First $44 in Amazon Sales!
I've been providing services for years, but only recently have decided to start an Amazon affiliate website.
A lot of my clients have been hit hard with Google's updates and, learning from them, I'm glad I started now and not a year ago.
I built a review site for a niche product about a month ago and haven't done any article marketing, but did put it up on a few directories with Directory Mazimizer. I've targeted a few keywords and made sure to provide helpful authoritative content in addition to the reviews to make it more of an authority site.
Anyway, I have slowly been getting around 10-20 targeted visitors a day but have only had about 84 clicks this month. Anyway, I was thinking perhaps I should stick to my services but I've logged in to Amazon today and see I've made $44.82 in shipped sales (4). I'm still down on my investment with content but it's great to see for myself that making money with Amazon affiliate marketing is still a possibility.
Now to improve my click through and conversion rate, step up my marketing - and rinse and repeat with other sites.
Thanks to all the Warriors who have helped by answering my Amazon affiliate questions and by providing helpful information on this forum.
Btw: Many people are worried about Google, but if you have been marketing your website the way it's been recommended for years (quality over quantity) then nothing has really changed - if anything it's gotten easier.
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