation is.
3) Go The Extra Mile
I read Napoleon Hill's book The Master Key To Riches recently and it should be mandatory reading for all entrepreneurs. The most important habit for success is the habit of going the extra mile. Don't stop once you've created your product - continually make it better as you learn more. That's how you turn a decent product into a good product into a great product into the best product in the world. And that's why people pay you and refer their friends to you.
Going The Extra Mile means no longer cutting corners and looking for shortcuts to success. If you think you can sneak in the back door of success without giving it your full effort and attention, you're chasing fool's gold. Even if you do get rich that way, you'll feel that sense of guilt inside knowing you never really gave it your all or did the best you could. I recommend learning everything you can from John Wooden, arguably the greatest sports coach in the history of the world. He's got a great .
4) Don't Listen To Broke People
Everyone wants to give you advice. Don't listen to any financial or marketing advice unless they're earning more than you are, or at least enough to know what they're talking about. I still get broke people trying to give me advice on marketing. If it worked then why aren't they earning more than minimum wage?
5) Work Your Ass Off
The 4-hour work week is a joke for newbies - you don't start that way and expect to get rich quick. You work your ass off to build a business first. Then you systemize and delegate it and can work 4-hours a week. But not until it's built. Malcolm Gladwell talks about how it takes 10,000 hours to become a master at something. Well, it's going to take you a long time to become a master at anything working 4 hours a week hoping to get rich without putting in the effort.
Speaking of delegating, do it sooner rather than later. Hire a VA for $3-$5/hour to do mundane tasks as soon as your online business is creating enough cash to do so. You won't need a full-time VA to start, you can get someone for 10 hours a week or so to start, that's less than $200 a month and all that extra time you'll save you can use to do high-value activities that bring in new customers and business.
Finally, Give Back
Once you figure out a system for creating a seriously profitable and sustainable business, go out and give back. Teach others by selling educational products or help clients by using your system to help them earn more.
After a few months, all my friends on Facebook asked me if I could help them get their books published and sell well so that's why I started TCK Publishing and offer a service where we do all the hard work of creating titles, cover design, formatting for Kindle, publishing and marketing for our clients and split royalties 50/50.
If you ever wondered why so many Internet Marketing gurus sell IM training products, it's because it works! Once you find a system that works, the easiest thing to do is just take your system and sell it, turning it into a product or service that helps others. The hard part is creating a system that works, but once you do that, it's a lot easier to take that system and scale it up by sharing it with others.
(Hint: 98% of internet marketers make these mistakes - Donât Let This Happen To You)
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