Can you recommend a Hosting Reseller that provides support direct to customers

by ed22
7 replies
In other words, all of my customers would get in touch with the hosting company rather than through my company?

#customers #direct #hosting #recommend #reseller #support
  • Profile picture of the author Kingfish85
    Originally Posted by ed22 View Post

    In other words, all of my customers would get in touch with the hosting company rather than through my company?

    Then why offer hosting? There aren't many that offer end user support & I personally wouldn't want someone else directly interacting with my customers. You'll end up getting tons of one-line responses like "we're working on that", "let me check that", "I'll escalate this ticket" etc etc.

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  • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
    Sounds like you would be better off becoming an affiliate for a good hosting company.

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  • Profile picture of the author +newportone
    Host Gator is pretty good at that
    12 years with HG and never ever any problem
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    • Profile picture of the author Kingfish85
      Originally Posted by +newportone View Post

      Host Gator is pretty good at that
      12 years with HG and never ever any problem
      They do not provide end user support. Geez, please read the op's request and know the answer before just blurting out something.

      Op - as Troy Phillips said, you'd be better off as an affiliate.

      |~| VeeroTech Hosting - sales @
      |~| High Performance CloudLinux & LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting
      |~| cPanel & WHM - Softaculous - Website Builder - R1Soft - SpamExperts
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    • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
      Originally Posted by +newportone View Post

      Host Gator is pretty good at that
      12 years with HG and never ever any problem
      If I am not mistaken HG uses lifetime cookies. Nothing like warming up a prospect and someone else getting the money.

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      • Profile picture of the author ed22
        Thanks for the response guys. I'm clear about what I need for my business; I just don't want lots of tech questions coming in.... looks good so far.
        “If you don’t know what port you are sailing to, no wind is favourable” Seneca 4BC-AD65, Roman philosopher and poet
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      • Profile picture of the author WillR
        Originally Posted by Troy_Phillips View Post

        If I am not mistaken HG uses lifetime cookies. Nothing like warming up a prospect and someone else getting the money.
        Perhaps you don't know how cookies work?

        If they use lifetime cookies and Joe Smith sends them to his affiliate link, they would be cookied for life with his affiliate id. But if that person then comes to my website the next day and clicks on my affiliate link, they are now cookied for life with my affiliate id.

        Lifetime cookies doesn't mean the first affiliate to refer someone gets that cookie for life. It simply means the cookie from the last affiliate you clicked on will remain for life unless you click on a new affiliate in which case it would change to their affiliate id, and so on and so on.
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