What keeps you going?

9 replies
We most certainly not always succeed at once with the things we are doing. Success can be something that often seems very far away.

So I want to know what keeps you going? What is your "trigger" not to give up and how do you maintain that kind of mindset?
#affiliate #marketing #mindset #online
  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Go sit in peak hour traffic for an hour or two.

    Then come back and post your findings

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  • Profile picture of the author RenaissanceMan
    The freedom to enjoy life..family... freedom to do whatever I want whenever I want.. freedom to put my mind to do whatever I want without anyone telling me what I can and cannot do.. The freedom to wake up and go buy a BMW, travel to Vegas, or go to Brazil (my wife's homeland).. really too much to name..

    No matter how bad of a day I have here, I know it doesn't compare to what else is out there waiting for me..

    Practically 95% of the people I see on a daily basis are in the 9-5 grind and they repeatedly tell me how "lucky" I am.

    I've been doing this over 6 years now and while working at home can be a lonely job, the perks definitely outweigh working in the corporate world.

    Enjoy life!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    I'm already doing what I love so I'll answer in a more literal sense. Peanut butter and bananas. It's almost exclusively what I eat while working. Just the proper blend of protein and carbs for writing.
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  • Profile picture of the author davegarcia939
    My dreams make me keep going.

    and I think the thread should be here Mind Warriors - Success, Power, Self-Improvement
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  • Profile picture of the author kenzo22
    Small successes help me with keeping my motivation. When I have something big to do, I divide it into several easily achievable steps. Luckily, even if i fail, it gives me a huge boost of motivation

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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    I live to travel. This keeps me motivated.
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  • Profile picture of the author jason1985
    what keeps me going is knowing that I want my freedom badly, that I keep calling in sick just to avoid going to work.

    seeing that my jobs paycheck is random, and just not enough. Also When I look at how much i learned since I 1st started, Theres no way im turning back now.

    With the benifits of being successful in this vs me working for IT in the Corperate world. I would have to go back to college to get BA, I have Assiates equivilent. but I basically got dismessed because I just wasnt getting it, nore was I intrested anymore.

    Being your own boss with out bricks and employees is right up my ally. I get to make the money I WANT to make. I will have NO cap. Not have to ask for vacations. at 1st it was just the money, but now its mostly the freedom. THANK GOODNESS for the internet and affiliate links. because if I was this age, in the 90s i would be in some hard times working maybe multiple jobs or some corprate job that would of drove me crazy.

    Also the fact that internet marketing isnt main stream like college is and the rest, and also that most people have a traditional sense of making a living, this IM stuff wont be saturated for a looonnggg time. This is REAL security for me.
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