The Story Of The Fly In The Room...Is This Your Story?

30 replies
Long time ago I read a beautiful story of a fly in a room...

This fly was hitting against the glass of a closed window, trying to get out of the room, into the beautiful world outside. It could see lots of other flies outside enjoying complete freedom. Our fly was so desperate to become free, that it tried harder and harder to break through the glass.

The whining wings were telling the poignant story of the fly's strategy - 'try harder.'

But trying harder was not working.

The fly believed that going through the window was the only way to get to the land of dreams. But no matter what, it was impossible for it to try hard enough to achieve that break-through.

The poor fly was doomed. If it continued doing what it was doing, it would die a sad death on the window sill.

Across the room, just a few feet away, there was an open door. Completely open. Just a few seconds of flying time could get it what it wanted - FREEDOM!

The fly did not even try to look for that door. Just a shift in thoughts could have easily given our friend the freedom it so badly desired.

When I read this story, it really struck me hard....

MOST Internet marketers are like that fly. They will keep hitting against the window, but never try to look for the door

And sadly, they will never achieve the freedom that they want. They will never be able to become a part of the elite Internet marketing group and enjoy their beautiful lifestyle. They will never be able to travel the world or quit their jobs.

They will be stuck in the rat-race...

But why won't most people succeed? Because they won't do the things that successful people do. They just won't think the way achievers think.

Let us spend some time and "think" about what we are doing. Let us find out ways to improve how we do things. Let us try and find out easier way of working. Let us work smarter.

One hour of thinking can save us weeks of unnecessary work.

#fly #roomis #story
  • Profile picture of the author lisaroberson
    Abhi, this is such a simple and wonderful story. You are so right. We keep on doing what we've always been doing, and we keep on getting what we've always been getting. A tiny shift in perspective is often all it takes to get us on the right track! Thanks for sharing this today!
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    • Profile picture of the author wingsofsuccess
      Very true Lisa.

      A little bit of thinking and looking around can make us achieve our goals faster, and with much less frustration.

      Glad you liked the story
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  • Profile picture of the author jasonl70
    Don't try to sell me any of that old rehashed info about "flying through the open door", when everyone know's that flying through open doors won't work anymore

    Oh, and don't get me started about all those guru flies! All they do is email me all the time, talking about flying through open doors! I just unsub from their lists!


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    • Profile picture of the author Johnathan
      Originally Posted by jasonl70 View Post

      Don't try to sell me any of that old rehashed info about "flying through the open door", when everyone know's that flying through open doors won't work anymore

      Oh, and don't get me started about all those guru flies! All they do is email me all the time, talking about flying through open doors! I just unsub from their lists!
      Ah... but see, what you don`t REALIZE... is there IS no fly! It is an illusion...

      No, good story, thx, yes, I've heard it b4, and it is true...
      Make money from writing, find out how now.
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    • Profile picture of the author yves
      Originally Posted by jasonl70 View Post

      Don't try to sell me any of that old rehashed info about "flying through the open door", when everyone know's that flying through open doors won't work anymore

      Oh, and don't get me started about all those guru flies! All they do is email me all the time, talking about flying through open doors! I just unsub from their lists!

      Yeah, I think in terms of IM it is more of a case of there is 5000 doors and you need to pick the right one!

      I like the sentiment tho, just wish it was that easy
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  • Profile picture of the author Adaptive
    Great analogy, Abhi, thanks.


    Success only requires four words.

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  • Profile picture of the author shane_k
    Great story

    I have heard it before but reading yours you can just feel the desperation and sadness of that story.

    It is so true though that desire is not enough. You have to have a plan, and see how your plan is going. If it is not taking you where you want you either adjust or create a new plan.

    Thanks for the story, it really fits with where I am at right now.

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    • Profile picture of the author wingsofsuccess
      Thanks Shane

      Just desire is not enough. I do believe in the Law of Attraction, but also believe that we need to get your acts straight before the LoA can work for us.

      Desire + planning + action should take us to where we want to go.

      - Abhi
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  • Profile picture of the author DonDavis
    So how do you define the open door? For me it was creating products of my own.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Riddle
    While the fly pondered going through the door, or going out the window.

    It thought quite clearly, what does freedom mean?

    What am I wanting free from?

    As the fly pondered this new revelation, it thought back to the days of being outside.

    All the days of peril, contrary winds and creatures who's whole life existence depended on devouring flies.

    It then took a short tour of the area that it was in.

    No winds to toss around at the whim of the wind.

    No creatures that saw its only value as prey.

    There were lights, and water and shelter in a thousand different directions.

    Yet, why am I wanting to go outside?

    Why do I not like, or enjoy where I am right this moment?

    As the fly thought, and flew with the greatest of ease, it heard a quite voice inside.

    The kind of voice, for many the labors of the world drown out.

    The voice that takes quiet reflection of the quest.

    The fly thought and thought, wondering what should I do.

    Then as if by magic, another fly comes through the open door.

    There was something different about this new fly that the fly couldn't really describe what it was.

    The new fly was comforting.

    The new fly had a sense of confidence.

    The new fly showed a great respect for its life journey.

    The fly approached the new fly.

    Just as fly got close, the new fly began to speak.

    "My Friend, you are on a path that very few know about, or care to learn" .

    "We each have an opportunity to look at our lives from a perspective of familiar things.

    When we are faced with something new, our habits tell us to return to what was, never thinking if this is the best, or only familiar."

    The fly thought what strange thought for a fly, am I dreaming this or is it real?

    The New Fly continued; "Now, you may wonder, if this is real, or all some sort of a dream, the choice it truly yours.

    You can choose to see the outside world as something that you desire, or you can see it as full of peril, in either choice, you are correct"

    The fly thought, how could this fly know what I am thinking?

    The New Fly said "The world will tell you that the place for flies is out there, among the grass, the trees and the flowers, yet some how, you find comfort in this environment.

    I came in here because I knew you were going to be here, I came here because I knew, what you wanted out of life, and what you really dreamed your life could be.

    You see, freedom isn't measured by what boundaries surround you, but by what boundaries you have inside.

    You have a choice, one which I know you will make wisely, this choice is far tougher than dealing with creatures trying to make you their prey.

    This choice is far tougher than dealing with winds that will toss you around.

    The choice you have today, is to define for yourself, the definition of freedom."

    The Fly thought, and pondered;

    What is this?
    What am I to do?
    What is the right choice?

    The new fly just smiled to himself, the kind of smile you make when you know you are going to see something amazing.

    The new fly said, Follow me over here I have something to show you.

    The fly followed the new fly into a small area just towards the back.

    As the fly entered the area, it some how was familiar too.

    The new fly hovered then landed on a piece of wood, and said, "read the inscription."

    This is the day that you found true freedom, You see, I knew you were going to fight and struggle and ponder what life is all about.

    I set on my heart, that there would be One, that would take a look at life and see that freedom is not the absence of perils or troubles.

    Freedom is not about having no boundaries, or routines.

    Freedom is making the choice that others have said would never work, when they weren't able to work them.

    Freedom is making the choice when even your closest friends and family are telling you "Don't do it, you could get hurt" when they them selves may have never tried.

    Freedom is taking time to be quiet, and stop fighting a new environment simply because you don't feel comfortable.

    Freedom is listening to that still small voice inside you crying out to guide you, to help you, to let you know that you are loved

    Freedom is trusting the voice inside you when all other voices are screaming their opposition.

    You See Fly, this all was placed here for you to find.

    I knew you would ponder the outdoors.

    I knew you would struggle with what to do.

    I knew you would want to understand what true freedom is.

    I see my friend has found you, and led you to this inscription.

    Its now my pleasure to tell you that you have found love, and freedom in your heart.

    And from this day forward, you know how to live the life of freedom.
    The fly smiled to himself, and thanked the new fly for showing him the inscription.

    The new fly said "I remember well the day I was shown this inscription, and though how wise that fly was to show me this just when I needed it.

    The world is what you make it, one day you too will know when to come back and show the next fly this inscription.

    The wonders you are about to see, the glory that you haven't even dreamed of all await you.

    Go on now, and enjoy the freedom that far too many fear to even dream of."

    Today isn't Yesterday, - Products are everywhere if your eyes are Tuned!
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  • Profile picture of the author wingsofsuccess
    Wow! That was amazing...I did not even know that the story i posted had a sequel too...
    But it was an amazing read Mark. How true. And how beautiful.

    Thank you for sharing this! I hope people gain something from it....

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Riddle

    It didn't have a sequel until I wrote it just now. At least none that I know of.

    It just flowed out of my fingers onto the page.

    Today isn't Yesterday, - Products are everywhere if your eyes are Tuned!
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  • Profile picture of the author wingsofsuccess
    Mark, would you like to write my sales pages?

    When i started reading your post, I initially thought you wrote it. But as i continued reading it, i was sure, no one could possibly write such a big post...with such a clear message, and so well-related to the original such a short time.

    I will remember this for a long time

    God bless!
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  • Profile picture of the author artwebster
    Flies are bad enough but THINKING flies?

    You might not like what I say - but I believe it.
    Build it, make money, then build some more
    Some old school smarts would help - and here's to Rob Toth for his help. Bloody good stuff, even the freebies!

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  • Profile picture of the author wingsofsuccess
    Jason and Artwebster

    Although your post defeats the purpose of the OP, it is indeed funny

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  • Profile picture of the author ahlexis
    Mark I'm with Abhi! You want to write copy for my next project?
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Riddle
    Yes Focus is one of the things that is very important in IM, and there are so many options it can become confusing which option to select.

    Yet having the underlying belief that you will find what you are looking for gives you the determination to keep looking till you find success.

    Mark Riddle
    Today isn't Yesterday, - Products are everywhere if your eyes are Tuned!
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    • Profile picture of the author yves
      Originally Posted by netmalls View Post

      Yes Focus is one of the things that is very important in IM, and there are so many options it can become confusing which option to select.

      Yet having the underlying belief that you will find what you are looking for gives you the determination to keep looking till you find success.

      Mark Riddle
      I agree, belief combined with motivation can help on you on your path.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Riddle

    Aww come on ya should at least get 49.95 for it

    Mark Riddle
    Today isn't Yesterday, - Products are everywhere if your eyes are Tuned!
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by wingsofsuccess View Post

    Long time ago I read a beautiful story of a fly in a room...

    This fly was hitting against the glass of a closed window, trying to get out of the room, into the beautiful world outside. It could see lots of other flies outside enjoying complete freedom. Our fly was so desperate to become free, that it tried harder and harder to break through the glass.

    The whining wings were telling the poignant story of the fly's strategy - 'try harder.'

    But trying harder was not working.

    The fly believed that going through the window was the only way to get to the land of dreams. But no matter what, it was impossible for it to try hard enough to achieve that break-through.

    The poor fly was doomed. If it continued doing what it was doing, it would die a sad death on the window sill.

    Across the room, just a few feet away, there was an open door. Completely open. Just a few seconds of flying time could get it what it wanted - FREEDOM!

    The fly did not even try to look for that door. Just a shift in thoughts could have easily given our friend the freedom it so badly desired.

    When I read this story, it really struck me hard....

    MOST Internet marketers are like that fly. They will keep hitting against the window, but never try to look for the door

    And sadly, they will never achieve the freedom that they want. They will never be able to become a part of the elite Internet marketing group and enjoy their beautiful lifestyle. They will never be able to travel the world or quit their jobs.

    They will be stuck in the rat-race...

    But why won't most people succeed? Because they won't do the things that successful people do. They just won't think the way achievers think.

    Let us spend some time and "think" about what we are doing. Let us find out ways to improve how we do things. Let us try and find out easier way of working. Let us work smarter.

    One hour of thinking can save us weeks of unnecessary work.


    Yes, but just remember my take is that there is sometimes a different outcome to a similar Story as this :

    There is the Fly who kept beating his head against the Window seeing all the other little happy flies outside enjoying their Freedom. He is so frustrated because the harder he hits the Window and the harder he tries , luck just does not prevail in his favor.
    The Window is just insurmountable !!

    But then something incredible happens. All of the sudden this purdy, beautiful Fly inexplicable just appears inside the enclosed Window. She captivates the Fly and he cannot figure out how in the World this delightful young Fly made her way into this enclosed area.

    Well, soon he doesn't really care as he gets to know this pretty beautiful Fly. Her name is Leila and he soon forgets he is enclosed in this Window area as his mind, soul and body is totally captivated and consumed by this beautiful Fly. He even sees the Path to the outside but his Love for the purdy fly makes his wings flap so hard he feels as though he is in Heaven and has not even the slightest inclination to join the other Flies outside the Window.

    Before he knows it, he and this beautiful Fly really get to know each other and one day these little itsy bitsy flies appear as a result They are such a Joy to the new proud Mama and Papa Flies.

    And the Fly sits back one day overlooking his proud little family and catches a glimpse of the so called "freedom " Flies out and about buzzing outside the enclosed window.
    At that exact moment He notices one of these "freedom " flies gets devoured by a big, ghastly Bird.

    The Fly ponders for a second and says to himself , 'Uhmmmm..... maybe those Flies flying outside the enclosed Window do have Freedom. But being here with my beautiful Family inside the safe confines of this enclosed Window to me is Freedom. Freedom from unknown dangers, conflict..etc..etc , as well as having predictability and consistentcy which my beautiful Family demands. This is what gives me the most Peace of Mind " .

    And what he has done with his Family and being the best papa and hubbie Fly is a true SUCCESS to him and those around him !!

    Moral of the Story ..............Its NOT necessarily about Freedom that matters in Life. It is about the Enrichment and Fulfillment that one finds in his own Pursuits in Life. What Freedom means to you may NOT mean Freedom for someone else. What Success means to you may not mean Success for someone else !!

    Bottom Line is that both Freedom and Success are a State of Mind more than anything else .

    Let us not forget this.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Originally Posted by wingsofsuccess View Post

    Long time ago I read a beautiful story of a fly in a room...
    lol ... flys are disgusting. Maybe a butterfly in the room would get more sympathy.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Riddle
      LOL OK Butterflys

      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      lol ... flys are disgusting. Maybe a butterfly in the room would get more sympathy.
      Today isn't Yesterday, - Products are everywhere if your eyes are Tuned!
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    • Profile picture of the author Tamer
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      lol ... flys are disgusting. Maybe a butterfly in the room would get more sympathy.

      I was thinking the same...
      But then, it's just a story the "moral" is what it matters.

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  • Profile picture of the author tommygadget
    I came in and saw those flies. I took out my handy fly-swatter and put them out of their misery. Moral of the story? Don't be a fly. Be the human with the fly-swatter instead.

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  • Profile picture of the author wingsofsuccess
    I am working on a video on this fly story

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Riddle

    Yes the Moral of the story is the main point.

    There are reasons why stories like these are told using flies, bugs worms and mice.

    If someone rejects the concept because of the focus of the story is something that's not cute and cuddly, the moral would do them no good.

    Life is all about learning from the environment of things that are not pleasant.

    The two major reasons stories are rejected are Pride and Jealousy.

    Pride sometimes shows up as, "a fly is so small and insignificant how could anything with a fly benefit ME?"

    A similar set of stories are told with Kings, Fame and The Wealthy

    Jealousy might show as a conflict when a story is told from the perspective of "My Last Paycheck was more than the average family will make in a Dozen years"

    Iconic stories use both of these as the basics of the story to reach people who have dealt with these primal objectives.

    There's more to it then this, that's the thumbnail sketch

    Mark Riddle
    Today isn't Yesterday, - Products are everywhere if your eyes are Tuned!
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    • Profile picture of the author wingsofsuccess
      Really well said, mark. Couldn't agree with you more!
      People often miss the point, don't they?

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