Developing WSO Title Wisely... Post TIPS!

20 replies
So I am just looking at the WSO section of the Warrior Forum and instead of looking at the amount of views/replies or credibility, I am simply looking at the title that really pops and provokes me in to wanting to click on the thread.

Anyone that is experienced and has seen results with many different angles of WSO titles -

What would be good tips in attracting people to your offer over others in terms of the title?
#developing #post #tips #title #wisely #wso
  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Honestly, I think if you are relying on getting cold traffic from the forum looking at your offers, you won't have an overly successful WSO.

    Your time is much better spent finding and attracting affiliates to promote your offer. In those instances the thread title does not matter at all.
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    • Profile picture of the author TheSecretsOfSEO
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      Honestly, I think if you are relying on getting cold traffic from the forum looking at your offers, you won't have an overly successful WSO.

      Your time is much better spent finding and attracting affiliates to promote your offer. In those instances the thread title does not matter at all.
      True but I disagree towards the fact of whether the WSO title matters or not because I definitely have experienced seeing people being provoked in to pressing threads just because of uniqueness such as them having special words in them like "Guaranteed" or "Free" or just them simply being *Bold* - These factors do determine the outcome. The content of the thread does matter but who would bother reading that if the thread title isn't something that either doesn't catch their eyes or isn't good enough compared to another thread that is competing with your offer in the same field.
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      • Profile picture of the author WillR
        Originally Posted by Dubbiet View Post

        I definitely have experienced seeing people being provoked in to pressing threads
        Can I ask how you saw this? How have you been able to watch people clicking threads?

        Originally Posted by Dubbiet View Post

        just them simply being *Bold*
        You cannot bold words in a WSO thread title. It will appear bold to the user who has not clicked on it, as soon as they have clicked on that thread it will no longer be bold.

        Originally Posted by Dubbiet View Post

        These factors do determine the outcome.
        I didn't say they didn't matter. Ofcourse, it's just like any other text add or link. Different words will have different results. What I did say was the amount of cold traffic that turns into buyers can and should be insignificant when compared to the amount of traffic and sales you are getting from affiliates. So I really wouldn't spend too much time on this point. Affiliates should be your main concentration.

        I also would not bother worrying about this unless you have some way to accurately split test different thread titles. In the WF it's very hard to do a proper split test because of the way things are setup. Simply changing your title and saying, "cool I got an extra 4 sales today, this one must work better" is not the way to do effective marketing. There are far too many variables at play for you to test thread titles unless you are sending the same traffic at the same time and splitting the traffic between those 2 thread titles which you just can't do in this forum. So I recommend you don't waste time on things you have no control over.

        People here can tell you what they think has worked well for them, even I could. But the reality is unless any of them have done a PROPER and ACCURATE split test (which is basically impossible in this forum) then it's all here say and doesn't really mean a thing.

        Just saying...
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        • Profile picture of the author TheSecretsOfSEO
          Originally Posted by WillR View Post

          I didn't say they didn't matter. Ofcourse, it's just like any other text add or link. Different words will have different results. What I did say was the amount of cold traffic that turns into buyers can and should be insignificant when compared to the amount of traffic and sales you are getting from affiliates. So I really wouldn't spend too much time on this point. Affiliates should be your main concentration.

          I also would not bother worrying about this unless you have some way to accurately split test different thread titles. In the WF it's very hard to do a proper split test because of the way things are setup. Simply changing your title and saying, "cool I got an extra 4 sales today, this one must work better" is not the way to do effective marketing. There are far too many variables at play for you to test thread titles unless you are sending the same traffic at the same time and splitting the traffic between those 2 thread titles which you just can't do in this forum. So I recommend you don't waste time on things you have no control over.

          People here can tell you what they think has worked well for them, even I could. But the reality is unless any of them have done a PROPER and ACCURATE split test (which is basically impossible in this forum) then it's all here say and doesn't really mean a thing.

          Just saying...
          Fair enough, seems like you know what you're talking about, considering you are an experienced user.
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    • Profile picture of the author impulse
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      Honestly, I think if you are relying on getting cold traffic from the forum looking at your offers, you won't have an overly successful WSO.

      Your time is much better spent finding and attracting affiliates to promote your offer. In those instances the thread title does not matter at all.

      I'm going to have to agree with WillR on this one. You should try to build your WSO through affiliates and good reviews.
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      • Profile picture of the author Sam Fitz
        Excellent advice from WillR and RockingLastsForever.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Just make sure your thread title is accurate and not too hypey.

    It's great to get people clicking on your thread title but if it's just way over hyped and doesn't relate closely to what they see in your thread, it won't work very well either. The message needs to be congruent.

    Sometimes I have used things such as 'WSO of the Day' in my titles, if you have won it ofcourse. Other times I have used the amount of copies sold in the thread title. These sorts of things add to the social proof of your offer. Other things you might want to do are having some type of urgency or scarcity such as 'closing in x hours' or 'discount only for x hours'.

    Once again, this is all just speculation from me as I have never done any actual split testing of thread titles so I can't say those things do help conversions. Just telling you things I have used.

    Basically I would treat my thread title much like the headline on a squeeze page. Just give people the benefit. Use figures if they apply. Use curiosity if you can. Things like that.
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    • Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      Just make sure your thread title is accurate and not too hypey.

      It's great to get people clicking on your thread title but if it's just way over hyped and doesn't relate closely to what they see in your thread, it won't work very well either. The message needs to be congruent.

      Sometimes I have used things such as 'WSO of the Day' in my titles, if you have won it ofcourse. Other times I have used the amount of copies sold in the thread title. These sorts of things add to the social proof of your offer. Other things you might want to do are having some type of urgency or scarcity such as 'closing in x hours' or 'discount only for x hours'.

      Once again, this is all just speculation from me as I have never done any actual split testing of thread titles so I can't say those things do help conversions. Just telling you things I have used.

      Basically I would treat my thread title much like the headline on a squeeze page. Just give people the benefit. Use figures if they apply. Use curiosity if you can. Things like that.
      Here's one for ya. What about someone who posts his services on the WSO Section and Sites for Sale section. What if affiliates diminish the returns too much, so that's out of the question, and all you've got to work with is a catchy title, signature and other methods of promotion (solo ads, warrior banner ad etc..).

      Elaborate on more methods if you have them

      I'm not debating or questioning your tips for writing a title, but rather asking what if you can't use affiliates

      - J
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      • Profile picture of the author WillR
        Originally Posted by Jason Perez O'Connor View Post

        Here's one for ya. What about someone who posts his services on the WSO Section and Sites for Sale section. What if affiliates diminish the returns too much, so that's out of the question, and all you've got to work with is a catchy title, signature and other methods of promotion (solo ads, warrior banner ad etc..).

        Elaborate on more methods if you have them

        I'm not debating or questioning your tips for writing a title, but rather asking what if you can't use affiliates

        - J
        If I were offering services, again, I wouldn't probably rely too much on the thread title. Just list exactly what it is you offer and your unique selling point -- it might be price, it might be something else.

        There are so many people offering services in the Warrior for Hire thread that if you relied on foot traffic alone, you probably wouldn't do overly well.

        I would instead suggest you link to your service in your signature and then I would spend a little time each day answering posts around the forum that are directly or closely related to the service you offer. That way people can see you know what you are talking about and will naturally be curious to check out the service you offer in your signature.
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  • Profile picture of the author Evocess
    What a great explanation by Will.
    It is true that having a compelling sales thread title makes more engaging to the people.
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  • Profile picture of the author RusselRoy
    Just a tip, I actually use Amazon to search for different, interesting, unique, eye-catching titles, and I'm constantly amazed at what I find there.

    Here's how:

    Just go through books in your niche (business, email marketing, MMO) and read through the titles of the four or five star reviews. A lot of them are similar, generic, but if you do some digging you can find absolute gold there.
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  • Profile picture of the author lucidbs
    That again is the old copywriting AIDA on the main headline of your WSO. I tend to agree that having a eye catching wso in title helps a bit but having a home run wso needs affiliates with 100% commission in the front end to get some buzz from the community.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve Wells
      Originally Posted by lucidbs View Post

      That again is the old copywriting AIDA on the main headline of your WSO. I tend to agree that having a eye catching wso in title helps a bit but having a home run wso needs affiliates with 100% commission in the front end to get some buzz from the community.
      100% commission

      ARRGHHHHH :rolleyes:
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      • Profile picture of the author JensSteyaert
        A good title is worth thinking about, as it might bring in some more sales, but as said before, if you have lots of affiliates promoting your product, that might be the key for a successful Wso. I'll also launch my first Wso soon and i think i'll just give out some copies for having good reviews.
        being Wso of the day would also help i think
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  • Profile picture of the author rmolina88
    I'm gonna be releasing my first WSO pretty soon and one pattern I noticed on the WSO Forum is putting [RAVE REVIEWS] or something like that in the title.

    I'm currently handing out review copies of my upcoming WSO in the "Warriors Looking To Hire You" forum, so get some good reviews first before you release it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brandon Tanner
    Originally Posted by Dubbiet View Post

    What would be good tips in attracting people to your offer over others in terms of the title?
    You're asking the wrong question. The days where you could get more than a few sales from those just randomly browsing the WSO section ended years ago. You're lucky if your listing stays on the first page for more than 4-6 hours these days.

    Virtually all of the traffic in the WSO section comes from email blasts (from product owners and affiliates) to specific offers in that section.

    So work on building a list and recruiting affiliates, and if you have a quality product with solid copy that converts well.... your thread title won't matter one bit. Case in point... I seem to recall a WSO a while back that had a 1 word thread title like "YOU" (or something very similar, I don't recall exactly)... and it went on to become WSO of the Day.

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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    As others have said your headline matters much less than you think it should. Despite usually being anywhere from 5,000 to 10,000 people browsing the WSO section at one time the amount of organic sales you'll receive are next to none. It all comes from affiliates sending your offer to their lists.

    Focus on building up your own list and relationships with affiliates and eventually you'll be able to get the bigger sales as more affiliates promote your product. It will take time though because you'll not have the big list to begin with and be unknown to most affiliates.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheSecretsOfSEO
    I'll have to agree, creating a WSO and even maintaining that WSO on the first page is quite resistant towards the idea of having a great WSO title in order to scrape some sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author lysrim
    I don't know what contributes a good title, but excessively long titles, sales page, repeating and exaggerating words, phrases and the reluctance in telling me what the product is really about, usually make me press the back button in under 10 seconds.
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  • Profile picture of the author IAmPaulJames
    To me good titles address a common frustration and then offer up a solution which would hint at what the WSO is going to be about.
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